Mercy is being ignored?

Someones a little angry at my post. I never mentioned streamers in my post, those are your assumptions.

Youre naive if you think that they take anything you say into consideration.

she has had more changes to her than any other hero in the entire roster. She gets left alone for ONE update and you scream IGNORED? talk to bastion/reaper about being ignored and then talk to us. 14 updates that were nerfs, ignored indeed.

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I mean, you can take the horrible rework and 14 nerfs if you really want loool. Bliz, you heard the man.

I didn’t say it was the attention you wanted, just that you were getting attention.

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As a Mercy player, and as someone who strongly wants her to be in a good place again, I feel that it’s for the best. If they had addressed her in this ptr, it would have been some milquetoast change that would have addressed nothing.

Blizzard is not blind. They know what state Mercy is in. They don’t currently know how to fix her, and they’re too worried about the backlash they’d face if they buffed her right now.

Time is on Mercy’s side here. As more time passes her current predicament will be clearer and clearer, Ana’s pick rates will continue to rise, there will be less of a backlash to a Mercy change, and most importantly - the devs might figure out a good way out of the mess they left her in.

At some point, they’re going to comment that they think Mercy is fine. A bit later, they’ll comment that they’re looking into her. A while later we’ll see a change.

aside from all the knowledge and who knows more or has horrible knowledge, she still makes points from a view of a mercy player and does have knowledge at least in that aspect. She is diamond or above as well, pretty sure she can at least have an idea.

it’s been stated multiple times that she never wants her overpowered. if anything, that’s why ptr exists and she’s giving suggestions that can make mass rez back but acceptable with exceptions of LoS and cast res with damage reduction or any sort of way to make it fair for everyone. whatever suggestions she gave, she knows that it might be too OP or UP and it would all be known once its tested in PTR. i mean even blizz took like 12+ nerfs for mercy, dont you think that’s quite a lot? surely others can make some miscalculations as well but hey even the balance team took forever.

you cant just say she asks for buffs because mercy does need one. Also aria mentions so many times a fair trade for a certain buff. plus if the buffs are actually decent for mercy and doesnt affect others much then how is it bad? plus you cant tell me that mercy’s ult even impacts the game as much as other ults, specially with the last nerf, 50 heals per sec can be neutralized easily when the focus fire, plus ults would be going off when she does and deal even more damage? her ult is good for pushes but a good mercy doesnt even need valk to do a good push, she just needs to focus on the right people at the right time to damage boost and that’s it. healing wise? just trash.

where’d you force her to admit whatever you forced her to admit? plus some vids are rants so some things would definitely slip here and there. you can’t just say ‘oh! she’s asking for buffs and buffs only!’ she is being general with her ideas and the once she gets to make a detailed video about an idea, she goes over them fairly.

above all that, you dont have to agree with what a person says, but no need to go around and saying that a person has horrible sence of game knowledge and doesnt know what she is doing. If you main mercy then go ahead and disagree but if you dont even play that hero then i dont even know what’s the point of you arguing about a hero that concerns us. Also we know that she is still viable and can still be played, she is just not fun anymore and i sure as hell dont think it is fair in anyway to make a hero unfun during the process. SO many people gave so many suggestions to make mercy fair and still fun so do you think they would just be calm about it and not say a thing after jeff saying a thing like “the support changes were a huge success”? i dont think so.

Calls Aria videos and their points in them toxic and bias, then uses a XQC video to back up their opinions. Do you need reminding that he was fired from OWL strictly because of how toxic of player he is? If you want to get away with calling someone else toxic, don’t use videos of XQC to back you up. Like… come on.

Also… making demands and forcing someone to admit you are right and they are wrong? That’s … not something you should be proud to admit you did. Thats Narcissistic bully like behavior. You state your opinions with only “I played since Beta and I’m a GM” as back up for what you say. Which is not at all reliable prof of anything and is not credibly in any way. It’s just your word. That’s it. At this point, I am half expecting you to pull out the “MY Dad works at Nintendo” card.

You need to start providing more valuable, factual proof other than your own words to back up your opinions. More so when you make those demands of others. It’s not fair that you are so dismissive of others but demand that your points don’t get dismissed.


Things I want to let Mercy mains know.

  1. Know one is ignoring you guys. Mercy has been the most worked on hero in the game since launch if anything Blizzard are more careful when they balance Mercy.

  2. Mercy has been meta for AWHILE be it because of her broken state or because her DPS were in a good spot (see Widow/Hanzo meta). Shes been out for one month give it time for data to settle then we can go forward with buffs if needed.

  3. Fun is subjective. If your not having fun with the hero that’s on you not on Blizzard. Thier are still tons of people not on the forums who may find Mercy engaging.

  4. Your megathread is impressive and I admire your solidarity (at least with centralized posts) but the forums are the minority of the playerbase. In a game with 40 million players have 1.5k comments (some of which divided) does not indicate that a revert or mass change is needed.

  5. Look at the game through developer eyes. It’s not as cut and dry as a revert or just do xyz and Mercy will be balanced. She maybe potentially balanced within the confines of her own kit but that doesnt translate to being balanced in the game as a whole. Thier are 27 more hero interactions to consider when a potential rework or revert goes live.

  6. Being niche doesn’t mean shes a troll pick or unviable. Mercy is perfectly usable in certain comps she excels in. Widow, Bastion, Hanzo and Pharah all love a great Mercy player. However if she herself isnt meta and her pockets arent meta that doesnt mean shes in a bad spot. Just a niche spot again like her pockets.

Please note I’m not against you guys in the slightest but these are the things I just wish were more touched on.

I would give you a like but I’ve used all mine up. Have a +1 :slight_smile:


True, but it is a statistical sample. And the likes received from the titanium thread is another statistical sample.
Personally on this subject I go very cautious, both in one sense and in another.

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I can respect that. I’d actually really like to see Blizzard numbers or a potential official poll on the state of Mercy just to see what some bigger numbers say.

I dont think that’s to hard to do and would go a long way in saving some face on this particular matter. Maybe just a week to month long poll simply asking; Do you find Mercy engaging/enjoyable?

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If Bliz would actually reveal their numbers about pickrates, we’d also have a better understanding. Because more than once have they said “oh here’s the data we’re working off of” (before even private profiles). “Gee thanks, that’d be nice to have to make informed arguments and not fester in information that Bliz is not using anyway”.

They should try a poll in the game itself where you can answer questions and submit.

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Personally I find it fun, except the ultimate and the rez on the E, the rest of the kit has remained unchanged. The fun, for me with mercy, is to escape from the blows of the enemies. But with the last nerf the feeling you feel useless for your team. Moreover the rez on the E is a contradiction of his kit and his ultimate flattens his gameplay.
That’s why after this nerf I’m attending this forum more, because I personally find it a colossal mistake. Apart from its effectiveness, with 50 hps you no longer have fun, take ana and moira and you feel more important to your team.

its me, isnt it. dont hate cause my mains butt is better

And they were also your implications. If not by streamers, or DPS players (which is why I said the entire community) then who? What small portion of the community are you trying to blame for something the entire community outside of mercy mains wanted?

Ok , you do know the owl is not playing on the patch we are playing in right

This is mercy’s pick rate after her invulnerability buff and before her rework. If you would like a time reference, I’m willing to provide.

You took global :man_facepalming:, you put the pick rate also bronze, silver and gold, in which mercy was always taken in place of all, both because it is easy and because it is a popular character.
Also there was the dive, favorive mercy in intermediate rankings, plat and diamond. With the dive played Ana? You were a fool if you did it.
At gm the dive were played with lucio and zen

Nice. What rank is that for, if I may ask? For kicks and giggles, I’ll take the time frame too.

If it’s for all ranks, that picture confirms half of my statement and is irrelevant to the other half.

Before you go digging for more stats, I might point out that you don’t need to take the statistics I pointed out from me. You can take them from Jeff Kaplan:

"But looking at Competitive only… here are the top 6 picked heroes: Mercy (by a long shot), 76, D.Va, Lucio, Ana and Genji. Interestingly, number 7 is Reinhardt. Next tank after that is… Wi… no Roadhog. So in the past month in Comp, that’s what you’ve been actually playing.

But let’s talk about the elite players… maybe the top 3rd of all MMR. Their top picked hero over the past month was…. Ana. Yes, Ana."

Source: Overwatch Forums