Mercy is DEAD. Can we FIX her now!?

Could easily do that. Valk design + res on E is full of flaws, more so than mass res was.

INB4 undertone quoting me with a “nope” at the end, because thats how he lead his

well guess what, those “many other people” are most of the playerbase who don’t main Mercy

And, as we already determined, when balance isn’t an issue, their point of view is irrelevant.

Funny how statements like that always come AFTER she gets nerfed again and again…
Let Mercy Rest… But if they decide to nerf her again… Okay… let her rest after that!
The same thing with the people who were: “Mercy is balanced” after every single nerf and then within a week… “NERF MERCY AGAIN!”


Actually, thats a logical fallacy. I made no such “ridiculous claims” simply the same requirement of proof you held. Your “proof” was a less than 800 total votes in favor of your view point.

As you yourself said, the forums are not the whole community. 800 is a far cry short of anything resembling millions which would be required to prove a community majority.

You can hide behind your burden of proof requirements all you want but your claim the majority of the community is OK with Mercy as she is now still is no less an argument from ignorance as the claim the majority of the community believes she is not.

Frankly, I doubt anyone even Blizzard knows for sure and I know for a fact no one has done a thorough enough polling of the community since one doesn’t exist. Asking for such stats knowing full well they don’t exist either way without any intention of having anything to prove anything contrary is just shallow at best.

Edit: As for this gem…

Scientology is real since there are books about it and they are identified as non-fiction. They wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t real, therefore their existence is enough proof of such.

See how fallible that is?


Rez on a 30 second cooldown is a terrible idea, this I can agree with you on.

But it seems like the blundering around Blizzard has done with balancing has finally paid off…For now…

This seems pretty irrelevant.

Genuinely, not seeing your point

Because you missed the context prior. Let me help with that.

Its an example of how that same logic doesn’t work in other contexts.

Edit: unless you read that as wether or not Scientology exists as a belief or not. The point could have been better worded to be about the implication everything in those books is 100% undisputable fact purely because the book exists and says its true.

Mercy is still the best support in solo q at all ranks. Ana is far too mechanically difficult and struggles healing poke damage as well as mercy. Mid fight Rez and dance boosts are also very powerful. I’d rather have a mercy over Ana still

Except blizzard did that. So, again, without taking sides isn’t that more like god himself coming down and “scientology is the one true religion”

I honestly think you’re strawmaning with that. Blizzard also said Mercy needed her HPS at 60 to compete with the other healers who outshined her at the time. They didn’t lose any healing since then, yet they turned around and said Mercy’s now healing so far beyond too much now despite her averages staying consistent over large periods of time that she had to take a global 17% HPS hit and relatively similar ult charge rate hit as a byproduct consequence.

Taking their statements following a rework as infallible also means that Sym 2 was perfectly fine and rework 3 was a mistake, that Hanzo post rework is not OP despite largely being considered to be OP, and that hog post hook rework despite his F tier status was fine and didn’t need any changes despite clearly needing changes later to make him reasonably functional again.

Basically Blizzard says one thing then changes it so often because its not as balanced as they thought makes their concept of a good balance idea a moving target subject to results, and that includes Rez on E. They put it on that and it took 1 year and so many nerfs she’s now been pushed to the slot of the hero with most nerfs in their history just to make her not a huge problem.

Of course I doubt that will be a sufficient point. Basically the jist is in that Scientology situation if a bum walked up to you talking to a crayon faced bag who clearly has no idea what hes doing with this stupid thing and said hes God and that Scientology is the truth. It may be a ruse. It may be legit. How do you tell without proof? My point is consider the source and apply reasonable skepticism to its validity.

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She is okay man. she is super great now


Never claimed you did. Just provided an example of how biased your logic is. People claim Mass Rez&Hide wasn’t a thing, this is pure evidence completely refuting such claim and only a small snippet of the many videos out there. I’m not gonna waste my time to amass all of them just for your convenience :rofl: Regardless, the evidence is there, I’m not seeing any evidence of the contrary. You are only attacking the size of the evidence because it doesn’t fit in into your silly narrative while providing no evidence whatsoever of your own. Nice try all in all but wrong on many accounts.

I provided evidence despite the burden of proof not being on me, whereas you provided nothing. :rofl: That’s a double take-down broskie.

So don’t claim statements that are not true. And I’m talking in general just in case you think I’m talking about you specifically :smiley: Don’t make silly claims that get disproved.

LMAO, that’s a textbook case of a strawman if I ever saw one. Yes, Scientology is real because there are books about it (this is an observation). And the observation is correct because we can objectively look at the texts. This doesn’t prove that their beliefs have credibility but the existence of them is beyond a doubt something that can be verified.

Mass Rez doesn’t exist in the game anymore because the development team pulling all their information, statistics, data etc. + a size of the community (whatever that size may be) decided that the existence of Mass Rez was unhealthy for the game. This is an undeniable fact and not an opinion. :rofl:

mercy received a fix today on the PTR :wink: :smiley:

For one of the lesser issues, yes. Hardly worth mentioning.

You did.

There are a large number of people on the forums who did not engage in this behavior, myself included. The claim from most of us from what I’ve seen was that it was not widely used beyond exploiting broken SR gains, or by people who played poorly. I wont bother gathering every post since its in the Mercy megathreads and the PTR Bug forum from just after the Orisa patch and you wouldn’t read them anyway even if I did and you somehow don’t know about them despite claiming to also play Mercy.

What? Legitimately, what claim did I make that I had to prove? I simply asked multiple times what proof you had to back up your claim the majority of the community does think Mercy is fine and why you wouldn’t provide evidence to the same standard you required of others. Considering the constant cries to nerf or delete Mercy in the forums, from Youtubers, and pros since the rework and its still relatively recent the last nerf hit, that seems like “not fine” and arguably qualifies as an extraordinary claim, which consequently requires proof. Your quoted post referenced only 800 upvotesthinking she’s fine. Thats far from adequate proof, and far from a “double take down” when your proof is less than 1/10 of 1% of the community. Broski.

What even are you on about here? A proper survey hasn’t been done therefore there is no proper survey proving or disproving anything about the communities stance on the state of Mercy. That is my position. You can disprove it by giving one single example of a survey of a reasonably representative population of the community about this topic. I have never seen nor heard of one, therefore unless proven otherwise I see no evidence for or against the claim and am going to continue to as I have since the start consider it baseless.

I mentioned above I could have worded that better to mean the contents, not the mere existence of the belief system.

Also, your stated reason for them pulling the ability because they determined it to be unhealthy is literally an opinion.
Jeff said it was incentivising Mercy to use rez en mass, and reverse large wipes with ults. His words: ““Wow, we just combo’d every ult in the game!” And then Mercy’s like, “No you didn’t, they’re all back.” So that was the goal, to lessen the impact of resurrect.” they got complaints about it being unfun and wanting to lessen the impact of Rez because it felt bad to play with and against since logically that plays out as a method of punishing poor ult economy, poor target priority execution, and not being aware of what enemy ults are available. Those are cornerstones of the game you SHOULD be doing anyway. An ult punishing you for not doing what you are supposed to be doing isn’t fun enough that they had to change it. Instead of just teaching people how to play properly ofc. I figure since you’re so keen on nailing people over specifics as a “gotcha”, you might want to iron out that one, but I wont say something petulant like “ya got took down broskie”.

He also said about putting Rez on E: “I hope these changes are right. If these changes aren’t right, I do think the direction of Valkyrie over the five-person res is correct for Mercy.” Meaning they had huge uncertainty about if this was even a good implementation. Also they mention the hyperbole and claims of Mercys death but a lot of Mercys were panicked because she was so easy to use Rez on and was OP AF. Despite that concern and despite repeatedly posting it in the PTR feedback, it was completely ignored in favor of focusing on the hyperbolic responses and eluding to why the feedback was useless.

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I’m not using “You” to reference you specifically bozo, I’m talking in general, providing an example based on your own logic to illustrate how ridiculous it is. :rofl:

Anecdotal evidence without any proof. Plus the forums are a very small sample size. I provided you with more than sufficient evidence that Mass Rez&Hide was incredibly popular strategy and it was used by people in Diamond/Masters so your other argument is also wrong. Yeah, you won’t bother gathering counter evidence because I won’t read it. :joy: Rrrrrright.

And I did, the fact that you don’t like it is your own issue.

Actually, it’s quite the opposite, the overwhelming majority of people on the forum are Mercy mains and we’ve been getting bombarded by Mercy threads for now I don’t know many months. And no, I’m not going to compile the 7423947234792 threads for you, one just needs to open up the general forum to see it. Also where’s the evidence for your claims?

You constantly demand evidence from me even though the burden of proof is on you and the other person making ridiculous claims to begin with. When I provide you with evidence (even though it’s not on me), the evidence is not enough. You then proceed to make no claims without any evidence of your own. So yeah, that’s a double-take down.

Sure, even if we assume that stance then my point still stands. The Dev team removed Mass Rez for a variety of reasons. That’s a fact, an irrefutable fact. And no it wasn’t just because it wasn’t “fun”.

You already got your replies - they don’t think Mercy is bad and they are not going to bring Mass Rez back. I got nothing more to say to you - I already disproved every single claim of yours. Learn proper debate first of all and second don’t support and/or make claims that you cannot supplement with evidence.

Christ when are Mercy mains gonna stop whining, its really freaking anoiying


“if you are masters, you are trash”
-yaya 2k17

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