Mercy lore-accurate rework

So in case you weren’t already aware, in Mercy’s Valkyrie and Sigrún skins, she has both a sword and a dagger on her back so I propose a brand-spanking new Valkyrie ult rework.

Valkyrie 2.0

Upon activating her ultimate ability, Mercy unsheathes her blades and exposes her true intent as a Valkyrie, to guide warriors to Valhalla, she receives damage reduction, increased passive regeneration and free-flight. Guardian Angel now targets enemies as oppose to allies. With her sword in her right hand and the dagger in her left, Mercy can choose between alternating attacks:

- Attacks with the left mouse button engage Mercy's dagger and performs a fast, short range stab attack

Damage per hit - 60
Potential Attack speed - 1 attack per 0.5s

-Attacks with the right mouse button engages Mercy’s sword and performs a large, sweeping attack that may hit multiple enemies

Damage per hit - 150
Potential Attack Speed - 1 attack per 1.1s

Damage Reduction - 45%
Passive Regeneration - 60 healing per second
Duration - 15s
Also I guess let her heal her team or something idk

I think this does a decent job of maintaining Mercy’s identity as a Valkyrie and also makes her completely broken enough so I personally can ruin everyone else’s fun while playing her because everyone seems to think that is my intent anyway, may as well solidify that. Thank you for reading my proposed Valkyrie rework, I am open to suggestions, I just wont listen to them :blush:

I s2g if anyone dares think I’m serious here then so help me
APPARENTLY, some people are missing the mark that this is a joke. I really didn’t think I had to be that clear about it but the forums prove me wrong once again


I think a melee version of Mercy during Valk could be fun. Although I would choose spears instead of swords.

A Scythe could be fun too, but might not be right from a thematic point of view.


Or throwable spears so you can rain spears into the enemies during Valk.

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Holy… there’s actually already concept art. I’m glad Blizzard are taking my suggestions into consideration

I think this is cool but defeats the point of her being a pure support.

It goes against her lore of being a pacifist and her core game design which is to just heal. Making an ultimate that is Lore accurate to 2 skins is questionable.

All I’m saying is, remember when they promoted Battle Mercys in the dev update video for the rework? This is just Battle Mercy but on a much more grand and way more fun scale

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Okay then, where is the supportive aspect of her kit for non battle mercy players? I don’t find that playstyle fun at all for Mercy.

(I do Remeber when Valkyrie got its damaged increase removed because nano boosting mercy would team kill which was cool)

Well one of my suggestions in the rework included “Also I guess let her heal her team or something idk” which I think is a pretty awesome idea for the Support Mercy players out there, they’re pretty infrequent nowadays but I know they’re out there

Which sucks cause that’s how Mercy is meant to be played, supportive. I guess we all have our own ways of ‘supporting’ the team…

Well, they could make something that seems like a damage ability, but it heals.

For instance, throwing her staff as a spear through an enemy, deals no damages, but causes an AOE burst heal.

That’s still against her design. She doesn’t do damage or throw spears or unleash swords.

She heals not damage, this idea is counter intuitive to how mercy was designed and meant to be played and promotes playing mercy in a bad way.

I get the feeling this comes from a place of someone doesn’t enjoy Valkyrie and isn’t happy that mercy got her heals nerfed, so they’ll just do damage instead because it’s a more fun idea than actually doing mercy job (I could be assuming too much and if im wrong I apologise)

Sorry to be a kill joy but there are how many dps that do that job already and other supports… don’t ruin the support lineup because you don’t like supporting your team as mercy anymore.

I’m just annoyed because the devs have gone out of their way on multiple occasions to promote Battle Mercy and now whenever I feel like the healing just isn’t cutting it, which is a lot of the time, and decided to do this thing they’re promoting, I get flamed and reported. And so I decided to make a joke thread about it

Actually the main reason I mention damage is because it’s something they could add that makes a character more fun. Without making them significantly more powerful.
It also doesn’t require the devs to remove or nerf any design features.

I understand the want to have Mercy be a lot stronger with her healing and possibly damage prevention. But not sure if devs are up for that.

Seems like a lot of Mercy’s power currently is “diluted”. And a lot of what Mercy players seem to want is to have it be more “concentrated”.

So you want to give her Dragonblade, free flight, and a long range nearly instant dash but without a need for reset?

Just go play Genji. She’s a support.

Issa joke, my friend :blush:

Jokes are funny.

Jokes have setup.

Jokes have a punchline.

You can’t use “it’s just a joke bro” as a scapegoat for something terrible.


It’s not a scapegoat. From the very beginning I set out with the purpose of making this thread as a lighthearted joke/what if kind of scenario. I might go back and edit that in but I thought it was pretty clear tbh

I think they meant to have promoted it to be a quick solution to finishing off low targets not all out I give up on healing so I’ll do this. There is a degree of common sense and taking it too literal.

Mercy power is diluted due to one thing resurrect. On cooldown it causes drawbacks on mercy such as self stuns and making Valkyrie feel clunky and meh. As an ultimate Resurrect was where all mercy power lied and that’s why she didn’t have an E ability.

It’s not because she’s bad at healing or anything it’s Rez that makes her feel unfun and useless.

Also damage is against Mercy DESIGN! She is a pure healer not a damage dealer, you would loose her identity as a support allowing her to just damage using her ultimate. It contradicts what she does and her design.

It also promotes a poor playstyle for a support hero like Mercy especially when she’s purely support outside this ‘Valkyrie’ it would be heal then No healing while she is in Valkyrie for 15 seconds. She’s a main healer a dps ultimate like that does not belong on a healing focused support like her. (Moira has dps but it’s low and Ana ultimate doesn’t dps)

I mean…that does sound pretty cooool…


An offensive ult for a support hero? I mean, killing the enemy team is theoretically “supporting” them, but…

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