Mercy is DEAD. Can we FIX her now!?

And that’s why it was changed. One OP, over-tuned character shouldn’t come at the expense of everyone else.


Nobody has extensively hated Mercy players, supports universally get the most endorsements, love etc. Not to mention Mercy was an absolute must pick making Mercy players valuable, stop making things up.

I don’t care about the dude’s opinion to be honest very much. The guy thinks that mechanical skill shouldn’t be a factor when balance is involved. That alone shows so much bias that any of his opinions don’t really hold much value.

Those just need some small tweaks and regardless it’s not like they are F tier characters for 11 seasons. Do I think there’s need for improvement - absolutely. But it’s a work in progress, and Blizz are doing a fine job so far, particularly with the recent changes.

Game is still working pretty well, but if you hate it so much - why play? Nobody is forcing you to play a game you detest.


This was only an issue since the rework. Stop trying to push your failed narrative.

No, you’re wrong.


You’re the one making things up, claiming the rework was an improvement, while it’s objectively a colossal failure. Stats don’t lie, mate.

So you admit you didn’t even read the thing. Okay, buddy.

Small tweaks! I’m dying.

No, they’re not. A 12-year-old could do a better job.

You clearly haven’t been paying attention. I stopped playing weeks ago, for the second time (first time was after the January nerfs, until Brigitte released). I’m only here because, for some weird reason, I’m infinitely more passionate about this game than the people who actually make it. But I don’t play Overwatch, anymore. In case you were wondering, I play Gears of War now (Gears 2, specifically). Much better game than Overwatch.

Hahaahaha, amazing rhetoric. Consider me waving the white flag.

I don’t know man, you sure you are not projecting yourself? Throwing temper tantrums and having a “no u” arguments usually belongs to that age group. :smiley:

Given the fact that I’m a 28-year-old software developer working at a small company…
Don’t think so.

Also, regarding

When you’re the one attempting to back up something you claim to be objective with an opinion piece, my “no u” reply is actually pretty on point.

We, along with Blizzard, know how Mercy performed pre-rework. Blizz probably knows how much Hide 'n Rez was used (unlike the community, because everyone clearly has a different opinion on what constitutes Hide 'n Rez)

I remember the last time… That ended well.

The fact that you have to put in personal credentials as if that matters somehow shows you already lost the debate amigo.

There’s overwhelming evidence mate, not just anecdotal evidence although I’ve personally observed hide&rez in practically every game I’ve played when mass rez existed. Literally every game had a potg of a Mercy doing a hide&rez. Me and my friends literally made a game to take a shot every time Mercy doesn’t take potg - this is anecdotal evidence. The thread I provide is actual evidence.

Sorry, the facts don’t go according to your false narrative and bias.

Hahahha, so We as in you and select group of people. The rest of us apparently don’t know.

Nice try but I"m already bored of you and have addressed any of your small claims, moving on.

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Since when is anecdotal evidence facts? By the same logic, me not seeing Hide 'n Rez at all, means it didn’t happen.

Funny you accuse me of bias while I, like many other Mercy players, am pursuing the healthier option for both Mercy and the game as a whole, by ditching this garbage rework, going back to a state that we know worked, and tweak from there. If it were up to me, Ana would be reverted to her season 3 state, alongside this Mercy change, and tweaked from there, as well. Back when they were both viable, but with Ana being a better pick in many games.

That’s your opinion man. :rofl:

It’s hardly an opinion when the game’s stats from that period back it up.

Since when is anecdotal evidence facts? See I can do it too. :rofl:

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Nobody asked for her being OP. You guys just assume we want her OP and dominating. No. We want her fun.

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She is fun and her skill floor is higher since mass rez was removed.


And that’s supposed to make sense, because?

I’m just using the same tactics you are using. It doesn’t make sense for you to do it but you did it anyway :grinning: It illustrates how hollow your arguments are.

And that’s supposed to make sense, because?

Dude, you present anecdotal evidence as if they’re irrefutable facts. I call you out on it, counter it with my own anecdotal evidence, and all you have in response is this? Lol. Get out. You’re just arguing with me to see if you can get me properly tilted.

First, her skill floor was lowered as well as her skill ceiling. Resurrect needs far less decision making and is far less punishable as you have one every 30 seconds. Res on ultimate WORKED and we know that as she had no problems for 1.5 years. Ever since the rework tho she has had problems. HideNRes was not a thing, avrg healing was 12k with mass res, and with valk avrg healing is 12.9k. I doubt a AoE heal move can up the healing just by 900.

She is not fun. Every part of her has been ripped, every single one. Her healing feels terrible, so does her resurrect, valkyrie feels underwhelming. We have GA remaining which will eat a nerf, I know it.

Second, from what I have seen you typing around the forums I think I will quit trying to reason with you. You are biased and bend words the way they suit you. Bye, starlight

EDIT: Can I just point out how you cry about people derailing your threads but then you come at Mercy threads and start being negative towards Mercy players. I still have screenshots of you assembling that witch hunting party (thru a thread)


I think I’ll do the same. I’ll make a mental note to just ignore him from now on.


I provided you with a link with plenty of evidence that supports the claim that mass rez&hide was a thing. You choose to intentionally ignore it and not even comment on it.

Then proceed to make a “no u” comment and brought in your personal credentials about what you do for a living and your age. :rofl: As if that actually has any merit in this discussion. Then you started talking about some statistics that you don’t even reference as if it’s some sort of evidence. Learn to debate mate because you are failing miserably.

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He is one of the few forum trolls I have noticed. Nothing we can do. Fun how they cry if something about Mercy is commented on their threads but then they come here with “I’m right, you’re wrong, begone.”

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‘‘If your opinion isn’t the same as mine ,it’s irrelevant and doesn’t matter’’

balance doesn’t happen overnight ,they’ve definitely screwed up a lot of times but balance-wise I’d say this is the best the game has ever been

Yes ,bad apples exist but the F-tier heroes aren’t nearly as bad as they were and the strong heroes we have now don’t even compare to the broken messes the game launched with