Mercy is in a bad position, and here's why! #ReworkMercy #MercyIsWeakestHealer

Giving her 25 damage x 5 bullets per second (125-250) has higher dps than zen’ primary (115-230)

Mercy’s mass Rez invul started this whole mess. It won’t fix anything just make people angry again. I liked mass Rez but invul was absolutely broken.

Her cleanse on a lock on beam would be extremely unfair. It lasts for 6s, cannot miss, cannot be prevented, and can be attatched to each team member in its duration. That’s more than a hard counter to long cd: it completely negates it. Anti heal? Doesn’t last for more than a second. Someone was hacked and that person wasn’t Mercy? Not hacked. Sombra just ulted but missed mercy? No one is hacked anymore. If that cc didn’t land on mercy, it doesn’t do anything of value. Sombra’s hack can be canceled. Sombra’s ult can be avoided. Ana’s sleep dart can miss. Ana’s grenade can miss and get used on herself so she can’t anti every 10s. The cleanse cannot be cancelled. Prevention is: kill mercy.

It’s getting very complicated…

There are 3 groups of players now :

  1. Those who hate Mercy and will be against any kind of buffs, ever.

  2. Those who like the Mercy the way she currently is (like me ^^)

  3. Those who still wants a revert, a rework or big buffs.

It’s even worse than before when there were only 2 groups.

No matter what happens with Mercy, we’ll never agree… sigh

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I would say there are still two groups - those who want Mercy to remain as she is, and those who want her changed

The latter group is then further fragmented in terms of what each individual wants in terms of change, with some even wanting mutually exclusive things, such as player A wanting Mass rez returned while player B wants rez in all forms removed from the game

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Maybe but I wouldn’t put Mercy mains who are happy with the way Mercy currently is in the same category as those who claim she’s a braindead hero with zero skill and thus doesn’t deserve any buffs.

To me, Mercy requires skills just like any other hero (Brig as well), it’s just not the same mechanics. There’s a difference between a good Mercy (or Brig) and a bad Mercy (or Brig).

If Mercy gets slightly buffed, Mercy mains that are happy with her current state will still appreciate it whereas Anti-Mercy mains will proceed to mock her and be against the buff if it somehow feels “too OP” to them (even though they hardly ever played Mercy). There are people claming that Mercy doesn’t need changes or buffs just because they hate the hero, sadly.

I agree that people advocating for Mercy to be more engaging are a bit fragmented but it’s hard to say if #RevertMercy players would be angry if Mercy was reworked without rez at all.

I guess I would be more annoyed by a Mass Rez revert than an ult rework because I feel like it would not be as OP or even useful as people might think. People have learned ult economy and how to counter Mercy’s 1.0 ult. All it would do is make our games longer which was really a pain with hindsight.

I remember how annoying it was to have a 2-3 minute contest when you finally ended up the one losing the fight. Matches are quicker now and to me, it’s for the best.

What I like about Mercy is her mobility with Guardian Angel. As long as they don’t touch that, it should be fine. I don’t really care about Valk or rez being removed but I won’t complain either if Mercy remain unchanged (with small tweaks on her healing output only).

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Tho I do indeed feel she doesnt need any changes, I am not one of those, I can assure you.

I know you are not but it’s still not fair when people state there is a majority of people people claiming “MercyIsFine” just because some Mercy haters snuck into honest Mercy players groups (with people like me) that are truly happy with current Mercy’s state.

It kinda gives a false idea to the forum on how many people truly think Mercy is fine and that’s problematic.

If we take out the trolls and Mercy haters, I think there’s as many people who like her current state than people who want her changed (reworked or reverted).

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I agree with this. This is one of the only changes I’d like for Mercy.

I think Mercy is in the best state she has ever been. She is being used a decent amount in both low and high ranks, without being extremely OP at the same time.

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Mercy is actually really good right now and fits in a lot of triple/quad DPS comps and comps that want to be mobile. Depending on maps and comp, she is much better than Ana


You got me at the increase damage at 20 to 25. Yeah right. At that point make mercy a DPS character. Mercy does not need that much damage. That’s 5 plus damage more than soldier. Theres literally no point to increase that. I see battle mercys all the time and doing so will make it more prevalent and less healing imo because with that high damage. Mind you theres no spread. I’m always against the idea of mercy with increased damaged. Theres no point. Shes fine wheres she at with the damage she has.

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Purely a guess on my part, but I too would say the numbers are roughly the same

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Its amusing because she actually already outdamages Ana theoretically. Ana can at most get like ~70 dps on a target while Mercy can get 100 dps and up to 200 with headshots. Granted some will miss, but the potential is there to drop a character in 1 second while Ana is forced at 2 + easy bio nade.

So, yeah, I agree her damage is fine for the delay it takes to whip out her pistol.

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She. Is . Fine.

Get over it, I have literally 400 hrs on mercy and the constant whining and complain of the mercy community makes me more ashamed to associate my hero with a group of people.

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Also technically true. A hero can be balanced and meta if the counter to that hero is objectively weak.

Example. Goats is meta because it’s the only way to stop one shot. Stack as much hp and healing as possible so you dont get one shot… but goat’s counter’s can’t be played because one shot counter’s them harder.

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My thought for Mercy is to stay the same ( I mean her Valk Ult ) but give her the insta res. Hear me out:

  • Insta res : Mercy can res the target without cast time and she has no invulnerability , but the target will get resurrected after 4-5 seconds and will remain invulnerable in the window of resurrection.

This way people can see the target is getting ressed, they can gang him, or avoid it.

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With apologies, I think this is an unneeded and op buff for rez

Instant rez was bad. Mass rez was bad.

All for adjusting Mercy, but not in a way that compromises her viability or potentially makes her overpowered.

Instant Rez was ridiculous. I feel the conditions rez currently has are understandable.

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Mercy’s win rate is 15th out of 30 heroes.

Seems pretty balanced to me.

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Define not fine then. Being fine to me and i’m sure to other people means that they are a viable pick, therefore they are able to be picked.

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Funny statement. Let’s analyze Mercy one moment. What was she before and what is she now? According to you, she should be exactly the same, so she should be a strong but single target mobile consistent main support focused on healing/mobility.

1- Strong. No, it’s clear she is not. Currently she is way easier to play because of no decision making at all, just hide and seek all the time and hiding like a coward. E rez brings no strategy at all since it can only work with a place to hide unless you have a babysitter at full time. Valk has no strategy neither, it’s self intuitive and it simply makes all your work effortless. Furthermore, her healing nerf has sent her to the same place she was back in seasons 2-3. Ana is overall better than her unless you just want a reliable character who doesn’t excell at anything. Her only speciality nowadays is her sick mobility, but everything else is just bland or too self punishing, so it lose its value. So, the correct definition should be weak but cheap. Anyway, I know the word “strong” can make someone to think she was op before, but if we check the entire definition, the next words imply a huge weakness too, actually gone.

2- Single target. Valk brings chained beams, so she is no longer just single target. She is hybrid. Consequences? Before, prioritizing targets was mandatory for learning her. Yes, you could play the bland, braindead and boring pocketheal, and that’s still an option, but as soon as you wanted to go above the skillfloor, that option was out of the table, because you were there for healing your team, not just one friend of yours.

3- Mobile. Well, stationary E rez says hello. No, she is no longer fully mobile. She has a great self cc now as part of her kit, so she is intermittently mobile. Yes, somebody will say “Factually, she still can move, so she is not stationary”, but in game, it’s prone to be the same, since its results are the same as being freezing by a Mei. That’s why hiding is mandatory now unless you have a babysitter or the enemy team just sucks. Funny thing, stationary rez was removed during beta exactly because of the same things are happening now.

4- Consistent. Remains the same. Thanks god.

5- Main support. Another thing has changed. Now Mercy is in her weirdest spot ever. She is no longer considered main support by so many people because of her reduced healing. This is a debatable point, but commonly she is set in an awkward middle point between both.

6- Focused on healing/mobility. Definitely, mobility is still an important part of her, but her healing is not so great if we compare it with other inputs. Since it’s just weak, boosting is usually a better idea, using the “let die and rez the character” strategy over and over again. This is, indeed, the most valuable strategy when you play as attacker in some maps. You simply pick your ranged hero, do whatever you want, and whenever someone dies next to the respawn zone (specially effective with Widow), you switch to Mercy and bam! You have a free E rez without having to wait for the cd to reset. Why? Because it’s a flawed design, easy to exploit. There are some videos about it. Anyway, everybody will want you to rez them, so that’s actually your new focus. In addition, valkirie and Mercy’s current weak healing encourage boost and battle Mercy.

So… Finally what’s the result?

  • Before: Strong but single target fully mobile consistent main support focused on mobility/healing.
    -Currently: Weak but cheap hybrid target intermittently mobile consistent support focused on mobility/boost/rez.

Finally, about her playstyles, before she had reasons to engage, unlike now. In fact, valkirie works better the further you are from the fight, so it’s unengaging by design.

As I’ve explained, even the current mechanic is easily abused. The main difference is that before that happened with just 2-3 people, whereas now it’s simply the best way to play her.

However, agreed that her SR mechanic was broken, but that never required a revert back to flawed and unhealthy designs from alpha (valk), beta (stationary rez), and seasons 2-3 (trash healing). The solution for that issue was simply tweaking her. If her rezzes would make you gain a pathetically low amount of SR but your healing granted you the most of your SR points, you could bet things have been way different. Anyway, she needed an E ability, but not her ult. Valk’s place was and still is her E, whereas rez can’t work as a design for Mercy as her E. Why? Because it’s utterly against her fluid playstyle, identity and it’s even bugged as single target. You can check videos of the rez roulette bug out there, where somepeople die in the same pixel (usually due to grav bomb) and when Mercy comes to rez, let’s say the Rein, she ends rezzing randomly the Widow. Is that good design? The answer is no.

Furthermore, people have been suggesting thousands of ways to make Mercy better to play once more without making her op. Usually, no one calls for a full revert. We have seen even different ults like a Genji like mass rez, where instead of dashing and killing people, she rezzes them one by one. So it’s not just the people crying for a specific mechanic to come back. Solutions have been suggested, so Blizz should have answered to them or at least entered in the debate, instead of just listening to 1% of the community.

I think I have done exactly the opposite. I’ve explained why current Mercy’s designs were removed long ago and why she is not considered the same character anymore. However, this reminds me that one of the best arguments for the revert back to bad design was “unfun to play against”, the same as the only argument for Molten Core’s removal was “unfun to play”. This means that fun is subjective, but it’s also one reason for changing things. Tbh (now that we are talking about subjective opinions), I find current Mercy the most boring and unfun thing to play/watch by far, way more than Molten Core. This is sad because I loved her character and still love her, but I can’t stand even watching her.

Sadly, agree. It’s disheartening watching how she has been turned into almost everything she was never supposed to be just because probably the devs never understood their own creation. I mean, battle Mercy is ok, but that’s the most fun way to play her, and that was never supposed to be her playstyle. Same goes to all the changes, including the possible boost changes. I think they messed up so much that, since they will never admit a mistake, they tried to make up the disaster at all costs. 2 years after, the issues continue.

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And hey, you didn’t even need a full wall of text’s worth of subjective “facts”. This is absolutely correct, and has been proven time and time again, with Mercy appearing in almost every single comp that isn’t 3-3 (or at least 3 supports) in the OWL.