Mercy - Jack of all trades, master of them all?

I think she has too much strengths compared to the 2 other main healers, Moira has huge heals but lacks utility and has a resource meter to manage, Ana has a ton of utility and burst healing but lacks mobility, is shut down by shields, and self sustain. I feel like Mercy doesn’t really have any true weaknesses currently like Ana and Moira do.

Covering for a weakness through better gameplay does not render the weakness nonexistent.

Ana has an instant 100 HP AoE burst heal to draw upon in a pinch. Which is quicker? Healing 3 allies by 100 HP with Mercy’s beams, or healing that same number of allies by 100 HP with a Biotic Grenade?

Thus, limited distribution is a significant weakness Mercy has (in her base kit anyway, Valkyrie contradicts this), while it is not a significant weakness for Ana.

Every other healer (with the exception of Ana) can heal and damage enemies at the same time. Brigitte and Lucio have their auras, Zenyatta has Harmony Orb with fire-and-forget mechanics, Moira has her Biotic Orb which she can cast while also healing/damaging enemies.

Not necessarily, as no other support loses one of their survival tools while separated from their team.

  • Lucio still has wall-ride, his auras, his primary fire, Amp It Up, and Soundwave.
  • Ana still has Biotic Grenade, Sleep Dart, and her Biotic Rifle.
  • Brigitte… She’s almost a melee DPS anyway.
  • Moira still has Fade, her Biotic Orbs, and her primary fire (which still heals her).
  • Zenyatta still has Discord and an insane damage output (for a support, at least).
  • Mercy becomes a sitting duck with a pistol. She loses her mobility, which she heavily depends upon for survival.

Currently, she has too few weaknesses. My list here is more a what I think she should have rather than what she actually has. Ana is a special case though, I think most people would agree she has been cursed with too many weaknesses (Ana is my second main btw).

I think what Mercy needs is to become more specialized - she’s just too versatile and has a kit that keeps making up for any weaknesses.

*Edited because the first part sounded like the opposite


I mean this is what happens when you rush a rework, you get terrible results as expected.


I have 120 hours on Mercy. She was my main for the longest time.

Sometimes it seems like I don’t have as much fun playing her, anymore. That could be due to frustration with DPS failing at their jobs, or it could have something to do with her Ultimate change.

I’m glad to see Big Rez go away, because it felt bad to tell my team to go and die for the objective because my Ult was ready. It’s negative, and they always refused to do it.

But maybe the thrill of a Big Rez (even with just two or three) was a real big emotional reward. At least as long as they didn’t die immediately afterwards.

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But…pickrate and winrate!!!

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Yeah, I’m banning that kind of discussion here - I want to talk about concept first and foremost. :wink:

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She fires 5 massive projectiles with headshot bias a second for 20 each, 40 if the TV size projectiles crit. She’s far from a sitting duck. It’s just that Mercy players act like they can’t aim.

I always saw it as a backup, not so much of requiring your teammates to fail but more so picking them up when they are down. You basically being there at their worst so you can make it their best.

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Now now, the gun isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just the only offensive part of her kit. There’s a reason a Mercy that kills someone says “You might not want to tell your friends about that!”. :wink:


Considering her pathetic offensive capacity, I disagree.


Rez on E. I wouldn’t say it is the best, but it certainly encroaches on the turf of other healers, considering she has some of the best mobility and the best healing in the game as well.

I find this a lot more funny than I should. “Best rez”… It’s the only rez in the game.

You’re not wrong.


She does 2 more damage a second than Baby D.Va, who doesn’t seem to have a problem getting picks despite having 50 less HP.

If baby is getting picks that probably says something bad about your team.

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I think you would find most D.VA players say “Every second spent without the mech is wasted - either get it back immediately or die”, which I interpret as them saying the damage is negligible. Mercy also has an average of 400 dmg/game, so I don’t think it’s a very powerful offense ability. But this is a digression.

baby dva has a faster fire rate, she doesn’t get picks often at all, and has a smaller hitbox. And to top it off most of the time there is a Mercy or a healer healing/pocketing said baby dva.

You realise you don’t pick baby D.VA but an entire D.VA that eventually becomes baby

I think it fits right in considering the things Blizzard wanted for Mercy with the rework were things she already had before it (healing and mobility), and whatever they did to her is part of why we have this mess now (other supports need help though). Although they seem to refuse to acknowledge this overload with their comments regarding her — like her pickrate and win rate being fine. Other than a slight adjustment to her mobility, Mercy’s overall kit was fine before the rework. As yes, that includes her bursty ult.

My profile is private currently but my 2nd main is Ana as well(100 hours played on her, first main is Gengu) and I do think Ana has a bit to much weaknesses I’d like her to heal through barriers I think she should be the only support that should it would give her another niche.

Now about Mercy I agree that her kit needs to become more specialized but I’d tone down some things like a longer cd on Guardian Angel this would be a good change imo as she can get out of a bad postion quickly a higher cd would punish bad Mercies who have poor positioning. I’d also change her self healing to kick in after 2 seconds instead of 1 second it’s to forgiving currently and maybe tone down her Hps to 55 or 50. I think the issues lie in her main kit instead of only rez people forget she was buffed several times before the huge rework these buffs have caused a Powercreep, one or two of the changes I suggested could be enough fires 7 shots a second at 14 damage and Mercy fires 5 a second at 20, do the math.
No one seems to argue is totally helpless out of mech, so Mercy shouldn’t at all be considered helpless if she has better statistics.

uhhhhh, I’m pretty sure people do consider baby dva helpless if she’s alone