Mercy is still fun to play, you guys are just mean

I love sling shotting 20 feet into the air (not knowing how I did it myself, considering theres no teammates in sight) and watching the ulting genji below me look around in utter confusion
I love to 1v1 widow
I love valking to aid my team, but end up going head to head with a pharah or the enemy (also valking) mercy (and winning that fight)
I love t-bagging with my other support because we have that support-love for each other
I love body blocking my sleeping zarya, then getting infite bubbles afterwards
I love solo-healing, with a good team, it feels very rewarding!
Mercy is fun to play, you guys are just mean
Edit: mass res clout that was never mentioned in the orignal post


Just because you have fun with a particular hero doesn’t mean others do. I’m frankly tired of playing her and that’s not “mean”.


Its subjective… So no Its not “Mean” to fine Mercy boring.


Somebody gets it! Yay!

Widow kills are the best.


Its been how long and people are still talking about the Mercy rework, this forum is ridiculous and if I was a new player and came to read these forums I would think “wow this game must suck” and pass.

People don’t seem to realize that reworks are not there to directly buff a character, it is there to make the character easier to balance/work with. The Mercy we have now is easier to balance compared to the other healers. People who say revert Mercy are just selfish and want to back down nostalgia lane. If Mercy had mass rez then she will be perma picked (even though she is now). But with current Mercy it’s easier to phase her into being balanced with small number changes.

To balance old Mercy the only option would be to gut her res as that is the only strong part of her kit. Or they would have to buff other supports into being able to compete with a support that can bring back her entire team, which would end up with people complaining about supports being OP.


Glad I’m not the only one who still enjoys playing Mercy and doesn’t dedicate large portions of my life to complaining about her. Keep doing you. :ok_hand:


Then play a different hero? Sounds like you’re burnt out.


Everyone always expects me to play Mercy though

It’s not about being mean, it’s more about the fact that after a dozen nerfs and changes, that Mercy is still considered the most overpowered healer. And that the best thing to come out of this rework so far has been a bug that was not intended for use (Guardian Angel hop).


This latest nerf just moved me to the “Mercy aint fun” group. I dont feel like I am doing much anymore. I was playing a few games today and something just felt so off.



Is that why she has received 11 nerfs and dominated the meta for several seasons?

Super easy to balance, right?


And she will still dominate.

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I see someone who did not play Mercy prior to her rework and her invulnerability. You know, Mercy was considered incredibly underpowered until January of 2017 when she got her invulnerability buff while rezzing, at least in tiers where people were able to aim. She was still popular in Bronze, Silver, and Gold tiers because of her low skill-floor, but not even considered a viable pick in higher tiers.

In one of the competitive tournaments she had a 0% pickrate throughout the entire tournament, and she was among the 5 least picked heroes in higher tiers of play.


Why stop there?


This is why Blizzard needs to get rid of Valkyrie ASAP. Also, most of us don’t like glorified spectator mode :stuck_out_tongue:


People wouldn’t be dedicating large portions of their life to complain about current Mercy if she wasn’t a problem. Right now her ultimate is not engaging and her kit, other than Resurrect, is barely impactful (even more so with her 50HP nerf).


I feel like people die easier when I’m the only one healing them tbh you can feel the hps nerf during a battle and when healing tanks but honestly I think she’s still gonna be must pick status

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You can preform this trick if the target that you are Guardian Angel to is currently either jumping and is above you, or on a higher ground level.

Once you know this trick, you can preform this constantly.

Anyways, I am glad you are enjoying her, I still do and will always, but her impact via healing did took a toll on her, and the saddest part about this all is that this nerf didn’t fix her true issue.

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As someone who didn’t want a revert even I find mercy boring now. That says something about how dumb this rework has become. 50hps really ruins the hero for me, playing her is truly boring now.

And it seems to me, that you just don’t have enough experience playing her to really tell what is truly fun about her. Doing things you don’t know how you did and killing someone as mercy isn’t fun (at least to me). Doing things you know you could and achieving them is, but mercy isn’t that anymore because now all you can do is heal, and res every 30s. Forget dmg boost, forget Q, the potential within those abilities disappeared.


but mercy was never fun to play

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