Mercy is NOT fine

Yeah that’s what I’m doing :slight_smile:

I’ve been playing a lot on PS4 and I’ve been having a lot of fun with Sombra/Symettra/Brigitte. There’s better heroes to play than [REDACTED] Mercy.

Buff her healling back!

Skill go UP

Mercy go DOWN

You are all about winrates and pickrates. Which is funny because Mercy’s pickrate And winrates were identical to these statistics pre-rework. Mercy seeing a 4% pickrate in highest tiers because Ana/Lucio or Lucio/Zen were seen as the most optimal picks.

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Blame Blizzard for this mess, do you think we wanted this garbage situation? Mercy was perfectly fine until she was given an OP rework.


Do whatever to mercy, honestly idc. But lets wait a few months so us support players can play other supports without being harrassed to play mercy. Please can i have a month or two to play anna or zen without being asked to solo heal as mercy. Thanks.


Cool. But Mercy also had 3 seconds regeneration, and Ultimates generated 25% faster for every hero.

Not to mention godtier Ana.


Her ultimate needs to have a greater impact. Remove chain heal and increase her healing to 75 hps when she uses Valkryie.

They could put it on a toggle by pressing Q during Valk.

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That would be fine. I’m tired of flying around and watching my team die and being powerless to stop it.

Remove Resurrect, replace with a different ultimate, increase healing.

That’s like 1% difference between her and Ana :thinking:

It’s hard to get on fire when you have nothing heroic to do.


The problem is mercy doesn’t need a resurrection. It is INCREDIBLY hard to balance healing/boosting numbers with the impact of a potential rezzed player. A rezzed player has the potential to get 0 or 6-kills and save the entire game. Especially if played with a coordinated team.

It is a cool mechanic but the reason they can’t balance mercy is that you CANNOT predict how much impact a resurrected player will have so unlike a healing/damage boost it is difficult to pin-point how to nerf/buff said mechanic.

:open_mouth: See ya in the next thread. :wink:


I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove here? I simply stated it’s only 1% lol?

You’re going to be upset but I literally just forgot why I replied to you… Just ignore me.

I sometimes wonder why I use forums O.o


You can’t use a single week as a sample size, and act as though that’s an accurate representation of a hero’s viability. Especially when it’s the first week of the season, when things are crazy. And especially when it’s shortly after the Support balance changes, when stats always get a little weird right after a significant patch. I think you’ve just been ready to jump on the complain train. For the record, I agree she needs to be changed, as she’s mad boring to play. But don’t sit there and pretend like she isn’t as effective as the other healers, Brig aside. As long as Rez is an ability, this was the inevitable result for the rest of her kit.

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No, its partly that her ultimate doesn’t really give MERCY any kind of impact spike of note. It SHOULD, but it -doesn’t-.
The lack of spike potential is why Anna is a clutch healer and Mercy currently…isn’t.

A power that lets Mercy have a spike of impact allows for a skilled play and actually gives her a chance of generating fire.

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