Mercy Is kinda bad (Change my mind)

You missed some cons, there are probably more but these are the ones that seem the most common.

Ana can have both her ablities, and her healing blocked by DM/Barriers.

Moira can have her orb eating by DM and has no utility.

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Whats the point of healing someone if its only 50 per second? Even if i can get to anyone in the map it doesn’t mean i have the healing output to actually matter.
(I forgot to touch on ults in my original post but my view on valk is its just a spectator cam to watch your healing not be good enough to matter)

Why would I bother trying to change your mind? Doing so doesn’t improve mine any.

OH RIGHT defense matrix, Thanks for reminding me!

You’re incorrect

Prove me wrong

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I’d rather have constant 50hps than “sometimes makes shots” 80hps. I frequently see complaints about Mercy’s potential output, but, in the right hands, her actual practical output is consistently much higher than the others. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been outhealed by another support when I’m on Mercy even after the 50 hps nerf.

As far as Valk goes, here’s a link to a post I made a few weeks ago regarding what Valkyrie can actually do (with video evidence) when it’s used as more than a spectator mode.


I have some things to do but when I’m finished I will read your post and watch the videos and give you my feedback. Also I appreciate the Non-toxic attitude of yours! :slight_smile:

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Honestly I feel like part of the reason shes not a throw pick is cause she is one of the best combos with zen and phara. Lucio ana work better cause lucio helps peel and with anas low mobility, but Ana Zen can struggle to keep up with the team and keep them selves alive (although they apsolutely can if they play well together and the team keeps track of them).

And in sniper comps as healing is not really the primary question, its more about dmg boost and ress.

The reason why mercy is currently kind of OP is her ultimate.
It gives your team an ultimate advantage, which pretty much is the reason Mercy is able to win games, and a lot of them.

At my rank, I consistently outheal Moiras and Anas as Zenyatta. The Anas cannot aim and the Moiras have no idea how to play her. But Mercy? She’s the only hero that consistently can outheal my Zenyatta. I’d much rather have her than any of the alternatives on my team.

(No because her alt fire is basically built in to her primary)

This happens more often than anyone seems to want to admit. What rank are you in, if you don’t mind me asking?

(Would definitely love to see another rework, or heavy changes to her current kit)

Cant change your mind when its the truth

Because any teammate who is down any amount of HPs will be happy to receive that healing

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gold (I know its a low rank)

All these cons are horrible. Oh no you can’t heal and Rez at the same time? Oh boy you have limited mobility when running that solo flanking Mercy. This is a joke.


We all learned long ago that we can not reason, negotiate, or challenge mercy fanatics. We just let you rant and move on with our days.

I forgot to mention her biggest con of all in the actual post. But here is what I think really sets mercy as a tier below other main healers: 50 HPS. Plain and simple, if you ask me 50 hps is not nearly enough to matter during a team fight.

Rez turns a usual unwinnable fight 5v6 back to a standard 6v6. That’s it end of story. Remove rez then you can properly balance her.

Ah cool, The first nonconstructive reply! Congrats Insert name here

I would like to thank Blizzard for giving us the forums to make this possible, of course the balance team, and most notably the mercy mains that can’t seem to adapt, pick another hero to play, or let it go that the hero was balanced. Thank you so much for the glorious honor.