Mercy is being ignored?

Yeah, Mercy being bad at offense, defense, and support is good? I think I know what you mean. What is bad for Mercy is good for others? Like Ana got some serious buff back to back and people insist she was still trash pick. When Mercy got nerf of her 60 hp heals(On top other nerfs). Then Ana became top pick. Picking Mercy now can be considered throwing for feeding the other team. Apparently some of Top 500 Mercy players dropped to Masters, quit, and force to change to other characters.


Apparently she’s supposed to be ridiculously underpowered. :man_facepalming:


Honestly, don’t remember when I said those things. People say a lot of things, if you give a timestamp, I’ll look into it. Generally I say “stupid dps” when I’m talking about those types that run off, die out of position, and expect a rez. Most likely was using it in that type of context. Also, what’s wrong with calling the [redacted because I don’t want to get another suspension] lazy? That’s not toxic at all lol.

But she isn’t. She can’t really solo heal anymore but that’s it. Giving the Ana and Moira chances to be picked without people nagging that there isn’t a Mercy is such a heathly thing for this game and for Supports

or an overly sensitive one? bringing your knowledge into debate is a fact check, not an insult.

Yes, but the fact that mercy was a must pick and needed to be change is not subjective. By blizzard standards nothing should be a must pick, mercy was. therefore she was overpowered.

she absolutely wasn’t. her Must pick status in the meta for 8 seasons is proof of that.

It doesn’t? her pickrates haven’t gone down at all, while her win rates have. this means she is still being picked in every situation by the people who were playing her before, and not being picked in the situations she is supposed to be used in now.

because pickrates haven’t gone down. mercy isn’t meta so her pickrate should be going down. the fact that it isn’t, shows she is being picked in unideal situations.

I didn’t say that. I said that mercy has no transferable skills. so it stands that you wouldn’t be able to transfer mercy knowledge and skill to anyone.

no im not biased. I play on a team and we have a dedicated mercy player, but you know what the difference between her and you are? she isn’t trying to play mercy when she is not supposed to, and guess what? Just guess! Her winrates have stayed the same.

Statistically, she is ridiculously underpowered.

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it is absolutely toxic. the fact that you think it isn’t, shows your true toxic nature.

Oh, guess I should apologize to my cats, I call them lazy all the time. ;^;


like here, while trying to find the one of the videos you’ve made with toxic comment ive found another toxic comment at 2:28 you call the forum mods “easily triggered” and “power hungry”


Considering my and my friends’ suspensions, they absolutely paint themselves to be that way.

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If anything you should be happy that you don’t have to play mercy all the time as a healer now. That must have been rather boring… And it’s not like she’s useless, just look how much she’s been picked in pro play at winstonslab or go to overbuff or similar site to watch out her master/GM stats.

She’s not useless or a throw pick unless you play her the entire match every match. Pick her when you do such comp that she fits in or on points that is annoying as hell to get back to if you die (volskaya industries -.-).

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lmao so now the argument is “well they are” not “im not toxic” do you see what I mean? You are toxic. and you are trying to make excuses to cover it. Also as far as misinformation in that same video you talk about how people were suspended because of “power hunger” at 5:48 when they were suspended BECAUSE TALKING ABOUT ACCOUNT ACTION IS CLEARLY AGAINST COC. This what I mean by you spread misinformation. this is what I mean by you are toxic.

Claiming that a person knows nothing about the topic they are arguing about is an insult. This is, again, just you trying to play it down.

If we’re talking about pre-rework, she wasn’t. Post-rework, yes but Ari rarely defends this rework. Never mind, she never defends this rework.

12-14 months of not being meta proofs that she wasn’t a must pick for 8 seasons.

Her pickrate decreased more than her winrate. :man_facepalming: This further makes your assertion that people are still learning less likely. Also, this:

2 things. You’re indirectly insinuating that all Mercy players are one tricks and this doesn’t change a thing. Fact of the matter is people, definitely in high ranks, can play more than one hero.

I literally stopped playing Mercy now. She’s boring and ridiculously underpowered. Also, insinuating that all Mercy mains are one-tricks sounds pretty biased to me. Don’t bother trying to change my mind.

Mercy threads are now filled with Aria Rose, the most irrational person I think I have ever seen. She makes me hate Mercy a lot more, making me refuse to play her.

She’s underpowered according to Overbuff. Someone explains it better.

Depends on what you define as toxic. Toxic is a buzzword now, something to fall on when you have no other argument. I call things out so if you think that’s toxic, whatever.

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Then just dont click them? If you know youre going to get annoyed its better for your health to ignore them lol.

Not surprisingly, “you’re wrong because you’re toxic” is also ad hominem. :joy:

I have also just been really mad today.

You know what doesn’t depend on how you define? spreading misinformation. like in that same video you saying people were suspended because “power hunger” when they were suspended for talking about account action, something clearly against the CoC