Mercy - Jack of all trades, master of them all?

To be honest I think it would be more sensible to nerf her self regen rather than her GA - it would still make her easier to kill without sacrificing an ability considered to be the most fun aspect of the character. For those who play her GA is where we show true skill, and it would be a harsh blow on many levels for that to be reduced.

Two things:

  1. Everyone (save maybe Tracer) is helpless when they have 6 players trying to kill them
    2.If or Mercy are the last ones to die, something went very wrong. Both are high priority targets in a teamfight.
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“Mercy - Jack of all trades, Master of them all?”

That’s a Really Wₑᵢᵣd way to spell Hanzo…




I agree with this post. But it’s not Mercy or Dva’s fault if they die last. That is on the enemy team. Neither Dva nor Mercy should be punished for the enemy team’s negligence.


I… Can’t argue with that.

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You have no idea how hard it is to find a pic of a bunny snickering…

And also, everyone - please can we all get back on the original topic? I put in a lot of effort on that, you have no idea how difficult it is to write with paws! :heart:


I agree with OPs statements, I’m excited to see Mercy get balanced and hope its soon.

Glad someone is hopeful, I’m sadly more skeptical - I fear we will have to suffer this until the point of no return, then comes the sledgehammer on some part of her that isn’t actually broken.

Rinse and repeat a few months later.


I agree, the GA was just a suggestion I don’t think it needs to be nerfed as it removes a fun part of her kit , Rez does need some changes to maybe a resource meter that mercy has to build up to use it or you know just make it an ultimate again but give it Los checks, no invulnerability, and a cast time.

I was just pointing out that it is very ignorant to say you’re helpless without your team because that’s almost never the case. Those two Heroes are the ones that get shot at first.
It’s also worth noting that Lucio’s shots only do 20 and his gun only fires 4 shots a second, he also is far from helpless; even when hacked. It really sucks, but I’m never helpless.

Yes, I think we should be more looking at those solutions. It can’t stay on E anyway, and honestly making it resource-based there probably won’t solve anything unless the charge is ridiculously high… at which point, why bother with it at all?

Mercy is pretty helpless without her team in terms of her mobility. It relies solely on them. And she may have a pea shooter, but other than killing the person, you don’t have any way to escape.

Once again though, not a Mercy problem if she dies last.

How is it not the healer’s fault if they die last? You do know the healers are the high priority target because they kinda prevent the whole dying thing from happening to their team. Tanks come after them because they prevent damage from getting where it needs to go.

I Sort of Agree… I think. o-o
(With the main Post, lol)

It’s complicated, and i’m dumb.

The main thing is, i DO Miss the old Mercy for more reasons that just mass rez.
Her playstyle changed drastically…

If Mercy is the only one left alive often enough that people feel her being alone is a valid point, then the person playing Mercy isn’t playing right.

Like I wrote many times before Mercys strongest ability is her rez and it should return to be her ultimate in some form again. Her base kit is amazing, fluid and well rounded and doesnt need any big changes to it.
The devs gave Mercy way to much mobility and a broken e-ability and those two things need to go. I want my old “easy” to play Mercy back with mindgames and strategy. Changing the ultimate to burst impact would be a good step into that direction.


I was thinking the same thing, if the resource meter is high then it’s basically an ultimate lmao. Valkyrie is much better then Mass Rez so I wouldn’t want to see it go, maybe she just needs a new E maybe a cleanse of some sorts.

While I appreciate your interest in that discussion, do you think you could just agree to disagree? Or make another thread about it? It would make me a happy bunny if we kept to discussing more of the original post. :slight_smile:

Pretty please?


I agree with all of your points, except this one.

Personally, I think giving Mercy burst healing would be even worse than res. Most namely because the core of why 1st gen Valkyrie was OP in the first place was in part, due to how hard she was to kill. This would essentially reintroduce that part of her back into the game. And we know how extremely PO’d everyone playing against her got, exclaiming how “hard she is to kill”.

Mass res could still work, it just needs to be balanced out, so I vouch for a revert with tweaks. Mass res, with the ability to be canceled, LOS, CC’d, built up over time (maybe she earns res charges through healing x amount), and maybe even given a slow OR a delay where mercy exclaims something and waits a few seconds, and then pulls off a huge res would allow more opportunities for players to act strategically in my opinion. This also would align with Blizzard’s design philosophy of not removing Mercy’s iconic res from the game. In theory, what you’ve mentioned is basically a glorified Lucio Ult with a fancy name. And in that case… Why not just pick Lucio then? Or vice versa? Lucio doesn’t need even more competition with having yet another “proactive healing ult”. Zen pretty much has that space cornered enough as is.

I personally think that letting her fly with Valk was horribly executed… They could have done a lot better with a simple E move that thrusts her upward (like pharah’s jump jets" with perhaps some invincibility frames, and put on cooldown. Allowing her to get to high ground easier for a quick escape, but not living in the skybox for 15 seconds…

Edit: Scratch that, we were talking about essentially the same thing. We are in agreement.