Mercy is unhelthy for 5v5

She just got her GA nerfed. If you are still not able to kill her, while she is on her cd, than it´s “you” problem…

reminder that this fellow plays on console and probably doesnt know the stuff happening in pc lobbies , yet theyll still flame every single player who has the tiniest complaint about mercy , what a joke of a community

She’s fine. We really gotta cut this “X char is unhealthy for the game” and nerf spam talk. I mean, we wont, because it’s the Overwatch community. But still.

i have an idea that would make u happy Mr. AwhooThunder: Let’s remove Support from the game. We could also nerf them into oblivion and start crying about nobody wanting to play the one role that neither does damage nor has any other significant impact on the game but we know better right?

I think Ana’s sleep dart is pretty OP aswell and should only stun for 0.5 sec
And we should get rid of Moira beeing able to fade so often, maybe increase the cooldown by 120 seconds. This is literally NUTS.

Jokes aside, why don’t you try and understand that Overwatch is a team based game? The point is to help each other out and coordinate your attacks. Tell me Mercys healing is OP while Reinhardt can just swing his way through the beam- yeah it takes him more swings than it usally would but IMAGINE what if somebody else shot at the target at the same time?

Also: DELAY the healing? I … I… I can’t even explain this one to you, I’m lost for words on that one…

Im concerned you think .you’d solo your way through the entire enemy team one by one while your team is pushing the payload or something.

They tried rank shaming me for being Gold (because I was traveling and couldn’t play to climb), and now I’m learning they were one rank above me LMAOOOOO

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And how is that?

Wanna go be toxic together?


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your post got removed, i have to laugh :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

oop! dont tease me with a fun time :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:


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Well, overwatch is a bad adaptation of overwatch 1 with tons of unhealthy heroes and abilities, mercy is just one of those.

skill issue
emphasized text

gitgut lmao

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just aim for the head

Mercy is only one real support, may be lucio, others just dps on steroids.
Even if mercy will be x3 OP it is 100 times better play with and against mercy than dps moira, suzu kunai spamers, zenyatas rclick spamers, sleep/nade into face, immortality lamp, briggit cancer gayplay.

mercy has a lot of fans… we are obliged to live on the mercy hell for ever… is sad.

someone call the whambulance!

mercy has a lot of haters… we are obliged to live on the crybaby hell for ever… is sad.


Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

not gonna say skill diff, but changes are actually going the wrong way xD


Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

read my post? xD

Based on exactly what?

You can easily play Moira, Bap and Kiriko as a healbot and still win games if the enemy doesn’t communicate and focus one target. All Mercy does is emphasize on discoordination, correct small positional mistakes and enable a strong player (with boost).