Mercy isn’t getting nerfed

I think they that cannot afford to consider almost any roadblocks to getting more Support players in Plat through Silver ELO.

Just hit it with chainsaws, sledgehammers and dynamite, get everything into the right ballpark. And then worry about the smaller details later.

This is Emergency Room surgery, not “We’ll get back to you in 5 months” while the playerbase dies from blood loss and an infection.

Whatever they do is going to piss people off in the short term, so they might as well actually fix the problem.

I think dps players mostly hate rez. I can’t imagine why a dps main would want damage boost removed. I can see non mercy support players wanting it removed but oddly enough I see them defend it too? It feels like upside down world to me :man_shrugging:t5:

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Mercy is the most support of the support role, and a lot of people are just tribal as hell.


I’m pretty sure Mercy main’s would cause a riot.

I always love when people scream how it was unfair that they lost a fight between Mercy and a pocket partner, not realizing they lost a 1v2 and that maybe that’s what should happen…


I hope you are right, but its probably best to not state it as a fact, when theres no way to know what changes if any are next for Mercy (or any character)

I prefer her as she is, even after the two recent small buffs

Rez hate flares up from time to time, but right now it’s mostly auxiliary to the damage boost hate.

DPS players largely don’t want to need a support to enable them. They want to be big tough lone wolves that go their own way (yet, ironically, they will cry for heals the moment they get a boo boo).

I think this is why you hear so many cries for everyone to have a passive healing ability.

DPS players also do not want to get beat by another DPS who has a Mercy. Because then they lost to a “skill-less pocket-bot”. They have a hard time getting it through their skull that if you go into a 1v2 you’re probably going to die.

But why get a teammate to make it a 2v2 when you should be able to just go in alone? You’re a big tough DPS that don’t need no support.


one of my friend is a mercy main doesn’t like the pocket playstyle, imagine having an ability where most people ask you to pay attention to them alone, I can totally see why some mercy players would want that rework into something else. They might be a vocal majority in game but vocal minority on the forum.

They took mass rez.

They can pry damage boost from my cold dead hand.


Well… The fact that 90% of them calls us ‘healers’ and straight up refuses to use the correct term pretty much proves that they want support to just heal them. Nothing more nothing less…

They want us standing right behind them saying ‘yes sir, I am healing you sir’… And that is it… It is not a game play I signed up for. I want buffs that I can put on my teammates. I want utility. I want to see a damage POTG, which I ENABLED. Either by blue beam, or by suzu saving said player from death and then giving them rush or with any ability that I have at my dsiposal to make THEM shine. Not just ‘oh i stand here and heal’.

After last ‘rework’ we got I do not trust them to do anything decent with her…


I mean what’s the alternative though? I’m starting to want Greyfalcon’s idea of giving all heroes an out of combat health regen. This frees supports to play the more shooter version of the game. But it feels some supports wouldn’t like this because it means they have to dps more to get value. And this puts mercy especially in a really awkward position if she has no damage boost.

I mean it’s not so much I hate losing to them. It’s just annoying for me when my mercy won’t pocket me. The usual argument goes something like me being an entitled dps player expecting support lol. But that’s just what being a good support teammate is imo. I can easily flip the argument and say supports who get flanked feel entitled to my peel.

Not sure how many dps players feel this way. I like the team aspect of OW which is why I like a mercy being with me. I like comboing abilities. If I wanted to be the lone wolf I’d just go play deathmatch (or be a widow main :wink: ) but I find both boring.

ok let’s be real many support mains want to be called healers too. There is a segment of support mains that just want to healbot and are perfectly ok with doing 9000hps and having fights late centuries lol.

I appreciate this level of honesty.

Pocketing for me good. Pocketing for enemy bad.


I literally said I don’t hate losing to them so it’s not that I think enemy pocket is bad lol. I don’t care if the other dps has a mercy pocket since I see it as teammates playing as a team. I don’t see why you would want to keep damage boost so much if you’re going to then shame dps players for wanting to be damage boosted? Feels like gaslighting tbh.

It’s good you want to be damage boosted. It shows the ability has value.

I think people just get mad when the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak.


I could see them doing something that would allow Mercy to give X amount of overhealth instead of damage boosting. Then again, damage boost is a pretty iconic ability for her so I don’t know. Maybe reduce the damage buff and make it so you can “overheal” your targets for a small increase of extra health.

Oh really is that why GOATs existed so long or 2-3 tanks have always been meta for picking in OW. Or that Rein and Ana pick rates in OW1 were stupid compared to other characters.

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I agree DMG boost just makes bad DPS better but to me the the thing they need to look at is her movement she is like a fighter jet if you know what you are doing

No, the argument is this is why you’re seeing so much Mercy frustration. Because it’s obvious when you’re playing into a pocket that one support’s job is much easier than another.

No, it’s all the time. The format isn’t just 5v5 sometimes. You typically need to get the tank involved to deal with 1 person shooting and another just standing around. How does this seem balanced to you?

The game has changed; that doesn’t mean it was ok in OW1 it means it was more difficult to notice and didn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

You take everything as if it was some black and white and then jump on points you poorly understand or take them out of context and then it’s like OOOHHH GOTCHA…

It’s such a disingenuous way of communicating.

You do know when you do this stuff, you’re making your argument look petty. Leave this sort of shaming behavior you’ve learned your entire life behind.

You’re also sitting on a hero that doesn’t need to engage the enemy bemoaning others inability to do so. You’re here This upset because you’re scared to death your hero might be modified to force you to do the same.

Every post, insult, passive aggressive. Trying to win arguments about balance by just shaming everyone off the forums. Just scorched earth make sure you insult and belittle anyone who dares suggest Mercy should need to provide her own value.

Again, passive aggressive and on top of that a nice Ad hominin. The way you communicate with people is just seething with it everytime. You just need to get your little jabs in.

Someone should have told you at some point in your life that insults and slights coming from someone you do not respect carry no weight.

You’re clearly worried your hero will be modified in a way that forces you to generate your own value instead of just hoping others do it for you.

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Sure. Never denied that…

But if I ask some damage player to not refer to me as ‘healer’ all hell breaks loose recently. That is pretty showing of what they expect IMO.

It is more pointing out hypocrisy in them…

They WANT to be POCKETED… But when I am on enemy team it is insults for me because I pocket someone who is hard carry…


I don’t know how many times it happened that my team complained I wasn’t pocketing the dps enough, while the enemy team wrote in chat that we only won because I was a boosted pocket. :joy: