Mercy Mains | 10 Hard To Swallow Pills 💊

If you are standing still for 2 seconds while using res, then you aren’t doing it right. There are multiple ways to get off a safe res and still be able to get away from the enemy. In fact Res is even more rewarding now because you have to be VERY selective on if it’s worth using and if you can get it off successfully. And what exactly is wrong with her ult? The timing has already been nerfed before, and it is also very easy to die in it:
-High Noon
-Chain Hook
-Any consistent damage no matter how small (D.Va cannons from across the map) will keep her from regenerating health
-Bio-nade stops her healing, and regen if she is hit
-Can still be one to two shot by Widow
-Can currently still be sucked into Rein charges
-Can be slept
-Can be hit by Earthshatter if too low
-Can be hacked to not be able to res while in Valk
-Ult lasts the same amount of time as Supercharger
Valk is actually decently balanced since there is plenty of counter play

Their analogy holds true. They did change the flavor. It is not like they changed chocolate chip into mint chocolate chip; however, there are different types of chocolate chip ice cream. Mercy was objectively changed. There is no debating that. They gutted her ult, slapped it as an ability, gave her a new ability, and tweaked her 14 or so times. That ice cream ain’t the same, fam.


It honestly feels like a space filler, just like #10.
While its not ok to misgender people and its common for players to think only females play Mercy this is not something specific to Mercy, or Mercy mains in general.


People call the players by the gender of their characters. I get called she a lot. It doesn’t really matter to me. But honestly, I really don’t want to start a fight or be rude and anything. I want Mercy to be fun and all, but is creating multiple threads about reverting her the good way to go about this? She was fun (from what I understand, I never played non-Valk Mercy) and this rework was forced. Instead of focusing mainly on reverting her (which I have concluded will likely not happen, even if I’m completely OK with this and more), why can’t we just leave her like this and when her pickrate drops more, the Devs will notice and they’ll buff her, kinda like Ana. Your trust in the Devs has dropped (perfectly understandable) but it shouldn’t mean that you have to produce so much topics about her. It’s only hurting Mercy more, more forum goers will hate her, the Devs will ignore the posts and nothing will happen.


Gotta ask; how did you as a bastion main feel about the fall-off buff? Or the spread buff to recon?

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Sorry, I can’t swallow cyanide pills anyway.

I think it’s funny that people complain about how OP Mercy’s Mass Rez was because of the whole “hide and Rez” fiasco despite Reaper, McCree, Soldier: 76, and a whole lot of other heroes have ultimates that benefit greatly from coming from a hiding spot.

Oh, right. They’re DPS characters, and as we know, Blizzard must obey the wills of DPS mains because of their fragile little egos.


I only disagree with this one

idc who/what you are, I’ll refer to you with the gender pronoun of the hero you play

basically no matter what


Nah. That is a misconception. I have been called a “she” when playing Mercy once, and if you know how little I play her, that was either extremely well timed, or people just happen to do it all the time. 100 hours on Widow, would you like to wager a guess as to how many times I was referred to as a female? None. I am the furthest thing from a social justice warrior, but that is some blatant sexism. True dat. :face_with_monocle:

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Nice Strawman. Well done.

Let’s not forget the part where her ult that they gutted was not gutted, let’s not forget when she could still pull off 3-man rezzes. Let’s not forget when the easiest character in the game was the most powerful.

This is why when she was toned down people started saying she was useless. It’s like they disabled aimbot for someone who never could really aim,of course they will blow it out of proportion. Mercy is not useless and her ult isn’t useless either. People complained about her ult, they’re buffing it and people are still complaining. Then they ask why they avoid them… I wonder why…


Or the turret spread nerf? Or the headshot nerf?

Bastion has had his uses, including that 3 day period where he was actually viable outside of Junkertown. But Mercy has been consisntently WAY better off than Bastion ever was.

I’m not a Bastion Main, he is one of my least played heroes. But I’ll still answer to the best of my ability.

The fall-off buff was only for sentry mode, and sentry modes problem is its terrible accuracy. The fall-off buff didn’t change much because Bastion is still terrible at longer ranges thanks to his inaccuracy.

As for the recon changes a long time ago, Bastion has a massive hit box, so most of the time recon mode isn’t the best. For every second you’re in recon mode, you are playing a worse Soldier: 76.

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Being vitriolic towards a specific subset of players isn’t gonna be conducive towards your side of the argument. These DPS ults are inherently incomparable anyway


I ran out of likes. have my metaphorical “:heart:”

I think thats alright for most people at least I dont have a problem with that. Plus my gamertag is a female name just as well so… yeah no worries. :slight_smile:




I’m quite familiar with the ways of trying to rez without dying. From my experience, they involve either doing it around a corner, waiting for the enemy to be distracted and spinning round and round, or getting a shield. At the end of the day, you’re still standing still, possibly spinning like a top.

I’m not sure how it’s selective on if it’s worth using, though. If you can get a rez off, there are very few circumstances where you wouldn’t, unless someone would die from lack of healing. The only calculation real challenge is determining if you won’t die.

As for Valk, seriously? You list bio-nade, sleep, earthshatter, and charge? These are all very easily avoided, or at least unlikely to work. The only real counters are high noon and tac-visor, which can be avoided by staying close to a wall. I’m confused why you list consistent damage, though. As far as I know, Valk removes that limitation. She’d be very easy to kill if it didn’t. I realize Valk is pretty balanced, it just doesn’t feel impactful and it doesn’t even matter who you’re healing.


Roadhog mains would like to have a word with you.

Bastion mains would like to have a word with you.

Sombra mains after the LoS check nerf w-


Ya i hear ya, totally because DPS mains are our overlords. Totally not because those ultimates are counterable besides “just kill the Pharah” “just spawncamp the Reaper in 2CP”

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