Mercy Hypocrisy! How Fun!

Hello and welcome to my final Mercy thread since I have decided to move on to another hero after her 14 nerfs. I decided that with this one, I have to go out with a bang!

So the best place to start would be when her rework started.

This forum right here :slight_smile: Overwatch Forums

Now if you go to the Mercy developer comments you will see that it says that her res influenced her to hide away and come out with a 5 man res. I am not tackling the fact that this strategy was simply bad and used as an exploit to get way to much SR for contributing nothing to your team. I am gonna tackle that hide and res quote.

"It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them."

So I have a question, when does Mercy not hide and res now…oh yeah NEVER! She now has to hide and res because if she doesn’t, she will die. I love how I no longer had a choice on how I wanted to use that ability. Funny, I though I wasn’t supposed to hide, but this is the way you’re supposed to play her now. Better yet, I can’t heal my team for 2 second which is stopping me from doing my own job!

Now let’s tackle the next part of this monstrosity.

"Valkyrie, her new Ultimate, gives her the opportunity for big game-making plays and opens a number of new options for her."

Now what new options does she have now? If she decided to res, she will die or be stunned out of it, she can fly around and be annoying, or she can go to skybox and not die. This doesn’t sound like fun options to anyone.

And what game making play can she do? Do less healing than Moira in her ult? Less healing than Zen in her ult? Do less damage boosting than an Orisa? Her ult is better used as a get out of jail free card because that’s all it is good for now.

Now let’s move on to her megathread.

So they made a megathread to “read Mercy feedback in a more concise way”, but it was used more as a dumpster for all Mercy feedback. If you even mentioned her name in a forum, CONGRATS! YOU’RE IN THE MERCY MEGATHREAD! They said they were reading it, but that would be impossible since there were so many posts in there. It was eventually removed due to them not being able to handle it anymore or them not wanting people to get TL3 off of scrolling down the megathread.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the forum. Next one will probably be in…never.


There’s a difference between “hiding” two steps away from a corpse and hiding two walls away from it.


Even Mercy players were asking for LoS checks and to remove invuln instead of valk.

Don’t blame them for Blizzard’s incompetence.


That’s not the point ,I’m pointing out that OP’s comparison isn’t right ,“hiding” two steps away from a corpse isn’t the same as two walls away.

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This isn’t really true. People suggested these things for mass resurrect before the rework was announced, and a lot of people vehemently disagreed and opposed any kind of change to Mercy. I don’t recall any Mercy player agreeing with it. Even non-Mercy players didn’t agree with it. I was on the old forums when this all happened.

People only became willing to compromise after the rework was announced.

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She still hides well away from the body to some extent, she just has to sit next to it instead.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
Please I want at least a little less amount of Mercy threads than I see every day.

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Ah okay, I was under impression that the changes being announced brought all of it to the foreground as opposed to it starting when it was announced.

She has a negative winrate. She hasn’t had that in a year.

She might be dead this time.

I was actually one of the people who thought resurrect was fine for a while, until I started getting irritated by it when the whole hide-and-res thing started affecting me in comp when I played Mercy.

Hindsight is 20/20…but by the time people were ready to compromise, it was too late. :frowning:

But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked…

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I mean, I can make one about Cree if you really want. But it won’t gain any traction and ultimately die out with about 5 or so comments.
I love seeing Mercy threads all the time, since I know her playerbase is still trying. I just don’t click on all of them.

That’s pretty nice.

Now let’s hope the threads die too.

I don’t think anyone was expecting the changes to be as broken as they were when they were first announced though. I doubt even the most biased among us could have argue for that if they new the consequences.

She still has a stupid pickrate, so guess not :man_shrugging:

And people like you makin threads in a span of less than 2 hours about the same thing.

Which one of the two is really the problem here, buddy?

yahhhhhh, I agree mercy is stupid af. But the comunety is sick of post likes this.
The same goes for Buff Sombra and this game is dead/I uninstald.
So… Its nice that you pointed it out, but i wont help.

Lots of people did, especially Mercy players. I distinctly remember that feedback on Mercy 2.0 when it went live on the PTR centered almost entirely on how broken she was, even from the pros and streamers who asked for the rework to begin with. Blizzard just didn’t listen.

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I think taking cover while rez in her current state makes waaay more sense.

Then again, I’m not really sure I quite care either way. I’m just here for the distraction ^_<

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I mean, we should have seen that coming. They have a history of blatantly ignoring the playerbase.

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And another topic about mercy…