“Mercy is a sidekick”

Mercy is my hero. Literally one of the only heroes I like having on my team… Moira and Brigitte too. Other than that, Orisa for tank and Mei or Symmetra for DPS I guess. I love how they do not really rely on specific compositions at lower levels to play the objective and draw attention to enemies or stall the clock. Pretty much everyone else is worthless and not helping distract the enemies so that I can put a bullet in they dome. So… Thank you, Mercy and your super legion of “no skill” heroes. You da real MVPs. EZ wins and I luh you.

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Hate this song because the non meme part is somehow catchy

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I honestly just like the meme part.

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Her old ultimate allowed her to make plays, the new one doesn’t.

That’s the reason.

What a great character fantasy, I don’t understand why prople have trouble finding her engaging.

Sarcasm, obviously.

I never even played Mercy pre nerf, I don’t argue for revert, she just need to have more room for player expression.

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Eh, before she got nerfed to 50 hps (outside of ult), I had time to shoot and would get 5-6 kills or so every 10 minutes?

Now she heals for so little you never have time to use her pistol unless there is another healer who is an Ana and she’s being liberal about using her nades on the friendlies rather than using it to stop healing of enemies.

And her ult isn’t good enough to pull anyone out of anything critical and it certainly isn’t good enough to compensate for your inability to use her gun without allowing teammates to instantly melt.

This. This. This. Valk should never have been made. They tried it already before release and knew it was a bad idea.


Literally, I was singing it to myself last night when I couldn’t sleep.

It’s like LET ME SLEEP… “im not gonna be mercy! I’m not gonna be any kind of support!”


If you learn some beam management you can boost all the dps and the tanks intermittently between healing. Mercy’s ridiculously strong if you can sync her damage boost with your tanks’ and DPS’ attacks.

If you’re just pocketing one dps you’re wasting an absurd amount of potential over a lack of technical understanding.


Not if you’e a mercy in the low tiers where dps players haven’t yet mastered aim, and soak up huge amounts of damage due to bad positioning. Her kit is way to reliant on teamwork, great is you are in masters or above, not so great below diamond. She needs some sel reliant abilities so that you have the chance to make plays if no one else does.

sorry to say but thats false.
Mercy was not picked till the last rework, was F-tier and Lucio and Zenyatta had by far better pickrations and were S tier. Then came Ana and was used more than Mercy. All for their utility kit and also damage dealt.

Mercy was popular and had a big pickratio in season 3 even been F-tier and not been used in high ranks cause of dps and not able to stay alive. After the rework she was op and mandatory, then after the nerfs her usage in high ranks dropped to 1,90% with the worst winratio this last month than any other support.

I can understand you believe she is in a good position, I will tell you to see the overbuff statistics…than…even if their data can be discussed, have more a solid ground than what you have said. Sorry to say, Mercy was always F tier and was not common in high ranks, yes in low ranks.

So when you say…that should never be true for any character, you were right…cause it was not true.

And if you think that the niche of a support is to be the orisa battery so a pharah can do damage…and thats it…then such a waste of time, effort kit and playerbase.



Mercy was supposed to be a main healer. She isn’t - so she most certainly isn’t fine.

I don’t want her to be the best main healer, but I want her to be a main healer at least.

Well according to Overbuff, Mercy pumps out more heals than any other healer except Moira - whose numbers are inflated because she’s primarily used for AoE healing in tank heavy comps.

If doing the second most healing doesn’t make her a main healer, then I don’t know what your definition of being a main healer is.

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The definition of Mercy being a main healer is 60 HP/s.

Yes, Mercy can consistently heal, but it’s a pain in the back and it’s so slow you can’t heal tanks. You have to have Ana for that. => Mercy isn’t a main healer then.