Mercy is DEAD. Can we FIX her now!?

You are the one that accused me of a real life threat :rofl: Do I need to remind you of that? Hold on, here we go:

"Hahahahahahahah. A real life threat? It was a joke about his comment:

LMAO, a real life threat, ahhahaahhaahha. Hence my comment that it’s nice to know his permanent address. I’m not referring to his real life address :rofl: I’m literally in tears. The character assassination is just beyond me. You are literally proving everything I’m saying right in front of everyone’s eyes."


That’s an opinion, fun is subjective. She is fun to me and to other people.

I’m not negative towards Mercy players, I am a Mercy player. I’m discussing the hero, I’m not attacking anyone anywhere. Also you conveniently miss out on the fact that my thread was calling for a return of the Mercy megathread. Nice of you to try and manipulate the argument. :grinning:

Having a different opinion from you = trolling. Nice personal attack.

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