Mercy is being ignored?

You know what doesn’t depend on how you define? spreading misinformation. like in that same video you saying people were suspended because “power hunger” when they were suspended for talking about account action, something clearly against the CoC

The mods make it clear they are not limited to the CoC, they can ban you based on anything, including bias. I believe that to be power hungry.

Its better to avoid then yeah? Im not trying to argue with you btw, hope I dont come across like that. I just think its best to avoid topic you know youre going to get mad about, post a comment, and have someone else put you in a worse mood you know? I’m guilty of that too and need to stop as well lol.


you cant claim to think something is power hungry when there is no grey area. they broke coc. the talked about account action. there is no “wondering” why they were banned. the reason is clear. And I guarantee it was in the email that they were sent for it.

by the way the very next video I watched I found another toxic comment “I hate jeff and a few braindead streamers for…” at 1:33 whats the excuse now? now is calling someone brain dead not toxic hmm?

more misinformation, you try to equate repositioning to ult to stopping healing to let your teammates die intentionally at 2:27

Yeah, that is pretty toxic lol. It is how I view them though, particularly a certain Winston main that I’d prob get in trouble naming.

Uh, no. Repositioning is still not doing their job of “damaging”, just like [redacted] said hiding stopped Mercy’s job of “healing”. Also, taking cover is not hiding which I also address in that video.

but what youre saying is being taken “out of context” right? no.

Felix? Yeah, I’m pretty sure Blizz don’t even like him. I always see him get banned.

The ones you had posted were out of context, you didn’t provide any.

Yeah, him screaming at his Mercy team mates, calling them bad for making mistakes, he’s terrible.


no this is what I mean by “misinformation” repositioning for a team wipe potential ult is not stopping doing what youre supposed to do. Its moving to a better place to do it. Stoppin healing and intentionally letting your team die, is not doing your job. its baiting your team so you can get a good rez.

You completely disregard me saying “Taking cover is not hiding” as if all Mercys just sat there and waited for their team to die. Besides, hiding itself was a valid strategy when you knew the team would lose an ult war, just like a mccree hiding and waiting. Even if you reposition, you still have to hide as a reaper and wait out stuns.

There’s a different between a good res and a big res. Increased numerical value does not mean it’s a good res. Let’s not confuse the two. I’m sure the Mercy player on your team would tell you the same thing.

I don’t disregard it. im saying you are trying to equate intentionally stopping healing your team to hide and intentionally let them die, is not the same as repositioning for a good ult.

I don’t need the mercy player on my team to tell me, I play in gm, and on a tier 3 pro team. I understand that a good rez and a big rez are different. it doesn’t change what the ladder norm that led to her being reworked was.


She isn’t.


“Hide n Res”. The strategy that would’ve died on its own if the SR system was fixed earlier. :man_shrugging:

She is. The only rank I see her remotely working in is gold and I mean, should I care?

it was a strategy before the sr exploit came.

Wasn’t the SR abuse always there? That being said, it could’ve also been fixed with a cast time and even then, the SR system being fixed earlier would’ve erased the issue. “Hide n Res” is a bad strategy after all.

No. they changed the sr system because support mains weren’t getting the same types of sr dps and tank mains were, and when that happened the rez exploit came.