Mercy is Balanced but Boring!

What are you on about? This has changed significantly following the introduction of Valkyrie and E Res. The former does everything for you and the latter punishes you for surviving long enough (by turning you into a stone).

Namely, the fact that it nullifies her one weakness, being single target heals, gives her insane mobility, gives her infinite ammo (like she even needs it) and makes GA’s range long AF.

And that has lowered since her rework, since her ult charge is lower than before and, again, she doesn’t have to think as much as before.

I’ve addressed this.

It’s only riskier if you’re trying to always pull of ridiculous resses. Besides that, it stayed the same. Once again, whether you get ressed or not depends on two questions:

  • Where are you?
  • When did you die?

On the other hand, mass Res focuses you think about all this:

This proves my point really. Her being a priority target has changed after the rework. Before, she was constantly a target. This is because players could never be sure as to when she got her ultimate. Alternatively, now, she’s only a target if her teammate dies. This itself isn’t even that big of a deal because you were going to be a target nonetheless, if your teammate gets picked off. :man_shrugging:t4: