"Mercy is fine fun is subjective play someone else"

Don’t forget that she was reworked because her ability was unhealthy for the game. Fun is still subjective. People still play her a good amount because they find her fun.

She wasn’t fun to play against and she wasnt fun to play.

Her entire character revolved around rez-botting.
Engaging in combat was punished, because you wouldnt get the rez off as your ultimate was so important that the entire match revolved on whether you would get it off or not.

Healing was punished, because letting teammates die was more often than not the smarter decision.

Hiding was necessary, because you were such an easy, linear and high-value target that you stood no chance, if someone spotted you, resulting in a loss, because you couldnt get the rez off.

She didnt have advanced movement, which was also not fun.

LOS rezzing would’ve only made Mercys ultimate clunky and it didnt matter much anyway, since it was largely your teammates decision where they died and “Die on point” was a thing anyway.

The reality of the rez-ability:

The reason why people want it back, is because it was really impactful and stupidly easy as it was so incredibly linear and dumb to pull off.


stands up and slowly starts clapping with tears in eyes
Thank you.


Any evidence to back this up?

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how can they complain about a weak ultimate?

her true ultimate is still rez on E s a free ability

its why they had to slow her down,and nerf her in other places many times cause rez on e is too powerful

the good ol’ misconception…

I just love these kind of videos.

And then there’s still people saying:

Hide & Ress only happened in low ranks

Yeah, top 500 are definitly low ranks…

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Blizz decides what’s fun and what isn’t. So if they think she is fun and in a fine spot then she is and the opinions of the community do not matter.

That’s your opinion.

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Oddly, and without blushing, I have noted that there is only one person I have seen mentioning a hashtag #MercyIsFine, and it isnt a person who’d I’d normally associate with pushing such a concept

One might speculate that the existence of this hashtag (and the existence of any underlying support structure) is a fabrication

“…Mercy- is one of the top played characters in Overwatch”
-Jeff Kaplan (0:14-0:30)
who has access to internal statistics that Overbuff doesn’t have.
That no third-party website has, because a third party website doesn’t have actual access to Blizzard’s servers to see the EXACT number.
Your source is Overbuff.


False again.

"WHY ARE WE CHANGING MERCY IN THE FIRST PLACE? One of the problems we see with Mercy right now (pre-rework) is, there is a weird behavior that’s encouraged by the core, fundamental design of the hero. Which is that, if you are a Mercy player and you are healing your team and your ultimate is up or you’re close to it, you have this weird moment where stop healing your team, you go into hiding, and you start to tell your team ‘everybody die together, die on the point, I have rez.’
-Jeff Kaplan (0:41)

Silly me, I forgot to include the link…


They wouldn’t make threads, but they do comment in threads saying they’re happy with her or fine with her.

Well yes.

As I said, that’s not fair when you consider the old ult was more dynamic and as such caused more problems. Of course people are going to complain if a lucky rez resulted in them losing the game. When, if ever, have you heard someone say “nerf Valk it’s too good!” probably never.

IMO, if you’re not hearing anyone complain about a character’s ability, it should probably be looked at for being too weak.

I think that there’s needs to be an understanding as to how Blizzard balances the game.

The core reason for the changes is balance, “fun” is something you’ll have to find out for yourself whether you like it or not. A company shouldn’t be obligated to personalize the game to your preference.
Either way, they wouldn’t be able to please everyone due to the diverse player base that consists of a lot of DPS, Tank, and other support mains.

It’s up to you to decide whether you would invest your time into this in case you find it fun. If not, farewell. Find something that’s right for you/
it shouldn’t be up to you to dictate whether or not things should change to fit your liking.
YOU should be looking for things that fit your liking instead of trying to change things in your favor.

For one to blame the company over something that is subjective is illogical.

I understand that it was a simple" recommendation" (although it was hardly a recommendation, more like unnecessary information with no direct goal), however, your discussion was written in such a one-sided/biased manner.

Then I assume you’re happy with her recent state as it’s not “garbage”, it’s in a very fair state. It’s pretty self-explanatory as to why that’s the case.


A bunch of lame buffs/nerfs that change nothing is my guess. The people who cared and had an idea what to do left this game if you ask me. It will take a lot to get Mercy the rework she really deserves.


Does one point have more weight then others?

I believe so, but I can’t confirm. However, it would be naive to think otherwise. When big decisions need to be made, we value some opinions more then others. For example, many Christians would value the advice from a priest or religious figure over an uncle.

The other challenge is determining if the 3 points of balance are in conflict within each point.

The playerbase impression is always rife with conflict, from the pros opinions to the plebs we hardly ever agree on anything. However, when a majority of the playerbase does agree, Blizzard looks into it.

The developers themselves probably have slightly differing opinions on balance, so they have meetings to determine the best avenue to take.

Hero stats is a tricky point to balance, because stats themselves don’t paint a picture. It requires delving into the numbers and pulling out meaningful data.

If you asked me, I think dev impressions is the trump, followed by playerbase and stats.

I believe Mercy is definitely balanced mby a small buff and she is perfect, I just do not find her kit that exciting

Hey be thankful they didnt gaslighted you saying that Hide n rez was a myth that never happened.

Gotcha fam

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Much appreciated, kappa.

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A perfectly happy Mercy player


Ooh don’t worry, I’ve seen that too.
I just don’t take people like that serious, I mean there’s a video from the devs saying it was happening.