Mercy is in a bad position, and here's why! #ReworkMercy #MercyIsWeakestHealer

Whatever you say, sweetie.

and it’s spelled prerogative. ^^

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I like playing Mercy but she heals so damn slowly compared to the other healers.

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At this moment, I just wish her healing or damage boost could lock onto things like opponents sym turrets and kill them, without having to swap to pistol. By the time you swap, you’re already dead. And it’s just yet another way Mercy is completely dependent upon her team.

if you want an analysis

This is nigh completely false, verifiable by statistics actually.

When Mercy was nerfed from 60 HP/s > 50 HP/s, her healing numbers were nearly unchanged. What changed however, was her damage boosted numbers were lowered. The nerf makes it so you have to focus on healing more than damage boosting.

Numerically, why would I want to? My team will deal more damage than me, and my healing is more valuable than a possible kill.

Yeah actually, me! Your insinuation that all Mercy players were “dumb” before the rework is a bit rude.

Well, you never required your entire team to support you to use revive. Current Mercy still does.

No, hiding was not a viable strategy. Mercys were in high ranks because of an SR exploit, not because people were dumb enough to keep falling for it.

Well that’s also untrue I suppose.

  • The default for high rank Mercys was to tempo revive.
  • Mercy not being viable in high ranks is fine, but she needs a place in lower ones and at the very least in ranks where players are less good at aiming. Ana outpicks Mercy (and Moira) at Gold and above. That doesn’t make much sense.

Valkyrie doesn’t make sense as an ultimate (in my view) because I can consistently not touch my keyboard or mouse and get the same value as if I was. I don’t agree with whatever you just quoted.

For all intents and purposes, as someone who does not remember using the hiding and reviving ‘tactic’, I feel like I can do something quite similar and essentially get a pass because people parrot that it’s high skill.

Thank you, autocorrect.


Mercy is NOT weak and is more skillful than Lucio, Moira, and Brig. She’s also the best Winston dive healer.


You sure you want to go down this route? Cause oh boy can I go down this route.

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Pick rate != Like rate

There can be a number of reasons why players choose to play a hero, beyond whether they actually like the hero or not.

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Yeah of course

But since you guys constantly point how weak useless and outclassed Mercy is and how Ana and Moira are flat out superior in every way I assume those people who play a healer for X reason, but don’t like Mercy would play one of those heroes

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it’s funny how much players get mad when there “hero main” isn’t meta


I personally think Mercy 1 trick / mains were designed for quick play but thats just my thinking. I am sure someone good could play her in comp if they have good aim let along heal but the mercy’s i run up against are QP warriors like myself , and when they ult they go after the unstoppable widow on the enemy team lol!!! sometimes they get lucky but all kidding aside, I actually feel bad when I kill the enemy mercy.

Understandable, but we can’t be certain of that assumption :slight_smile:.

I’ve been able to play on PC as well. Ana is meta on xbox, ana is meta on pc. Mercy is viable on xbox. Mercy is viable on pc.

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Never said Mercy wasn’t viable. I said Mercy wasn’t fine. There’s a rather big difference.

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Why does some players have the urge to put hashtags in their titles?
Do they want to start a movement or something like that?
It just looks silly to me. Like they confused this forum for Twitter.

With that being said, Mercy doesn’t need an unnecessary rework.

She’s pretty balanced.
Thinking otherwise and asking for an unnecessary rework is just being ignorant or being selfish imo.

You can be dissatisfied with current Mercy, you can hate current Mercy, you may think the current Mercy is unfun, but you can’t call the current Mercy unbalanced, because she isn’t. At best does she only need numeric changes.


I wish Mercy could Resurrect herself with Valkyrie.

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Girl you can’t spill the tea on forums.They’r too scared for the true story! :tea:

This feels like getting carried away to me. I think there’s a good case to be made that that some numerical adjustments to Mercy would be good for the hero and good for the game. We’ve even had some indication that Blizzard was putting some thought in this direction. This makes sense, since they’re trying to change up the meta to be more dps oriented, and Mercy is one of the lynchpins of any such approach.

If you’re hoping for some numerical tweaks, then there’s a decent chance of that hope coming true at some point. However, I seriously doubt that there will be a major Mercy rework coming any time in the foreseeable future. There are two main reasons for this:

  1. The last rework caused way too much trouble and Blizzard is hesitant to go through it again.
  2. She doesn’t really need a major rework. She has a coherent kit, a coherent play style, and a coherent niche. While I don’t think she’s 100% where she should be yet, she’s also not terribly far from it either. My guess is that there are a couple of simple tweaks that would satisfy many Mercy players and change the game balance for the better.

One thing that does make sense to me is to list the problems Mercy fans have with Mercy’s current play style so that Blizzard can try to take them into account when designing new healers. I feel like they went a bit in that direction when designing Baptiste.

Lemme stop you right there.

all of these sound like absolute garbanzo beans. But it’s the norm considering that this is a revert mercy post. OMEGALUL.

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Giving her 25 damage x 5 bullets per second (125-250) has higher dps than zen’ primary (115-230)

Mercy’s mass Rez invul started this whole mess. It won’t fix anything just make people angry again. I liked mass Rez but invul was absolutely broken.

Her cleanse on a lock on beam would be extremely unfair. It lasts for 6s, cannot miss, cannot be prevented, and can be attatched to each team member in its duration. That’s more than a hard counter to long cd: it completely negates it. Anti heal? Doesn’t last for more than a second. Someone was hacked and that person wasn’t Mercy? Not hacked. Sombra just ulted but missed mercy? No one is hacked anymore. If that cc didn’t land on mercy, it doesn’t do anything of value. Sombra’s hack can be canceled. Sombra’s ult can be avoided. Ana’s sleep dart can miss. Ana’s grenade can miss and get used on herself so she can’t anti every 10s. The cleanse cannot be cancelled. Prevention is: kill mercy.