Mercy is fine where she’s at.
Heroes that take more skill, should get more value and impact the game a lot more than heroes that don’t take as much skill.
Why don’t you pick up a new hero and learn them? That’s a gameplay mechanic, swapping heroes.
I never want Mercy to be needed in every situation again.
Do you say the same thing to crying Genji mains who get rekt by Brigitte? Or is this only reserved for Mercy mains?
If Genji wasn’t an optimal pick, then yeah, swap it out.
You don’t one-trick heroes, no matter what hero it is.
Never one-trick.
I’m just going to leave this here: https : // www. overbuff. com/ heroes
I mean, i myself am a mercy main, and I personally think res is a terrible mechanic completely, but the problem blizzard has is that if they remove the ability mercy mains will riot
You forgot the part where the toxic guys put in their own narrative that all Mercy mains are complaining because they want her to be OP and meta even though no one said that yet and is in fact making the opposite clear. For example in this thread.
In that case, for the record, Ressing, even as ultimate was stale. We need something more exciting and flashy.
That’s such a stupid argument. So Mercy isn’t allowed to haver her moment to shine because she’s not as difficult to play as other supports? Give me a break.
And countless Mercy mains have been switching to another support because, as stated, we absolutely hate playing her right now. Most of us did learn a new hero or, I know I’m going to blow your mind right now, have been playing other heroes even before this nerf. Not every Mercy main is a one trick. It’s a hard fact to believe, I know. But it’s true. We don’t want her to be needed in every situation either. But we don’t want to be told “Let other supports shine, you had your moments” either because no, we didn’t have our moments. Mercy was OP yes, but we hated that too.
It’s not about us not being able to play a different hero, it’s about us being upset that our hero had to be butchered just because someone else’s whining was loud enough for the devs to make that mistake of a rework and the following nerfs in the first place.
Actually i would prefer a stronger heal instead of a res ability that turns Mercy in a glowing statue and paralyze her.
It’s a deeper issue than just Mercy mains, as Mercy’s merchandise pretty much revolves around it.
There are heaps of ideas for abilities that mercy could go along with the mantra of “HEROES NEVER DIE” as well, imagine instead of res, she just makes someone invulnerable for like 2 seconds
At least you can still beat yourself to her, she’s incredibly popular.
Wouldn’t that be even more unfun to play against than seeing someone being revived? I mean, people despised 4 second DM d.Va for it (and got her changed).
Well obviously there would be some sort of counterplay mechanic, perhaps mercy needs to keep direct line of sight, or remain within a certain range
She IS playable though. She’s still decent.
I can list some heroes in a worse state than Mercy if you’d like? There’s such a bubble of privilege with hardcore Mercy players.
The DPS has their Genji
The tanks have their
And the supports have their Mercys
It’s not such a bad thing if she’s less viable than other healers for a while. I think one of the problems we’ve had since September last year has been that there has been no leeway for changes purely for an enjoyment perspective. The focus has been on nerfs, nerfs, nerfs. Perhaps in 6 months or so they may actually be able to make changes that make her more fun to play rather than less fun. After all, that was one of the objectives with the initial rework, too bad it had the opposite effect then (from my perspective).
Hey there! Here is a big thread going over Mercys problems and giving a solution in the form of another rework suggestion. Have fun reading it.
get rdy ana mains im sure that ana will be nerfed after enjoys ur stay
No thanks. Mass Rez was a terrible unhealthy mechanic.
In your opinion.