Mercy is fine (Open to agruments)

OK this is a post about the current state of mercy. Mercy as a support is absolutely FINE. yes she has less healing now and Ana is better now but their is nothing wrong with that, Ana is good at healing tanks she always was and now with moira its even better but mercy is still good when ran with a certain flying hero.

Now for Rez, I see alot of fourms posts about mercy players saying that you can only use res at the start of the fight or at the end which is simply not true, yes it is hard to use it during the fight but its not impossible if you have a zarya player tell her to bubble you if you want to rez. Or if you have a dva tell her to use Defense Matrix on you while you rez or even get your team to play a bit more aggressive near the body you want to rez and if you still cant get that rez. its fine after all Rez was meant to be used as a kind of eraser. erasing the mistakes of your overextending genji main.

But seriously all of this talk that mercy needs a buff is just plain wrong she is till fine if you use your brain and just because you cant play her all the time doesn’t mean she is “trash”


Have fun my friend…


this isnt bait honestly just tired of these mercy / ex mercy playerws complaining that they have to think before they rez

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I know but have fun trying to argue your point. It’s somewhat ‘difficult’


im only going to engage with people who actually want to talk about it not the salty mercy main who just wants to kill me


She could be better. She could be funner.


what do you mean “funner”

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She would be fine only if Valkyrie could have some impact.
I would be ok when Valk will enchance ALL abilities, Rez too.
Then it’s fine.


Good choice. I get annoyed by them easily so I engage with rage.

(Trying to work on phrasing my words and being nice in general)

She used to be very rewarding, she used to be a thrill to play. Dodging enemy fires/ults, trying to stay alive just to pull that last clutch rez to turn the tides. Those days are gone. Mercy to me is just an empty shell of herself.
She’s meh now, but she could be better.


ik im going to get hell for this but here i go. Just because a hero isnt “fun” anymore does not warrent a buff to make her “fun”


Just good with one hero? Woo, so amazing :laughing:. I understand though, you like playing Ana more than Mercy and so don’t want her to be made into a must pick or highly popular choice (like the rework did). Unlike recently, Ana was also a highly popular pick and for all I know may still be (I haven’t checked recently), but that is apparently fine?

Resurrect, I’ll give you that partly, however… there’s also the fact that it’s such a powerful ability for being in a standard ability slot unearned. There’s no skill ceiling potential in regards to earning resurrect, since it’s on a fixed cooldown. Doesn’t matter if you die a lot or don’t heal a lot, you’ll still get the ability ready to use within the same timeframe.

Finally Valkyrie, which unless I’m not fully awake I’ve not noticed mentioned. She is effectively semi-autopilot with little potential impact when using Valkyrie. The best potential impact you can get from Valkyrie is going Battle Mercy and killing something like a Pharah or Widowmaker, however your team may not appreciate that if they also die without being healed. The ‘Battle Mercy’ strategy also goes against Mercy’s ‘pacifist’ nature.

Suffice to say, it should be that all support heroes should be balanced and engaging and not one or another every so often gets a ‘spotlight’. If one enjoys previous Mercy and wants a more engaging experience then the best choice right now is Moira, it’s as close as you can get. Playing current Mercy feels somewhat like you’re riding a bicycle with training wheels on the back so that you don’t fall over.


first of all she isnt good with just 1 hero she is good but alot just not in tank heavy comps that where ana and moira shine and again staying alive to heal your team is valk is enough sustain and if you make the choice to go battle mercy when your team needs healing isnt a mercy problem its YOUR problem its the same with every other healer in the game except brig if you choose to dps over heal you put them at a disadvantage if you dont kill anything its like if a lucio staying on speedboost all game and just goes for the illusive boop or your moira just dps and doesnt heal or your ana just decides she wants to kill the enemy pharah while your rein is getting destroyed. this game is all about choice and the choice you make impact the game

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These are contradictory statements. If Mercy was FINE, then they would be equals and people would pick between them based on the map or team comp.


ok tracer is a good hero but isnt pharah better against goats its a simple gameplay choice and a meta certain heros a better for certain metas you wouldnt see me playing tracer/genji into a heavy goats comp that have a brig babysitting her healers like they are the cure to cancer

She’s not fine because she’s not fun.

That’s it.

What’s the point of playing X character if you’re not enjoying it ?


It really isn’t contradictory at all, the reason for certain things being better than others has more to do with their individual balance which for instance could just be the meta, which it is most of the time.
Zen is amazing a he was during the Mercy meta, problem is that the meta doesn’t favor him because getting discord value through the barriers is really hard.

There is no point, but that’s when you play something else.

character balacing isnt based of how “fun” a hero is and if you think that you really dont belong on a fourm

What do you think of Zenyatta? Balanced? OP? UP?