Mercy is unhelthy for 5v5

Where? I want see what Developers said that.

They do???

Also it’s not just the OW forums. The ow subreddit is waaay worse for this.


There was maybe one chill Mercy main on these forums but they played hitscan too so they had some good takes on the state of the game.

As far as in game Mercy mains are chill.

I’d say they are 50/50. Either very quiet people or the most toxic people I’ve ever encountered.

The devs have acknowledged that Kiriko and mercy at one point were some of the least killed heroes in the game, and post rework noted that her average deaths havent changed.

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Literally in the AMA that’s pinned at the top of the forums

Oh yeah they have a whole skit still up on their Youtube account mocking Mercy players during Moth

Frankly I doubt you actually think this. I’ve seen your gross attitude to Mercy players and complaints about Mercys in game.


complaints about Mercy’s broken pocket? Never complained about them on my team.

Sorry can’t take you seriously when you claimed Aspen didn’t deserve their #1 spot cause they played Mercy. Despite playing Brig as much and Bap almost as much.

Funny how when she reached it again you didn’t make a fuss…was it cause she played Lucio and Bap more instead?

Sorry your opinion on Mercy players mean jack and all to me.


I like Aspen but no way her mechanics deserve rank 1. Abusing Mercy, Bapt immortality, Brig…yawn.

Aspens Lucio is mid too… I did see some nice Kiriko play from Aspen in that tournament though…until she got destroyed.

Again don’t care what you think.

You’re takes are mid at best.


and yet they are rank 1 so, is it a hoax? a conspiracy theory? If this is your personal opinion, then how did that come to be?

so using the abilities characters are supposed to use cause that’s the point of the game, okay.

yet is still rank 1. is there some other strange underlying reason that may or may not have anything to do with gameplay-

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We don’t need to be generous. His takes are bottom-tier at best.

“I like Aspen but I am going to discredit her because I don’t like those heroes >:(”

While he also defended Sojourn before the nerfs :rofl:


Mercy and Brigitte Requires a lot Gamesense than People think. Honesty I don’t like Baptiste Immorality so much, but it need a lot Gamesense too and his Kit is very Mechanical and Gamesense.

It’s also ridiculous to imply she didn’t deserve #1 by playing the heroes that were meta and effective.

Like most of Top 500 used those heroes. And those who one-tricked off-meta heroes usually don’t touch Rank 1. They’ll be in Top 500 but they likely never hit #1.

So him claiming she’s “abusing” them when literally most GM players and Top 500 players used those same heroes is absurd.

Homie doesn’t care, though, about the particulars. He no likey heroes, and that’s all that matters.


True love how they constantly say it would be a great FPS if Rez is gone…

But then he’ll complain about Bap, has complained about Ana, Reaper, Symm, Mei—

Really it’s never gonna be the FPS he wants so don’t get why he even tries.


I get not liking heroes but constantly preaching about what would “make the game perfect” when even Top 500 players ridiculed him (Aspen literally pulled up his post about how she didn’t deserve #1 and mocked him on stream) about them is just…

So many lost opportunities to learn how to be humble. :sob:


Oh I remember! Tanks and DPS players also thought his post was crazy cause like Mercy wasn’t even that good at the moment! They all thought it was Brig she used to climb.


It Impossible to make Game Perfect. No matter Different People will have Opinions and want Change Things about that Game.

To be fair, if she pulled up a random forum post to mock on stream then that sounds like she was insecure about it and wanted her viewers to dogpile on him to help stroke her ego.

I doubt a DPS main would ever be that sensitive over what a no-name forum poster thinks of them.

Samito did an entire stream doing this

That being said the behavior is lame regardless. I really don’t like streamers naming and shaming using their platform. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth regardless of how I feel about them or their takes.