"Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed"

You know he can’t resist answering to it anyway.

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That doesnt seem like a very even exchange, to me

that reason being that someone wrongly thought Mass rez was a better idea

that mistake has long since been corrected

absence of statements of reasoning is not the same as absence of reasoning


Console shaming yet again…the 4th time i have noted you doing so

The game is the same

same name

same heroes

same maps

same modes

same strategies




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While I don’t think there should be “console shaming” the people saying things like

Are correct. It’s the same game but due to the preciseness of aiming and aim assist some characters are going to be easier/harder or stronger/weaker.

We saw this when console Ana didn’t have aim assist for her teammates, or how strong Pharah is/was on console compared to PC servers.


Lets not forget the torb nerf that only came to console

This is a class based team game. Mercy fits well in this game.

The game you are talking about, where Mercy “has more agency” (because being in the best position to shotcall = no agency right?) and “a higher skill ceiling” (because being played in OWL isn’t enough) already exists. It’s called Call of Duty.

This is all dog whistling for her to be able to kill better.

Rather opposite. Personally I would give up pistol for more supportive power.

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That’s quite the mental gymnastics…

I’ll spell it out for you.

I want more agency on Mercy = I want the decisions I make to have tangible impact on the outcome of the match.

“Agency” doesn’t just apply to DPS killing things, it also applies to tanks and healers preventing enemies from killing things.

I want a higher skill celling = I want Mercy’s abilities to have a wide range of how impactful/unimpactful they can be, and how useful they actually are is decided by how good the player is at strategy and thinking on their feet.

You can have a high skill celling without ever needing to aim or kill anything. Saving lives can take just as much (if not more) skill than taking them.


Very much a different game

Tuned differently and with different viability

Not the case at all

A very different game.


Not even Mercy mains were safe. I think like 95% were accused of being boosted because of her must pick status.

I know the ones I played with HATED how broken she was because they were already under the “Mercy GF” stigma and this made it worse.

Others just wanted to play something else but since they were a Mercy main if they dared picked anyone else they were throwing.

I think everyone was traumatized



Just some articles that discuss the effects of mouse and keyboard on console vs controller on console

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Um, It’s only like that if you go all the way up in the air in Valkyrie as your movement gets slower and even more sluggish as you go high in the air, and making yourself an easier target. Staying low in the ground or atleast not too high and your movement will be faster, plus the speed in Valkyrie makes you a harder target to hit if you’re constantly juking in the air / mid air and flying inbetween your team.

The chain beams are supposed to make beam juggling not needed, so how is that an issue or con with Valkyrie? Beam juggling is something hard to do and master and failing to do it can get a teammate killed, Activating Valkyrie makes your life easier as mercy, as everyone near the main beam is getting healed.

One setback that comes with valkyrie is that chain beams make beam juggling harder to do or not necessary is that what you’re trying to say?

Not sure why an individual no longer playing the game would make such a statement

it is the same game…

Kudos to you for even entertaining a troll like this.

Honestly theres one game I will always remember. It was on Gibraltar, shortly after the cast time was added to Rez in Valk as well. I genuinely disliked playing Mercy at that time but I was forced to play her since I have so many hours on her. I had this one moment, the first time I used Rez in Valk and I forgot it had a cast time now. I kind of almost threw my mouse and I had to mute my mic because I was quite literally screaming “I hate this hero and I don’t want to play her anymore.” I loved her, still do, but that moment was when I realized we’re always gonna get the short end of the stick. No matter how much we try to make it better, how much we cooperate and think of nerfs ourselves, the people that want her ruined will always be louder.

Sorry for the story but that comment just reminded me of that one specific moment.


A game in which they had to change the turrets, because PC version of them were too devastating for console players xd

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Imo, such a thing - and I am neither agreeing or disagreeing that this is a thing at present - would only alter the applicability of one’s opinions as they relate to the specific difference, not the game in its entirety

Which is quite ironic seeing as they haven’t made any changes to BOB, who is basically a giant super turret. :laughing:

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