Mercy is falling once again


That version of Mercy was D-tier.

Do I need to drop the quote from Jeff Kaplan himself in which he says that Ana was the most-played hero in the top 33% of players?

Restating a position that has already been shot down without providing any additional reinforcement for that position doesn’t bring said dead position back into play.

By… punishing sloppy play?

Spamming Q 5 times to take an objective seems quite sloppy to me, and Resurrect was one of the only counters to that strategy.

And the teams that play with this mentality lost more often than not.


Expending a limited and scarce resource just for the hell of it when an infinite resource (healing) is sufficient is a great way to immediately get your rear handed to you.

“Everyone jump on the point and die.”
Team dies and baits no ultimates from the enemy.
Mercy Resurrects the team.
The enemy pops the two ultimates they just charged from killing 5 players, wiping the freshly-revived team as soon as they are vulnerable.

That’s what happens when you look to expend a resource just for the hell of it. The game punished this kind of play.

Your argument is like saying that “It’s counter-intuitive for Pharah players to kill themselves with Rocket Barrage, therefore Rocket Barrage should be removed”.

Objectively false.

And ultimate spam will continue to get worse.

And why might that be?

And again, this version of Mercy never broke D-tier.

You have a laughable definition of “busted”.

The playerbase.

At which point, all of those voicelines, sprays, and merchandise becomes meaningless.

Which is a middle-finger to the playerbase.