You consider Valk fun. I don’t. For me it’s little more than having a birds eye view of the same thing I was doing before I ulted. It’s not engaging for me, personally. I preferred when Mercy had to do more prioritization with healing and couldn’t rely on AOE heals, and had only original GA as her escape option. It was more fun for me when she was easier to kill, and when my ult had a noticeable impact on the flow of a match. That’s not to say Valk doesn’t have an impact now, but it’s certainly more subtle than it used to be and doesn’t feel as rewarding for me. “Fun” and “engaging” are both subjective.
Middle mouse button to switch to gun.
Also, not dieing to genji is fun.
You could do that before activating her ultimate. You could also escape Genji’s ult without her Valk—hell, it’s even easier now with slingshot.
We are very active on the forums and read your feedback daily. Thank you for providing us your accounts and experiences, as it provides insight to us on how we can improve Overwatch.
how? Put your profile on private and play what you enjoy. This is such a weak argument lol.
I have personally never liked the Mercy rework. Never found enjoyment from it. Especially because they just made her easier to play, easier to survive, and took all of the skill out of Mercy that she originally had. It took tempo resses, which was Mercy 1.0’s strongest asset and gave to every single Mercy. I hated that. Because now the thing I excelled at that got me to GM (knowing how and when to res) was thrown out the window. It hurt. And then the constant (warranted) nerfs to an already boring Mercy to me personally, just got worse and worse. Making her even more unbearable. The only thing I enjoy with the rework is her bunny hop, which I must admit, is also another extremely OP part of her kit that increases survivability and healing potential.
One perfect example of this is on Illios Lighthouse, I sat at 30 health for about 3-4 seconds while a chased me. I jumped off the map and bunny hopped above the lighthouse, gained some health back, and resurrected our McCree, to which we took the point. That would’ve NEVER happened with Mercy 1.0 and that fight would guaranteed have been lost.
While bunny hop is fun, it is also a core problem to Mercy 2.0 on top of the utility and survivability overhaul they already provided her. I’d hate to see it go, but it would definitely cripple Mercy more than 50 HPS.
OHHHH but you are welcome!
The same logic applies to the Mercy mains using the excuse “she’s not fun to play please revert” if you’re using that logic well get in line there’s other heroes that need to be changed because they’re “not fun”.
I one tricked dva when I first started to the point where she wasn’t fun anymore… Don’t see me going on the forums asking for buffs or changing her kit so i can have fun again.
Uhm… ok? I don’t know why you decided to tell me all that, but ok w/e
how? Put your profile on private and play what you enjoy. This is such a weak argument lol.
I don’t mean it with strangers. I mean it when it comes to friends. Your argument is weak, thinking I was talking about strangers. I have friends who know I play Mercy and wish to see me continue playing her.
Welll… the next 5 nerf patches are already planed for her. Why? Because she is still a must pick and Blizzard still considers her rework a full success omegalul. Its not that the hero overall is OP, she has an OP AF^1000 ability. You could cut of her limbs make her not able to move nerf her heal by 75% and a hero has to carry her on his back the whole time and she still would be a mustpick. Why? Because rezz on E is the best ability in the whole game. Its better than a whole hero itself.
If you read what I said you’d actually understand why I told you that… but ehh w/e lets dismiss any logical comment like always.
I love sling shotting 20 feet into the air (not knowing how I did it myself, considering theres no teammates in sight) and watching the ulting genji below me look around in utter confusion
This is a bug they sold as a feature.
I love to 1v1 widow
Could do it before the rework and I did.
I love valking to aid my team, but end up going head to head with a pharah or the enemy (also valking) mercy (and winning that fight)
Good for you but in my opinion its terribly boring. Plus it is best used to heal/dmg boost people from the backline/safespot. While battle Mercy might be fun it is not a thing people like to see.
I love t-bagging with my other support because we have that support-love for each other
Again you can do this since forever with every character. starts t-bagging
I love body blocking my sleeping zarya, then getting infite bubbles afterwards
Same as above.
I love solo-healing, with a good team, it feels very rewarding!
Can be good can be bad. Either way it is hard to pull off with or withour rework doesnt really matter here.
Mercy is fun to play, you guys are just mean
Yes maybe she is fun for some but for some others she isnt anymore. And no we are not going to stop pointing out bad game design, terrible balance and hypocrisy from the devs.
I forgot to add this one. A lot of us arent mean and do try to come up with constructive feedback just like Titanium with this thread.
Hello! You all know why I’m here by this point. This is my 5th thread on this topic, and as you can see, I’m not limited in thread title variations. Great news, though! I got bored of my previous text on top of the fact that I had lots of time to think while on vacation, so I’m writing this entire thing from scratch!Resurrect
Let’s dive straight into this. Balance! Or… Lack Thereof: Resurrect is currently the reason Mercy is imbalanced. How so, you might ask, citing Mercy’s Resurrect stati…
It is very long and has input from several other people. GLHF reading if anybody wants it.
Mechanically Mercy is still fun for me to play.
Having most of that match’s SR truly be at the mercy of whether my team actually communicates, actually works together, actually targets the 50th Junkrat tire of the round, etc., is not.
And don’t even get me started on the occasional impatient player who keeps spamming “I need healing” after both supports just got killed.
I’d love to have some fun but blizz decided to kill solosupporting for me since I dare play QP where nobody supports. Or if they do, they play the crappiest non healing anas I’ve ever seen and make it impossible to play zen with them.
I don’t find my team dying around me because I lack neccesary healing to even outheal one enemy Hanzo, tracer, genji or doomfist that much fun. =p
Stinky DeePeeEss mains are just big ol’ meanies!
-circle jerking mercy mains (while everyone else just rolls their eyes at them)
Just because you find a hero unfun doesn’t mean everybody else does. See how it goes both ways?
Noone ever said everybody find Mercy unfun. Your reaction is irelevant to the topic.
Nooo bunny hop is the only thing I like about this garbage rework. T_T
There is a reason they have refused to touch GA thus far. Because it is the only redeeming part of this rework. I’m sure they know how good GA is, especially with bunny hop, and they KNOW not to touch it or they would lose their entire Mercy fan base in a heartbeat. Me included.
impatient player who keeps spamming “I need healing” after both supports just got killed.
As a support main (all supports but Brig are in my top 6 most played), this is actually me when I play Sombra… LOL