Mercy is DEAD. Can we FIX her now!?

I agree rez should be an ultimate.

  1. Rez is too strong to be a regular ability. Think about it: it negates all of the abilities that were used to get the kill you rezzed.
  2. Rez on ultimate makes Valkyrie more impactful.
  3. Replace Rez with a new E ability that temporarily boosts healing (chain heal? enhanced beam? longer range beam? temporary flying?) So many ideas!
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Admitting to spamming.

Reported lol.

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the explanation i was given is that while the width of his projectiles are small and not “tree trunk-like” at all, they are long, and if any part of their entire length collides with an enemy hitbox, it registers as a hit

compare that to jankret nades which are spherical, there is less time or opportunity for a single projectile to collide with a single enemy in an individual instance along one particular axis

if anyone can confirm/deny?

I mean, Mercy may be “the worst of the supports” but she still isn’t bad. If someone picks Mercy, the team doesn’t accuse them of throwing or anything ridiculous like that. She’s still quite viable, but now other supports like Ana and Moira can also be played without people feeling like Mercy is necessary 24/7.

I’d even argue that she isn’t so much the worst of the supports as she is more situational now, thriving in comps with snipers or McCree. While Ana is now more flexible for other types of comps and Moira is still the best at tank heavy or death ball comps. Which, in reality is how it should be for the healers, choosing the best one for the best situation.

While I’d never really argue against a Mercy revert (I miss big rez!!) I think she’s in a fine place right now, which is good since I don’t think a revert is ever coming, despite how stubbornly people seem to want it on the forums.

No mostly everyone. It wasnt removed for nothing.

Actually Moira at the highest still is the worest support. Lucio is still behind brig and zen. Mercy still a top 3 at ever rank on ladder.

Also no mercy not dead she is a top 3 support on ladder. With ana and zen outperform her at high ranks on ladder.

She is not dead in the slightest, i still see her in game a lot and it’s always good to have her.

They have to listen to everyone screaming, not just the Mercy players. It’s impossible to make everyone happy, the sooner the forums accept this the better.

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Thats not saying much. Man Lucio not the best anymore buff him. Sombra the new changes are nerfs buff her. Same story different mains. Nothing new.

I agree, there is a youtuber I know of who is a mercy main and she thinks Rez should be an ult. I play a tonne of mercy (she’s my second most played in comp just under bastion) And I agree

Best video explination is here - YouTube

I think that the huge fall Mercy took when she went from 60 to 50 hp/s really shows that rez isn’t a huge problem, most of Mercy’s strength comes from her healing potential. So, talking about rez like it’s a ridiculous overpowered ability that holds the rest of her kit hostage doesnt make any sense - we just established that it doesn’t.

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No shes too powerful. Nerff her some more.

She was fine when rez was an ulti, the problem was that there were too many “Hide and Rez” mercy players. “Hide and Ult” can be applied to Reaper, Junk, Genji, Mccree and so many other DPS, tanks and support. To use Mercy’s new ult, what do you have to do? HIDE, When you rez? HIDE. We need the 60HPS ult rez mercy back. She’s not able to be balanced in this state, we need our girl back

Her pickrate since her last nerf has been cut in half. And she has a sub 50 percent winrate avereage. She is perfect fine.

Inb4 he’s going to reply with something along the lines of, “MaSs resSurreCT is DOne aftER thE fiGhT whEreAs thOsE dpS ultimaTes arE donE DuRing thE fIGhT”.

Healing isn’t the main reason supports are picked. A supports utility and syngery with other heros mainly other support is. Lucio and zen for two season was the best duo becuse of their utility and how they worked together.

Okay mercy healing potential isn’t the issue why because before the rework. She had 60 hp per second and even with monster healing numbers she was never picked in pros or at the top of the ladder.

I don’t play Mercy much (If I support it’s time for Zen or Ana to be honest), but I think she’s starting to lag behind the other supports. Unless the Mercy player is a near god in terms of switching beams and packing split-second reflexes like a fighter pilot to jump away from danger or to a teammate who needs it while protecting themselves… She can’t get much headway with the two best burst healers in the game (Moira and Ana).

I like her but… she needs a little more shine on that halo, fam.

That’s not how perfectly fine works. She has sub 50 win rate average. She has below average win rate at every tier. She has the lowest win rate of all healers plat-gm (and second lowest bronze - gold). She’s in the bottom 3 winrates among all characters diamond-gm. If you play Mercy in any rank now, chances are you’ll derank. She’s been like that for the past two weeks since the nerf, and there’s no real sign of recovery.

That’s definitely not perfectly fine. That’s the sign of an over reaching nerf, and a character who needs looking into because she can’t do her job properly.

I don’t mind if they take the time to save face, or to appease the Mercy haters, or to actually think things through for once. But she needs a serious looking into.

Then why did her winrate crater when it was nerfed? And why is everyone freaking out now? If supports aren’t about healing then that last nerf shouldn’t have mattered. But they are (to a large degree anyway) and it did.