"Mercy is fine fun is subjective play someone else"

I would like to see the source of your claims. You have provided none, and are only referencing a forum account from one individual. If I recall, you said “revertmercy/reworkmercy folks”. As in, generalizing anyone who wants a revert or a rework.

I don’t consist of every “revertmercy / reworkmercy folk”, so right now, that claim is already immediately false. Making accusations based on perceived actions of one individual (who’s opinions you happen to dislike) to generalize anyone who wants a revert or rework.

Otherwise… If you are going to accuse a group of people of “employing” something. I think it’s fair for you to provide evidence of it. Source? :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I think you have all the details you need on this group, but if you need more, perhaps you could contact their current leader? I believe this individual just finished an unimpactful 30 day boycott of Overwatch as the followup to the ill-advised and illegal forums raid so with that flurry of activity complete this individual probably has time to answer questions

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Nope. Sorry. I believe I don’t, because I’m pretty sure that there is no “current leader” of #reworkMercy or #revertMercy. So, again… A swing… and a miss.

And your opinion on what you “believe” to be impactful or unimpactful regarding what they do or don’t do is noted, but not relevant to this discussion. I’m pretty sure you have no valid stats to back up said claims, and thus are using Ad Hominem on what you believe it to be.

In my opinion, I believe they’re doing something right if they’re so “unimpactful”, yet you seem to know everything about them and keep up with them all the time. Getting even those who shouldn’t care about their movements to watch their videos and engage with their content is what I’d consider to be a huge success of marketing their campaign, so I must give them a load of props. Afterall, If said group wasn’t “impactful,” why do you feel the need to keep track of everything they do? Surely if they didn’t have impact, you wouldn’t see them as a threat, and preaching about how evil you believe they are on the forums, would you? That seems to be wasted energy on something that seemingly has “no impact”, does it not? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I believe you have all the info you need on them. No need for me to elaborate further

And I’m saying, with regards to the slander / negative rumors made just now, I don’t. And I still await to see the proof of these “unimpactful revertmercy/reworkmercy folk” being led by this “leader” to “employ these tactics to attack Blizzard” as was claimed previously.

That’s some pretty bold statements from someone who has no proof to back it up. Of which can be seen as potentially trolling. So in all humbleness, I ask a third time. Do you have a source of those previous claims? Or shall we allow this too to be taken away with the wind as just more hot-air being blown to sling mud at a group of people who’s opinions they don’t agree with? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I firmly believe that anyone who communicates even just a few times with the leader of those groups, err that group, will come to clearly understand what this group truly is

Though I completely disagree with it, you are entitled to your belief. Still, you have no actual proof of the claims you’ve made… But rather, just made slander against an entire group (“reworkmercy / revertmercy folk”) based on the original post. Is that correct? Sorry, I’m a bit confused after the bold claims made previously, without any evidence. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

One is of course welcome to arrive at whatever conclusions one prefers…there are thousands of flat earthers doing just that, every day, not even blushing while doing so

That said, there is a difference between absence of proof and choosing to not to provide it.

If I told a flat earther that our planets shape is roughly spherical, but brought no proof with me, it nonetheless remains factual that the earth is roughly spherical


And there we have, the canned “flat-earther” response to a simple “yes or no” question. That tells me without a doubt, that you actually have no proof, and it was all actually just slander to make said group of people look bad - because the one in question disagrees with their stance on Mercy.

Well, with that being said, I’m glad we have come to a conclusion, and once again, debunked another false claim… Once again, it’s fine to have an opinion regarding Mercy. Ultimately, we’re going to have to agree to disagree. Thanks again for your cooperation and the confirmation and I hope you have a good one!

Some more stale breeze in the quest of finding actual evidence of these accusations, oh well… One day… :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Indeed, and in this case the evidence is, factually, abundantly available – on these forums, YouTube videos and comments, the Mercy discord. There is no lack of evidence for this claim, it is recorded and archived in excess.


Factually, there are no forum rules specifying that one must answer any question a certain way, or even answer at all

Factually, I have made no false claims

Factually, I have slandered no one

Please stop trying to be Sherlock, you’re not good at it.


You are free to believe so. But with regards to the context, the evidence (and the lack thereof) speaks for itself doesn’t it? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


It actually wasn’t just because “it was unfun to play against” lol.

I concur… at least Sherlock Holmes can directly answer trivial “Yes or No” questions and provide evidence. :wink:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Factually, I am not pretending to be anyone

Factually, I am responding as me

That was the reason given in a number of the dev updates my dude. That and “disheartening to play against”. Sure there were other reasons provided later, but those sound a lot like what various streamers said about the rework, at least the ones who thought it wasn’t hideously overpowered at first.

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Whoops… Here comes the “Factuallys”. Brace yourself. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


And you’re still doing it. You just keep saying things in the most complex way you can. For no discernible reason. You sound like someone trying to be Sherlock, badly.

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The statements that the above statements are replying to were and are statements of fact, not belief