So this is the new circle**** we’re tossing around?
That is factually true
She has utility, as to how ‘great’ it is that’s subjective (which you’ve banned from being a reason to say she’s viable btw)
This is irrelevant by your own admission
If Mercy had consistently high healing numbers, was consistently providing good utility and was consistently being a boon to your team, she should be played at extremely high levels in bronze
I would argue for my own sanity that she would have a near 100% pickrate in bronze, because at a base level you just do (or theoretically should) do more on Mercy than as Ana or Moira.
Look at the actual statistics. Bronze is the worst of the worst of the game, the people who theoretically have the worst mechanics and game sense. Ana is nearly picked as much as her, and so is Moira.
I am not saying this in a way that “I care so much about how she’s playing at other ranks,” this is evidence that what you’re saying is simply untrue. If she was consistent at healing, putting out “great” utility and having good mobility, why the hell is she not being picked more than one of the hardest heroes in the game?
Whatsmore your complete lack of regard for any other factor as to what makes a healer strong just proves you have no real insight into balance. Look at OWL. If a team needs 20k+ healing per match to perform well, why isn’t she being picked more? Because raw healing is almost irrelevant. Utility is more useful.
Why are we in a triple tank meta? Because Ana is suffocatingly stronger than Mercy and Moira. How will that be fixed? Either you start biting the bullet and admitting Grandma is OP or you buff Mercy/Moira.
Unless you want to stay in triple tank forever of course.
ana yes zen not so much imo. with ana his gameplay is insane esp with nano and damage wall plus her nade is amazing with his heals
zen is just ok discord is nice but you cant use his ult with drone.
mercy goes well with baps too bc of her damage boost her ability to fly around between teammates to stay out of trouble baps can also put a drone on her to guarantee her rez. plus if they ult together and damage boost their team it’s a lot of damage or mercy can heal while using the wall.
nope. rez can bring back the dead drone only stops dying which can be destroyed like how mercy can die. they pair well imo bc it stops people from dying while she rezzes. it takes too long to kill before mercy’s rez is over. plus she can damage boost his heals as well which is good in some situations like her not being able to run in to heal bc of the danger. they have very different functions and serve different roles.
hes pretty good with brig bc she can stun ppl and attack in the drone and the armor boost she has can help save people baps cant get to while he reloads or has cooldowns. plus her stuns can open up even more to damage from the wall and her whip can keep enemies on the other side.
moria I agree with bc while her orbs are augmented by the wall her lack of utility doesnt really boost or take away from baps kit. she’s just there imo. same with most other healers she just doesnt combine well with other supps.
i agree completly
i started playing mercy on alt account because i was bored but she was actually fun to play, i never expected that and i felt never useless while using her. Juggling the beams between targets is the key component in her kit and doing it right feels so satisfying. she is prob now gonna be my new go to healer if zen is already picked
i dont think she is that underpowered like many say. the only thing i would say is make rez a bit less clunky to use but tbh i dont know how to without making the ability absolutely broken again
Hoping we can discuss this a bit more in the rework thread itself
Example: I see you mentioning burst heal and a retool of rez, but this is already included in the rework, so I am hoping for a clarification - tho not here, as I dont wish to hijack this thread
It doesnt matter if shes “fine” when the playerbase reports you for throwing when you pick her.
Each hero has to be useful to the degree where people say “a mercy is fine too” opposed to “mercy switch to ana, you are useless” before the match even starts.
Yes, but she makes mobile and sniper characters more viable than Lucio can. The team comp makes a big difference. If your team is some form of deathball, yeah, probably don’t pick Mercy.
This is a player issue - ie players violating game rules (in this case, the rules of reporting) - not a Mercy issue
I’ve only been asked to switch off Mercy once. I declined. We won the game handily, and I had gold healing. Dead silence from the individual who made the request
But to your point - no, this is a player problem, not a Mercy problem.
Likely, I can’t speak to much above gold myself. I’ve played some plat games by grouping with plat players (my max personal rank is somewhere in gold), but that is probably about the max of my current skill with the game.