What are you on about? This has changed significantly following the introduction of Valkyrie and E Res. The former does everything for you and the latter punishes you for surviving long enough (by turning you into a stone).
Training wheels how ?
Namely, the fact that it nullifies her one weakness, being single target heals, gives her insane mobility, gives her infinite ammo (like she even needs it) and makes GA’s range long AF.
And that has lowered since her rework, since her ult charge is lower than before and, again, she doesn’t have to think as much as before.
I’ve addressed this.
It’s only riskier if you’re trying to always pull of ridiculous resses. Besides that, it stayed the same. Once again, whether you get ressed or not depends on two questions:
Where are you?
When did you die?
On the other hand, mass Res focuses you think about all this:
As for how the best execution of old Resurrect was determined… It depended upon a lot of variables. For starters, here are some variables and questions considered before the engagement begins:
Living allies prior to the teamfight. Are we a full team, or are some allies dead/walking back from spawn?
Living enemies prior to the teamfight. Does this put us at a numbers advantage/disadvantage? Is it possible that additional enemies will join the fight late?
Ultimates held by present allies. Are there any allies I should prioritize when it comes time to Resurrect because of their ultimates?
Ultimates held by present enemies. How many ultimates does the enemy team have at the ready? Does this put us at an advantage/disadvantage in primed ultimates? Are there any ultimates I should be weary of in particular?
Missing enemies. Are there any enemies I cannot see/have not accounted for? Are they flanking? Where might they attack from? Am I their target?
Allied positions. When things get hot, who can I fly to for safety? Will I still be able to heal the frontline from there, or will healing the tanks require another reposition?
Mercy’s position. How can I place myself in a way that still allows me to support the team, but minimizes the enemy’s ability to shoot at me? If I am directly attacked, could a reach a position that gives me an advantage in that fight? Are there nearby healthpacks that I could take advantage of?
Engagement patterns. Will the enemy get a pick and then engage, or will they fly through that choke point, ultimates blazing? If we are the team initiating, which pattern will we follow?
During the engagement, here are some of the variables the player might consider in the heat of battle:
Midfight numbers. Are we at an advantage/disadvantage in this category? Will Resurrect give us a numbers advantage? Is Resurrect even necessary to win the fight?
Enemy activity. How aggressive are they playing? Are they slowly gaining an upper hand, or has all hell broken loose? How aggressive is each one playing? Do the aggressive ones have their ultimates ready? Are they prepared for me to use Resurrect, or are they too blinded by their tunnel vision to realize I’m still here?
Death locations. Are my allies close enough to one another to be revived in a single use of Resurrect? Is there a specific position I should attempt to reach to revive them all? Would reviving a particular ally provide our team with an advantage due to their location in relation to the enemy?
Midfight ultimates. What ultimates are active? What ultimates do we still have? What ultimates does the enemy still have? How can I bait out those ultimates? What ultimates do our dead allies have? Are they in a position to use them?
Respawn timers. Will more allies die before that first ally respawns? Should I revive that first ally now, or should I hold onto resurrect until more allies are down?
Resurrect priorities. If I am forced to choose between reviving one ally or the other, which do I choose, based upon their hero, skill, and ultimate status?
Enemy positions. Where is each living enemy? Are any flanking around in an attempt to kill me? Am I in the sights of any enemies?
Safety/practicality limits. Is it too dangerous for me to have a presence in the fight anymore? Would healing my team even be useful at this point? Is it time for me to pull back and supplement healing with pistol fire?
Post-rez outcome. Given all of the above variables, what are the chances that my team will win the fight after I resurrect them? If the chances are not in our favor, how can I tip them in our favor? Who should I try to finish off with my pistol while taking advantage of the invulnerability frames? If the post-rez fight will not be in our favor, should I bother using Resurrect at all?
Lets say when the team kills an pharah, my team tends to shout "mercy is probably going to rez, a) kill her or b) camp the body, both being bad for mercy. Doesn’t change that she is still a target.
This proves my point really. Her being a priority target has changed after the rework. Before, she was constantly a target. This is because players could never be sure as to when she got her ultimate. Alternatively, now, she’s only a target if her teammate dies. This itself isn’t even that big of a deal because you were going to be a target nonetheless, if your teammate gets picked off.