Mercy Is Useless

all around me are familiar faces…

I just had someone throw my comp game on my low SR smurf because I chose Mercy…we had Mercy Zen on Oasis and this guy goes Ana because “Mercy can’t heal enough” and proceeds to flame me for picking her saying things like “This guy thinks Mercy is still good or something”. And this is all before the game has even started.

Like…this is diamond. Why are there metawh*res in diamond??

I really hope they fix Mercy so I can play her without being flamed.


It’s a wonder why you went on your throw away account to play mercy.

Maybe because playing her is starting off disadvantaged and on an alt account you couldn’t care less?

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Yes i agree that Mercy can need something. Like Shadow said, playing Mercy as a main healer, for ana, set you on a disadvantage.

Mercys problem is that she is bad in healing burst damage, what the meta damage is atm. Heroes like Hanzo make to much damage.

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Naw, Mercy is fine with me. I didn’t think it was going to be, but I’m so much happier now that I don’t have to one trick with her every single match. Her nerf really did help to get the other supports some playtime, which is how the game was meant to be played (or so I thought). Additionally, even with other healers in the group I still get Gold healing every time.

Depend what and where you play.

QP? She’s still amazing there, usually you have your 3-4DPS comps, that’s where she shines as a healer.
Competitive? Up until diamond she’s still good. Diamond + you can’t play her every match/ every teamcomp anymore. Chose your main healer accordingly to your teamcomp the higher ELO you are.
In GM, only play her when you already have an Ana as a main healer.
Don’t play her into GOATS comp, Moira or Ana is better for that.

I do think she needs a small buff. Either 55hp/s (sweet middle) or stronger healing (like 70hp/s on primary target) during Valk.

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So like symmetra’s old beam?
Goes from like 30hps to 50hps to 65hps or something.
If that was the case, she’d need to maintain line of sight with her target(can’t 180 without breaking the beam) and the beam would have to be really bright so the enemy team can know that the enemy mercy is getting ready to do some serious healing.
Maybe have the range reduced to lock on, but after you’ve locked on the range is the same 15m.
All in all, a bit on the nose in regards to copying it from TF2, but a good idea nonetheless.

I would argue that OW was copied from WoW Arena combat.

Problem is nobody cares about performance in QP because it’s not Comp.


Problem is even at 60 hp she has no answer to burst damage yet all the other healers have some sort of answer to burst damage and can out duel her in ofensive capabilities. I thought shes trading offence to be a main healer yet her healing is weak. Given that there is so much burst damage these days her only answer is res that can only bring one person back every 30 sec + plus a further lifetime standing chained to a body waiting for it to happen and the slightest stun or interuption that’s another 30 sec. All this time that doomfist is rubbing his hands in glee.

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Reinhardt’s pickrate was higher.

People like to omit that, though.


You must be really clueless if you expected a compensation after the 10-11 months of Mercy domination in Overwatch.

Dev’s didn’t wanted to make Mercy “”“üseless”"" from one patch to another, they tested things slowly bring her down until all the others supports are more or less balanced.

Now after we finally are in a better place for the game with many comps being viable, Mercy eventually will get some adjustments in terms of utility ( I hope).

No it wasn’t.

Mercy had a 14%+ pickrate until the most recent nerfs in August.

Reinhardt had a 10%+ pickrate. He only overtook her after her nerf.

What you’re saying is factually incorrect. And again, I’m not of the mindset that these nerfs were the right ones, and I believe she needs to be looked at again. But…stating incorrect stats is not helping people get on board with that idea.

I did make a post about a mercy ability about my suggestion.

This will make the new res consider in line with ana’s nano heal, and that the res-life affect can be ignore if it was not made use of.

Good riddance, i was sick of mercy mains carrying games because of how OP mercy was right after her rework for so long…

People always cried about Mercy. Its not really about “must pick”
They cried before her rework because of her reverted Trans on Q
They cried when the rework dropped because of how OP she was, there was no break in between. It just switched from “MeRCy iS sO anNoyINg pLS fIx” to “MeRCy iS sO oP pLS fIx”
Now Mercy players are the ones crying “MeRCy iS sO bORiNg pLS fIx”. Theres also no break between those 2 phases

There was never no crying about Mercy since her SR-Gain abuse became public. The only thing changed was that the threads in this forum became more and more

The reason why the community isnt crying about Ana is because Ana is a fun hero. The community always wanted Ana to be in her current “must pick” state

Then the Mercy player simply isn’t doing her job.

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Nah I don’t think so, consider 40hps ramp up heal up to 55 hps. :robot:

OR combine the damage and healing into one beam, for more utility. Also frees a spot for another ability.

Oh, and make Valk an aura, not a chain beam. I’d like to fight AND support my team when I ult.

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Or lack team awareness, constantly tunnel visioning herself to pocket a a player.