Mercy is in a great spot

If we end up facing roleQ that will be a subjective thing which will lead objective problems.

If you are actually interested I can give you a break down of what went wrong with the rebuild, and why there is a vocal group of angry ex mercy mains.

But until they add another support designed by their mmo team, the problem will continue.

So yeah, I think the complaining will continue for a long long time.


I feel very good about being able to keep my team alive and at full hp. Thanks for asking

If they are shooting at you (and not being a good hitscan at distance) then they are wasting their time and allows your team to do something.

Also DMG boost exists :wink:

Yeah, she was used so much during goats

Id still prefer a bit of a healing buff and some more impact on her actual ult.

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

She is an enabler and her sucess depends on her team - so If you are plat and above she is viable -but you are left with that dirty feeling that another healer would have done better. A moira’s orb does more healing than Mercy. Baptiste’s grenades do more healing than mercy, honestly damage boost is not much good in lower ranks as the team always feels like they are not fighting with live ammo.

They certainly do soak up tons of damage though, and burst damage too. personaly I’m starting to use baptiste more than mercy (as much as I hate to say it)

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Mercy needs dmg boost and Rez gone tbh. She is fine, just behind in design.

Resurrect definitely needs to be replaced if it can’t be balanced so it’s not terribly clunky to use but too powerful to remain as a standard ability with a fixed cooldown.

Mercy can’t heal burst damage, both ana and moira can. Adding bits of healing here and bits there - yes she has great trash healing figures. Now to the low tiers where even if by the rarest of rare chance you happen to have a barrier tank - the whole team still refuses to use the shield ( I’m not joking either ) a soldier fires at your squishy teamate - try to keep that alive when half the time they don’t even know they are being fired at.

Personally, I find the rez ability to already be well balanced and not clunky at all to use

Glad to hear you do, but personally I don’t. It’s unearned at the start of the match, given how powerful it can be, and pretty much suspends your gameplay for nearly two seconds (albeit the only thing you can do is look around and move extremely slow).


I hear the “unearned” comment quite frequently in regards to rez, and with apologies I don’t understand its relevance

Every character has “unearned” abilities, including (but not limited to) the fully loaded weapons each carries, but I rarely if ever hear it implied that there is something wrong with these abilities via use of the word “unearned”

Said another way, don’t think “unearned” matters in the sense of stating the problems one perceives with any non-ultimate ability, including but not limited to rez

Rez is your gameplay for those approx two seconds.

Nothing is suspended

There is a term - opportunity cost - that in essence means that if you make one choice, you are not choosing another. Lunch, for example. If one chooses the hamburger, one is then NOT choosing the chicken sandwich or any of the other available choices. The opportunity cost of choosing the hamburger is not getting any of those other meals

Mercy can choose to rez, or can choose other actions - pistol use, healing, boosting, moving, emoting, etc etc.

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If being locked out of doing any usual action except moving slowly or turning isn’t ‘pretty much suspends your gameplay’ then … wow. I’m just lost for words, as well as nearly off of my chair in laughter. Many other heroes can use a standard ability without being almost restricted in every sense, especially without being able to cancel the standard ability in such a situation. Choose to potentially suicide or not, hmm.

As for other heroes, they don’t have such a powerful game changing ability sitting on a standard ability slot, especially with a cooldown (the longest cooldown in the game?) like resurrect, so you can’t make that comparison. It doesn’t fit in well as a standard ability with a fixed cooldown, with whatever other caveats there are attached to it.

But see, this is also what I mean regarding two sides pretty much at each others throat. Instead of trying to work together to find a reasonable solution that both sides will mostly be happy with, we’re instead just constantly arguing and debating semantics and not making any progress, at least not progress that might be valuable information for the OW team (assuming they choose to acknowledge it, not ignore it). Sure, you might be happy with the way Mercy currently is and I respect that, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is. Others will be happy and others will also be unhappy. We should be trying to work towards a solution, other than swapping to another hero or not playing Overwatch, that many on both sides will be fine with.

I personally dont see the need for laughter - choosing to rez is a gameplay action taken by Mercy

One is not “locked out” of other gameplay actions, rather, one has chosen to rez rather than performing other available gameplay actions

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Mercy has been reduced, in most plays, to a Healbot/Damage boost Bot. Not a very fun way to play a game if you ask most people.

Oh, I have never heard THAT before. Why was Mercy changed in the first place, because she was Unfun to play against (with Mass Rez being her Ult). So IF fun is subjective, what is the true reason for the Rework?

  • SR exploit- FIXED but only 1 week before Rework went live.
  • ’Hide and Rez’ - seriously how often did this actually happen? To date Blizzard has not released ANY information on how often it happened. The way it is talked up, by certain streamers, it happened every single game. However, everyone knows that cannot be true because lots of people were using Tempo Rezes…
  • Rez from Spawn- yet every other hero can use their Ult from Spawn. Still, this was fixed 1 week before Rework went Live.
  • No counters- Seriously?!?! Nahhhh, you MUST be joking.
    1 Shoot her in the head. Freeze Her, Boop her, Ult just Mercy (seen and had that happen on numerous occasions).
    2 if you cannot kill Mercy before she pulls Rez, have 1 Ult ready to kill her and her team after Rez. Course, that requires someone on your team to be smart and hold back when everyone else throws their Ults all at the same time on the enemy team.
    Yep, no counters (sarcasm).
  • She would have Rez after we killed her (if she didn’t use it and died)- funny, so does every other Hero in the game. Try again.
  • Mercy is ALWAYS hiding- that from one streamer mainly, except even on his streams Mercy was not hiding. Sure, she was behind her teammates, healing them, but that is not hiding.

So, now that I just disproved (or at the very least put serious doubt) the reasoning behind the Rework. Some of which, the SR exploit and Rez from Spawn already being removed prior to Rework. WHY WAS MERCY REWORKED IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Man this edit function is clunky. I added an ‘e’ to change on to one and it marked it as edited, while many times I can add a whole word or two and not get the ‘Edited’ mark at the top.


I said “balanced” and “viable”.
Not “fun”.

Fun is, and always will be, subjective.


Being “unfun” wasn’t the only reason why Mercy got reworked.

Let’s take a look at the balance triangle , shall we?
Balancing is based on these 3 points:

  1. Playerbase impression.
  2. Developer impression.
  3. Hero stats.

Now let’s see how Mercy 1.0 (with mass rez) fits in this balance triangle.

  1. Mass rez wasn’t liked by many players.
    We all have seen the threads back then. The majority seemed to dislike it. Mercy’s ult had no counterplay other than dealing with Mercy before she ulted. (This could’ve been easily fixed with LOS checks though.)
  2. The devs thought it promoted bad play, which it did. The hide and rez part of it. This is not how they wanted to see her played, even though that tactic wasn’t used that often.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable back then, but I don’t have to explain this to you. You have posted nice pictures for this.

And how does Mercy 2.0 (the current Mercy) fits in the balance triangle?

  1. Players are divided about this. Some Mercy mains like her current kit and some don’t. One thing is for certain and that is that the majority of the playerbase doesn’t complain about Mercy’s ultimate anymore.
  2. The devs have stated that they are not going to revert and rework Mercy anymore. The amount of changes she has received proves that they are trying to make the current Mercy work. (But they could’ve done a better job at balancing her.) both Jeff and Geoff have already stated that they think Mercy is fine.
  3. Her average healing is on par with other main healers and her pickrate is still healthy. It seems it’s better in low and mid ranks than in high ranks, but this could be blamed on the fact that Mercy isn’t meta.

It’s a bit of everything why she got reworked.

Didn’t mentioned it. And yes, that one got fixed quickly.

Whether it was rare or not, which I don’t think was rare tbh, it did promoted bad play.

This was indeed fixed?
Why do you bring this up btw?

A better question would be, which heroes does Mercy counter?

Players say this?
Do they even play other heroes?

A hiding mercy can’t heal.
And if she is healing then she is giving her position away, isn’t she?

So yeah, silly argument is silly.

Unbalanced, promoted bad play and negative player feedback.

Balancing solely on fun is the worst way to balance a hero.

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

To whose fun should we balance Mercy?

Asking for developers to change that hero to be more enjoyable for you despite it being a hero who is being enjoyed by some and who already is statistically a viable and balanced character is extremely selfish in my opinion.

Adapt or play another hero.

And before you start typing, please know that I think the previous Mercy, the one with mass rez, could’ve easily been fixed. A rework wasn’t necessary in my opinion, but I do understand why they chose for it. And the way how they (slowly) balanced Mercy after it was just bad. That could’ve been handled better.

With that being said, I can’t ignore the fact that the current Mercy is balanced and viable.


There’s 2 other options.

Stop playing the game, because why would I bother playing a game that’s not fun.
Go into the workshop and rework her myself.

Also if too many people decide that “Stop playing” is going to be their course of action… the game is going to straight up die. Doesn’t matter how balanced the thing is.


They can do 4 things:

  1. Accept the current Mercy and adapt.
  2. Stop playing Mercy and start playing other heroes.
  3. Stop playing the game.
  4. Ask for (selfish) changes.

Fun is subjective.

All games are doomed to die eventually.

Also, just because some Mercy players don’t like the current Mercy doesn’t mean many players will stop playing the game. It just mean a small portion of the Mercy playerbase could stop playing the game.

[looks at the bottom]

“Well, this will most likely be a long response to my post.”


Yes but why would I PERSONALLY keep playing a game I no longer find fun? Answer: I wouldn’t.

Also you do realize that’s a terrible rationale for anything right? Overwatch is a digital product. Literally every inch of it is subjective and can change on a whim of a developer.

Tell that to Age of Empires 2. They had a tournament about a month ago that had a $10,000 prize pool. There’s at least one guy who’s making a living casting the game. This is all for a game that is nearly 20 years old.

Tell that to Pacman. I can go play it literally right now if I want and that thing is roughly 39 years old.

Games don’t have to die.

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