Mercy is being ignored?

If you want to take it like that. Can also take down my discord if you want to talk about it personally one day so we can better understand each other and that goes for you and Titanium.

I’m not above saying I’m wrong or being persuaded. It’s just I saw this conversation going the way of, “Well why didnt the enemy team do abc” well because then “you just xyz” which isnt going to get us closer to that understanding.

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Yes not the mercy mains, the people who had to play against her.
That’s why?..
They ignore her forum status btw not her.


And it’s about time that they actually start listening to the Mercy players. They would have avoided a year of Mercy Meta if the did.

Eh can’t argue with you there.

Level-headed, civilized and a really respectfully written comment. I don’t have anything to say but I genuinely wanted to thank you for this demeanor.

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They wont give that data unless it is convenient for them to do so. As in only when it is in the support of theor own claims this based off of them not releasing any daya or stayistics that contradicts theor stances.

They hid their own ayerbase statistics, the only reason i could imagine would be to cherry pick information and if they really did value community they woild be working with us by supplying the community with this info.

They are not so there for the community is towards the bottom of their concerns.

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After going through yet ANOTHER Long thread of “Mercy needs a rework/revert.” and other people chiming in with “Rez was NEVER good for the game” and “Mercy is Balanced and FINE.”, debatable since every time Mercy got a Nerf in the past year those SAME words were used, I have one thing to ask.
Can someone from the Mercy Mains team, who is going to Blizcon, while cameras are rolling ask “THEM” how “THEY” can claim that the Rework of Mercy was a Total Success when it took 14 Nerfs to ‘Balance’ Rez as an “E” ability?

Mercy is NOT fun to play, hasn’t been since the 7th or 8th Nerf, an currently in a worst state than Release Mercy.

YES, I know, other Heroes need work;

  1. Symmetra’s 2nd Rework is a bust, ask any Symmetra player.
  2. Bastion has been totally ignored since his big Nerf over a year ago, making him nonviable in most comps.
  3. Hanzo got his Scatter Shot removed and replaced with a more damaging Storm Arrows.
  4. Shields are melting in moments, poor Reinhardt. While on him, why can’t he use a “Kick” to get those pesky flankers out from under his shield when they go in for a kill? Seriously, he is the only Hero that doesn’t have a punch/kick animation.

Among others, Torbjorn is FINALLY getting worked on, so is Roadhog. I just hope “THEY” don’t screw up those Heroes in the process by making them OP or Under Powered.

BUT, “THEY” Themselves caved in to Streamers and Reworked Mercy on the basis that “Mercy is unfun to play against” and “Mercy undid all my HARD WORK”, their (the players) hard work of pressing “Q”, even after it was blatantly apparent even in PTR that Mercy would be OP as F!

“THEY” made this mess, “THEY” should clean it up. But not stop working on other Heroes to do so. “THEY” have enough people to do just that, but because “THEY” have touted how much of a “Total Success” the Rework was “THEY” would lose face an, as seen in every Mercy thread since PTR, tick off other players who wanted Mercy either useless and ineffective (Mercy’s current state) or completely deleted from the game.