Mercy is being ignored?

you mean quite literally where people were asking for changes? You do realise there were comps that ran ana and mercy right?

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im not. There is a reason mercy got reworked. the reason was pro complaints about mercy.

these all show pro complaints about mercy because of her playstyle they don’t have an issue with her healing. they don’t have an issue with her damage boost. they have issues with mass rez.

it was quite literally banned to record pro scrims by OWL. You are asking for the impossible and saying “or its not true” which is an asinine clause. there ive given you the interviews.

its not. why did pros want mercy changes? tell me? because of rez. what led them to this? hide and rez strategies.

they don’t. her pickrate has stayed the same, her winrate has gone down. this means people are playing them in every situation as before like a must pick, rather than playing her in her niche. You don’t understand statistics if you really believe what you said.

She is not in a bad spot in terms of viable really. However she is in my opinion more boring while being on the same spot pre rework, which isn’t good.

The reasons don’t state that “Hide n Res” was a good strategy and again, it literally would’ve died on its own had the SR system been fixed earlier. As for the pros, yeah, I could care less about what they say. They don’t even say why it’s a good strategy most of to the time. Just that, “ITs baD”.

Absolutely, definitely not LOL. First clip, you need to find me a time stamp. Second clip, it’s literally xQc complaining about a boosted Mercy player. Funny really, because you got even more boosted by playing reworked Mercy.

This isn’t even explicitly stated in any link you provided and is basically false since the subject of these three videos isn’t “Hide n Res”. If you want to prove your point better, put time stamps on the videos.

THEN DONT CLAIM SOMETHING THAT YOU CANT PROVE?? Hello? This isn’t rocket science.

According to the last video you linked, apparently because Res mechanic doesn’t belong in a FPS Game. Yeah, these guys don’t have a problem with “Hide n Res”. Just that Resurrect and to an extent, Mercy shouldn’t exist in their game.

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What rock are you living under?

Her pickrate has literally dropped below half of where it was prior to the rework, and she was D-tier at that time.


and where is your proof of that? if you say ovebuff youre done. overbuff is unreliable at best, with the private profiles.

No it’s not.

We aren’t talking about when Mercy first got her invulnerability buff, are we?

We’re talking about season 5 Mercy.

“The statistics don’t agree with me, therefore they are wrong”.



everything in this persons claims is wrong. I literally worked analyzing data for a long time. You need to know what base of the population you are taking from otherwise the data is irrelevant.

the fact that she was a must pick for 8 seasons because of it?

no. you not understanding, and me not wanting to explain it to a person who lacks the intelligence to, is not grounds to disregard. That’s like saying “you wont explain to me how water exist so it doesn’t”

look up 2 comments.1

More i see Overlord, more i think Valkyrie should be like it.

Mass Ress Mercy was not a must pick for 8 seasons. I’m not talking about reworked Mercy.

Horrible comparison. I’ve watched all 3 videos and literally can’t find anything even remotely talk about “Hide n Res”. Since you’re the one who linked the video, I expect you to give me time stamps on where they even talk about “Hide n Res”. I mean, you literally linked a 25 minute video. If you refuse to do so and just say that I’m not smart enough, that’s you refusing to explain your evidence. Therefore, I can disregard it since I can’t find anything that remotely supports your argument in said videos. I merely gave you a chance to make your evidence look better. You refused. That’s on you.

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We have a sample of the playerbase.

A modifier is introduced to the playerbase, reducing the data available slightly, but doing so randomly.

The sample is still a sample of the playerbase. Smaller perhaps, but reducing the size of the sample by the margin for which private profiles did in contrast to the existing sample size tells us that the change is too insignificant for a random loss of data to be meaningful.

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The private profiles were implemented well before the last Mercy nerf, didn’t stop people from using them to complain about Mercy anyway. It only became “unusable” when her pick-rates and win-rates started dropping like a stone.

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what we can do is keep talking about it till they make changes. We are the ones giving them money for the game, not the other way around.

you do not have a definitive answer to how much of the playerbase overbuff shows. therefor the data is unreliable at best.

Just let them focus on Torb and getting him in a spot they’ll be comfortable with and then we will see if they do anything with Mercy =)

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She was not. Are you sure you played this game back then? Or are you sure you follow the pro scene? Because anyone who followed the pro scene back then knew that Mercy was not a must pick in pro play. She was used with Pharah, that’s it. Zen/Lucio were the go to picks for dive and Lucio/Ana for tanks or even dive sometimes.
Just watch Apex S4. It was after Mercy got her invul buff, it was when she had mass res, it was when dive came into the meta. And yet she is not a must pick. Please check your facts before saying things.

What lead to her rework wasn’t that she was a “must pick” it was ladder players complaining about how they don’t like mass ress, and that includes pro players because pro players on ladder =/= pro players in pro scene. Seagull is the best example of what I am trying to say, he was in the pro scene he knew mercy isn’t OP in pro play but he didn’t like playing against her on ladder. He was complaining about mass res on ladder not pro play.

Although a thing to note, on ladder she wasn’t a must pick either, if you picked lucio/ana or zen/lucio no one immediately thought you were throwing by not picking mercy which btw is what happened when Ana was meta in S3, what happened with mercy with her rework, and what is soon going to happen with Ana again.