I know there are still a lot of complaints about Mercy’s balance. But statistically, if you look at her winrates, pickrates, healing done, etc she is actually very balanced. There is no reason for Blizzard to change her based on her actual balance at the moment.
But, and there is a but, I think a lot of Mercy players are still very unhappy with her. The theme I pick out from people’s comments is really more that they aren’t having as much fun with her. Fun is very subjective, and so it is hard to balance around “fun”. Still, that is the source of the frustration as far as I can tell.
So, I had an idea that I think would make her more “fun” but still hopefully keep her balanced by removing some of her power from the mid-fight and making her ultimate more satisfying. I want to see how people feel about this.
- Remove Rez outside of her ultimate. No more 30 second cooldown res ability. This leaves that E slot open for something else potentially in the future.
- Increase Guardian Angel flight speed during Valk. It’s fun to go fast, but it means that she’s even harder to kill during the ultimate.
- Have Rez available during Valk, but make it instant again. No more sitting duck feeling.
- Have 2 Rez charges available during Valk, but ONLY during Valk. They expire at the end of the ultimate. You could maybe even go with 3 since she no longer has it out of Valk.
- Reduce Valk time to 12 seconds.
I think the overall effect is that Mercy would be less valuable outside of her ultimate, but her ultimate would be much more satisfying than it currently is.
This idea does not make Mercy more balanced. But that isn’t really the goal. Would Mercy players like this change?