🕊 [Mercy] Instant Rez, with GA reset

I can’t go for this. Do you know how frustrating it would be to shoot a Roadhog and miss even though you watch your shot hit him dead on? It’s a no for me.

The rest of the idea is fine, but I think it’s a lot of complication with no real payoff.

I’m thinking roughly Soldier sized hitbox.

And if my ideas aren’t good enough, at least I’m coming up with original ideas. Which is a lot better than most Mercy posters can claim. Kinda sad when a non-Mercy main does that better :slight_smile:

Yeah I understand that, however I think the skill just becomes seriously binary for just one person who has nothing to do with what’s going on. It’s as if I took you now and threw you on a island with just a knife in your hand while shouting, survive! go!

At least currently if you fail your rez you get the person who’s dead cheering for you

Well, there is a popular genre which does just that right now…

although everyone is generally same level until geared up? which is not the case here, you’re just handicapped and thrown against 6 fully functional individuals lol

I think the idea has merit but the kinks need to be worked out

Nah, you don’t do it better.
Your ideas are on par with their mass rez but overnerfed with cast time and LoS ideas which they only mention to save some face and will actually be good only for some nostalgia in their Quick Play bronze MMR matches.

So how many Mercy design concepts have you posted :slight_smile:

The problem with this is that it punishes the person Mercy is reviving for having a friendly ability used on them. Like yeah, it makes Mercy’s survivability go way up, but it totally screws the other person if you res them in a bad place.

It’s better off with a cast time and it either finishing or failing based on Mercy’s status and not the teammates’.

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Only 1 and it involves no rez at all and be more like TF2’s Medic.

I won’t buy any 30s cooldown E-ability for Mercy.

I mean what’s the point of having an ability that you are supposed to use during midfights if it charges around as fast as an ultimate ?
What is the longest cooldown in the game besides E-rez ? Something like 12s I believe ? I don’t think any ability should have a significantly longer than that.

Not to mention than this

would make it extremely unfair to be resurrected only to die and is literally the reason why the target is invulnerable.

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What’s unfair about it?

You’re getting a second chance at life, and the oppourtunity to run around and try to survive.

Incidentally, I came up with the basic version of this idea a long while ago.

But Realm Royale has something similar, where you get turned into a chicken if you die. But if you survive long enough, you turn back up a full health player.

Was a really fun mechanic that felt very fair.

You’re becoming a spectator who has to wait and pray to not get killed in order to have a second chance at life.
That’s how I see it :confused:

You can still move around, jump and crouch.

Like so:

Well I honestly don’t know how that would be…

I feel like this doesn’t address the inherent flaws I see in current Mercy, while it may be slightly better than what we have now in terms of fun for Mercy…

I swear I’m going to rename my alt to counterplay. I’m kind of a sucker for it. If something has good counterplay, odds are I’m down with it.

And what are those flaws, besides kinda boring?

Also keep in mind, a Zarya or Dva could just pocket world a rezzed hero for 2 seconds.

you hardly get this as Mercy currently, I can’t really see how they would protect the rezzed headless chicken

Kinda depends what skill tier we’re talking.
And how effective the enemies are at punishing misplays.

That said, the idea was to give this roughly the same difficulty and counterplay as it has now.

I like the idea. People will still blame Mercy if they die tho

True enough. But at least Mercy isn’t getting herself killed if it fails.

Teammates getting salty is pretty much inevitable, for anything that has room for failure.

That said, if the issue is that it’s too jarring. Maybe give a quarter second of invulnerability, then go onto the above idea.

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