Mercy is DEAD. Can we FIX her now!?

It is a hero shooter by genre, and why are you so offensive and rude?


i disagree with that actually, i believe her movement and her staff is what makes Mercy Mercy, res is just a cooldown and a fantasy of the character while not actually being part of her core


Exactly, I agree, that’s pretty crappy behavior and crappy Mercy gameplay by noobs who don’t know how to play her. But instead of trying to fix or prevent that they made the problem a million times worse with 30 second tempo Res defining the meta for over a year.

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Well, overwatch is an FPS, mercy is just an exception to it for the most part. Yes it’s also team based and yes it’s also strategy based, but it’s still also an FPS


no one was arguing that it didn’t have fps qualities but that its not strictly an fps.


mercy re-work was released in September last year, on ptr august of last year on the 25th. not quite a year has passed… technically

Don’t get me wrong! I’m thrilled for the buffs to the other support characters! I LOVE that people can play other Supports viably and not complain that they HAVE to pick Mercy! The Support characters are in the healthiest spot they’ve ever been in. And by that definition, Mercy IS no longer an OP must pick, but again, I believe they’ve dialed her back too far and she needs some kind of fix or change. I honestly don’t see her pickrate getting any better, but I could be wrong.

They could just make res following: Shield ally from lethal damage for x second(s), if they take lethal damage, heal 200, if they have over 300 health, heal output is doubled for x second(s) including this burst heal.

This is the new ultimate res.

No, I’m saying current mercy promotes bad gameplay as low-mid tier mercy’s routinely trade their life for a less valuable teammate’s or none at all.
Instead of staying safe and healing the rest of the team until mr I died first can come back.

Instead your main healer AND mr I died first is now dead and the entire team crumbles.

Mercy 1.0 had counterplay with los checks, since she would need to fly in and is doing so in a straight line.
With the copious amounts of CC in the game right now and only 200 hp which is easily gunned down that is EASILY counterable.

Therefore you WANT your zarya or someone else to still be alive to save your butt while you save everyone elses.

Want to get rid of gaming performance based SR?
Remove performance based SR.


She was and is not the only hero gaming the system whatsoever, it happens ALL the time.

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I know its technically a FPS, but generalizing it as just another shooter is just such a disservice because its more complicated than that. Characters like Mercy are what makes it different from other FPS games and removing that uniqueness from the game is what will kill Overwatch.

It’s nice that you ignore my replies now, mr. Cyberbully.

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That’s just a needlessly complicated Zarya bubble. I’m not trying to argue what I think is the perfect solution, just that SOMETHING needs to change.

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It becomes clear that (to Blizzard) rez is a core ability of Mercy.

So, as it was considered unhealthy for the game as an ult, they will keep it as an « e ».

I don’t think she is unviable now, and I don’t think she is less fun now than 2 weeks ago just because of the 10hps loss.

They have to focus a bit on other heroes and see how it goes to support category.

Don’t be delusional, they won’t change her.

Best example is Ana, buff have been requested for a year, and they have been reluctant to do so, because they knew her problem wasn’t only Ana weaknesses, but also Mercy OPness…

My 2 cts

Edit : my point is, if figures show that support category is balanced, even if you don’t like her ultimate or her « e », they will not take the risk to touch her, and i don’t think they will ever come back to mass rez…


What did people tell Tracer and Genji mains when Brigette came out?

Switch? Adapt? Can’t be meta all the time?

Well Mercy players y’all gotta do the same.


I don’t want her to be meta or OP, I just want her to not be outclassed by the other support’s versatility because of her 1 OP ability while the rest of her kit is small, simple, and boring.

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well i’m sorry you’re running into mercys who are on autopilot then. all i can say about that

however they removed the los check on res and that’s what started this whole mess.

and again i’m just not a fan of res being in the game, they can remove it without it being part of her

I don’t think she’s outclassed i think she just had too many tools so they nerfed the tools. they got rid of entity based damage amp (which turned out to be a nerf to mercy more than hanzo) and they nerfed her healing

I feel you’re remembering history wrong here.
They added los checks later, and then also gave her invulnerability.
The invulnerability was overkill and then they reworked res into an even more overkill ability, with 2 instant resses during valk.

that’s in 2.0 mercy, i was talking about 1.0 mercy.

Edit unless i am wrong about the original ult not having an los requirement ever

I do think support mains will have to get used to switch like tanks and dps mains had.

With the roster we have and the counter plays we have, we might not be able to stick with the same healer all match long, we will have to switch

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