Mercy is falling once again

Just give her 60 hps back and everything will be okay… .

Well, that’s why you do the 55hps, and see where that’s at.

Which is pretty much guaranteed to be better, without being overpowered.

and then they forget about the fun problem that should be getting fixed once we’re done with the F tier heroes.
I’d rather Mercy be F tier while she’s this boring to play. that way I won’t have other people asking me to play Mercy and get kicked from groups the moment I say I don’t play Mercy

I dunno why but when I read your posts the voice for you in my head is that squeaky voiced wannabe youtuber Aria Rose.

A voice that only a mother could love.

I’m sorry, but that voice is associated in my head with mercy mains now and forever.

Should she, though?

Mercy was balanced during this period.

False. I said that I haven’t played since October 21st of 2017, and that I stopped playing because of the rework. I have never said that I haven’t played the game since the rework came out.

Cool. How is this relevant?

Bringing back a working mechanic, or referencing mechanics the worked to influence future balancing decisions will solve a hell of a lot more than letting problems fester for a year or removing abilities outright because the developers are too incompetent work with them.

You won’t get anywhere if you don’t learn from the past. You’ll just keep making the same mistakes. Why risk pissing off the Mercy playerbase for longer by sitting idle or removing the most iconic ability in the game when the solution is still in the logs?


I’m stubborn that way.

It would matter a lot to the players.

Shield Generator isn’t nearly as iconic as Resurrect is. There isn’t any merchandise centralized around the ability, and “Shield Generator online” is pretty generic and bland. Furthermore, there are no achievements or sprays tied to the Shield Generator.

Can’t say the same about Resurrect.



All of D.Va’s and Doomfist’s bugs. smh

Given a tiny bit of help, Mercy is gonna be pretty damn balanced. Mercy is still my most played hero in comp and I still have a positive win rate on her.

I do think Mercy deserves another rework though.

Uh… If you look at this week in GM, Mercy has a 2.07% pickrate in GM. So no, she’s still doing better than when “she had a sub 1% pickrate”.


Pharah has less than half of Mercy’s pickrate.
Which obviously means Mercy is being used outside of just Pharah/Mercy combos.

Mercy has double Road’s pickrate.

Even if you expand it to the full month, the numbers are lower, sure, but almost everything I said is still true. Practically a 2% pickrate, and double that of Pharah’s. The fact that hers is higher this week as opposed to this month also means she’s on the rise again.

I’m all for a heal buff, but let’s at least be accurate about our evidence.


If I’m honest, I’d like to see Valkyrie get the same treatment as Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow. Halve the duration of the ult, but also halve the charge requirement. Turn Mercy into a hero whose playstyle revolves around mode swapping between single target and aoe heals much more frequently, where you need to be more precise with when you use it, with it having its much shorter duration. You could either have Valkyrie bump her hps back up to 60 for the duration, but I feel it’d be better to make that first change and see how it does by itself.

Either that, or reduce the cast time of Rez back to 0.75-1 sec. With her reduced capacity for healing compared to Moira & Ana, the trade-off should go back to being able to reduce that 1 mistake every 30 seconds. But some form of cast time should definitely still be on there to punish the profoundly stupid rez attempts people try to make.

Where are you seeing her under 1%?

Couldn’t have said it better!

The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :shaved_ice: :chocolate_bar:

Heroes → Mercy → Trends → GM → Weekly/Monthly Data

I think this is what he is referencing.

The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :shaved_ice: :chocolate_bar:

Thank you. So 3 full days. He could have been more clear.

He’s still correct. :man_shrugging: Besides, there’s really no indication of her stats jumping back up again since the most recent jump in pickrate was mainly because of Pharah.

The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :shaved_ice::chocolate_bar:

yeah what’s up. there’s this whole mercy bad thing and now widow’s hit reg is broken!?

Predicting a trend from 3 days of data on a very small sample size is pretty dangerous. A few hardcore GM Mercy mains may have taken a few days off. The weekly averages and then the monthly will equalize with the daily if that’s where this is heading, but I doubt it.

The rest of this season’s data will be trash too because we’re under 7 days in the season, so everyone can stop playing and still won’t decay.

Actually, it’s 22 days and perhaps more if you count the days before the spike in pickrate.

The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :shaved_ice::chocolate_bar:

In which case the weekly then monthly will drop to less than 1%, as I said. We’ll have to wait until next season, but it should happen if that spike was just a fluke. I don’t follow changes enough to know if anything is changing again soon with the new season, or if that was patch related spike then return to normalcy.