Mercy is DEAD. Can we FIX her now!?

She is fun and her skill floor is higher since mass rez was removed.


And that’s supposed to make sense, because?

I’m just using the same tactics you are using. It doesn’t make sense for you to do it but you did it anyway :grinning: It illustrates how hollow your arguments are.

And that’s supposed to make sense, because?

Dude, you present anecdotal evidence as if they’re irrefutable facts. I call you out on it, counter it with my own anecdotal evidence, and all you have in response is this? Lol. Get out. You’re just arguing with me to see if you can get me properly tilted.

First, her skill floor was lowered as well as her skill ceiling. Resurrect needs far less decision making and is far less punishable as you have one every 30 seconds. Res on ultimate WORKED and we know that as she had no problems for 1.5 years. Ever since the rework tho she has had problems. HideNRes was not a thing, avrg healing was 12k with mass res, and with valk avrg healing is 12.9k. I doubt a AoE heal move can up the healing just by 900.

She is not fun. Every part of her has been ripped, every single one. Her healing feels terrible, so does her resurrect, valkyrie feels underwhelming. We have GA remaining which will eat a nerf, I know it.

Second, from what I have seen you typing around the forums I think I will quit trying to reason with you. You are biased and bend words the way they suit you. Bye, starlight

EDIT: Can I just point out how you cry about people derailing your threads but then you come at Mercy threads and start being negative towards Mercy players. I still have screenshots of you assembling that witch hunting party (thru a thread)


I think I’ll do the same. I’ll make a mental note to just ignore him from now on.


I provided you with a link with plenty of evidence that supports the claim that mass rez&hide was a thing. You choose to intentionally ignore it and not even comment on it.

Then proceed to make a “no u” comment and brought in your personal credentials about what you do for a living and your age. :rofl: As if that actually has any merit in this discussion. Then you started talking about some statistics that you don’t even reference as if it’s some sort of evidence. Learn to debate mate because you are failing miserably.

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He is one of the few forum trolls I have noticed. Nothing we can do. Fun how they cry if something about Mercy is commented on their threads but then they come here with “I’m right, you’re wrong, begone.”

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‘‘If your opinion isn’t the same as mine ,it’s irrelevant and doesn’t matter’’

balance doesn’t happen overnight ,they’ve definitely screwed up a lot of times but balance-wise I’d say this is the best the game has ever been

Yes ,bad apples exist but the F-tier heroes aren’t nearly as bad as they were and the strong heroes we have now don’t even compare to the broken messes the game launched with



  • I’m against rez on E and
  • love to see her rez as an ultimate, and
  • believe current Mercy isn’t fun and the messiest hero in overwatch atm and
  • needs to be reworked,

I don’t think she’s dead. Supports are actually at the same level of use right now.

They fixed the problem with a wrong solution. Ana was in need of help. Mercy had the same hps when Ana was meta and her heals were never the problem

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Or how you can’t even disagree with them in their own threads on completely different subjects.


Just ignore them on this

The link he provided was so “appreciated” that is got locked and thrown into the “ur thread should die” thread (megathread).


You are the one that accused me of a real life threat :rofl: Do I need to remind you of that? Hold on, here we go:

"Hahahahahahahah. A real life threat? It was a joke about his comment:

LMAO, a real life threat, ahhahaahhaahha. Hence my comment that it’s nice to know his permanent address. I’m not referring to his real life address :rofl: I’m literally in tears. The character assassination is just beyond me. You are literally proving everything I’m saying right in front of everyone’s eyes."


That’s an opinion, fun is subjective. She is fun to me and to other people.

I’m not negative towards Mercy players, I am a Mercy player. I’m discussing the hero, I’m not attacking anyone anywhere. Also you conveniently miss out on the fact that my thread was calling for a return of the Mercy megathread. Nice of you to try and manipulate the argument. :grinning:

Having a different opinion from you = trolling. Nice personal attack.

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I’m not talking balance, I’m talking about the game as a whole. There are so many bugs in this game, it’s ridiculous. If far smaller companies can get it right, then why is Overwatch in such a sorry state by comparison?

That’s an opinion. Both sides can play this game. (just asking, if it didn’t work why would it stay in the game for 1.5 years. I will tell you why. Because the devs were happy with it, just like they are happy with valk. Difference is no part of the community are happy with mercy.)

BTW You have just proven my point. You have to say nothing else so you pull out the “hah you accused me of real life threat”. Ok, my bad. (I admit it). But you’re still going in with “I’m right, you’re wrong”.

Seriously I can really see no point in arguing with you.

If only you could ban people from your own threads.

You just go against people with “I’m right, you’re wrong” as I have said many times. I’m not even attacking you, I’m pointing out the truth. I have many screenshots where you just quote someone and say “nope. nope. nope” without any context.


If it would get the anti-Mercy people to lay the F off, then please dear God, PLEASE do. Just anything to no longer be a soulless pile of crap.

But we all know that wont happen, and since Blizzards current path is make her suck so hard even Hoover is complaining, it’d be better to have her back at F tier troll pick and underpowered before they added invincibility on Rez to stop Mercy from having the uncontested definition of a suicide ult.

That was the last point before her SR got jacked up creating hide and Rez, before the really nasty vitriol errupted, and the Seagull/XQC witch hunt. I could live with moderate prejudice and hate because thats just another day as a Mercy main since launch. As long as she’s fun in that she has choices to make, has a potential hero momemt instead of simply being a potato pocket boost, and feels fluid again.

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I think it’s about time we let some other Supports get the spotlight. It’s been Mercy ever since Res was put on E.

It’s not an opinion because I’m providing you with relevant information and evidence to actually support my claims. Fun is something subjective and not something that can be debated. Yes, the devs removed it because it didn’t work. Evidence above why it didn’t work (because it was an unhealthy mechanic).

Majority of the community is happy with Mercy, and if you claim such a thing please provide relevant statistics what percentage of the community is unhappy with Mercy (community is more than just the forums by the way).

I have plenty to say but you accused me of manipulating things so surprise surprise, I reminded you that this is your tactic. It’s called self-defense. Don’t bring it up next time then.

At least you are admitting it this time. What you should have done if you were mature was to actually apologize. I had to repeal silence because of your accusation and it took time for a moderator to actually look at the evidence and flag me as innocent. But you didn’t think of that did you? It’s easier to do character assassination.

I’ve never said this - I provide evidence and I provide opinion. I dispel statements that are flat out wrong. The claim that Mass Rez&hide wasn’t a thing is an objectively wrong statement and the evidence I’ve provided refutes this statement. This a fact, not an opinion.

Exactly this.

“I REFUSE to learn ANYTHING else beside hardcore one tricking Mercy forever and evcer, so buff her or dam buff her!”


Which for the record almost no Mercy main wanted and begged the devs to not do, but Mercy mains took 100% of the blame for it happening anyway.

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