You don’t need Mercy for Sojourn to be good. Kiriko/Sojourn make up ~50% of top 500. Mercy is tied for Lucio at like 18% usage. The meta from season 1 hasn’t changed much. Mostly the tank picks. It is still largely Lucio/Kiriko/Sojourn, but Mercy alt support pick is not bad either.
The 195 hs dmg on her ult is strong enough all you have to do is land the hs and spray for 5dmg. Or have someone else on your team do 5 dmg.
Mercy mainly helps Sojourn’s reliability in securing a kill. Both from not needing the follow-up dmg and spamming railgun finishers with less total charge needed. That is the main benefit. It so happens that with this being a pick meta, the rez is incredibly valuable in reversing picks that no other support can stop. With one less tank Zenyatta discord is not as valuable.
I think most can agree that with Mercy’s design she’s fine being under the radar viable and can get to top 500, but doesn’t need to be totally consistently meta. She can remain the worst support regularly and blizzard just has to only make sure not to release strong 1shot bordering mechanics. She has a fun playstyle and accessible for many. No need to ruin that like Doomfist, Sym, Orisa, and others.
It’s literally like a spoiled little child who complains about everything, even when the complaints completely contradict themselves.
The dinner is both too hot and too cold, too bland and too spicy.
The message I get is that they don’t want Mercy’s presence to matter. She should be inconsequential.
Which is one of the reasons I think they have such a hard time remembering that a Mercy with a beam connected to a teammate creates 1v2 scenario if you decide to attack on your own.
More like they’d lose more Tank/DPS players by not getting enough Support players to fix Matchmaking.
And the Tank/DPS and Support players that don’t want more Support players get the options of “Deal with it”, or “Quit”.
And that’s regardless if they are a Bronze player, or up to a popular Streamer or an OWL player. They can “Deal with it”, or “Quit”. Because they aren’t important enough to Blizzard’s business model for them to intentionally not fix Matchmaking.
Damage boosted ranged headshots are going to continue to be a problem, after they removed a ton of barriers from the game.
They might as well rip that bandaid off quickly, instead of do it agonizingly slow.
As we’ve seen with Mei complaints vs Widow complaints. People emotionally deal way better with Pain, then with Suffering.
They are going to need to get ranged burst damage in check, but just for high ELO reasons, but because it invalidates Healing, and forces lopsided needs for durability.
I always found it kinda funny how mercy players think they’re sticking it to dps players by fighting to keep damage boost. A damage boost makes our pew pew even easier lol.
While I think this would get the outcome of getting them to shut up, I feel on principle it’s wrong.
Ideally, every hero should be viable in high ranks. And arbitrarily putting “glass ceilings” on heroes just because certain people cannot accept their presence…well…that sounds very close to what happened when women were first let into the workplace.
The high ranking elitists need to get over themselves.
TC is the typical support player that gives supports a bad name. Selfish, self-centered, thinks they’re special because they play supports. Thinks the game should revolve around the role because “its the nice role”. A disgusting person, through and through.