Mercy Heal reduction

Can Devs please way in on this? what am i saying you arent going too XD what was i thinking LMAFO

I just don’t get how you come to that conclusion, is all. Moira’s healing is comparable in all regards. Ana has higher burst healing and other strengths in her kit that make up for her weaker long term healing, and has her own problems that hold her back that aren’t fixed by nerfing Mercy. I just don’t see how Mercy’s healing was an issue.

Their intention was to tone down Mercy to make other healers more viable.


Why should he? Winston’s role isn’t taking out a target alone, nor is his single target damage supposed to be high. Why shouldn’t a main healer be able to outheal one of the lowest single target damage outputs in the game?


I already explained it?

It’s consistent. It’s not blocked by anything other than Mercy losing LoS. It doesn’t need to be aimed as heavily as Ana’s, doesn’t need to be reloaded, she doesn’t need to switch to damage to keep her ability to heal, and she has resurrect on top of it.

My understanding is that you think resurrect is better off as an ultimate instead of a normal ability, so you would do away with that to make her more balanced.

I’d rather keep that utility and sacrifice the healing output she has. Yes, it’s not the highest burst nor does she heal as fast. But it’s the constant, consistent healing output. I think consistency makes her overall better than other healers by far.

She still keeps that consistency, but it’s not as fast as it currently is. I’m fine with that. But again this is my own personal opinion on it, I’m not stating it as a fact. :man_shrugging: I just prefer a small healing nerf over removing resurrect as an ability.


And like I said, that consistency is balanced by a far lower output. She can’t outheal as much damage as other healers, and she can’t heal more than one person at a time outside of Valkyrie (which shouldn’t be able to, either). It being constant doesn’t matter when it can’t outheal enough damage to keep someone alive. The consistency is balanced by the tradeoff of output, and is absolutely not an issue. It’s better in some situations, and worse in others.

There is no reason. The reasons blizzard posted are easily debunked and make no sense at all. It’s blizzard not wanting to admit mercy 2.0 is broken and will just nerf her randomly even though she still is a must pick.

We already went through this. I explained it multiple times with no intention of persuasion.

Agree to disagree.

Maybe Ana and Moira will see some play now.
They’re more than capable of healing the tanks.


I think they need to remove res and give her something like an ability to multi boost someone with both beams at once.
And for an ult give her like a paladin sort of ult where she can lay down an aoe heal that negates debuffs of all sort do you can have a reliable counter to Zarya grav since there really is no counter play to that right now

The ignorance is strong in you my child.

Better question: Why does she have to be the only main healer to do so from a good distance, and through barriers? Did I mention she has the best mobility of the three main healers we have? No? Well, nuts. And before you go ‘But Moira has Fade and it’s better tha-’ No. It’s not. It doesn’t allow you to utilize the X Y and Z axes relatively free, and combined with the GA ‘hop’, you can move very smoothly and fast every two seconds with GA.
Winston should be able to outdamage Mercy’s healing based on the fact that a Mercy- can be in every game at any time, doing what she does best without contest- save an Ana nade or a very, very bad team / Mercy. Winston’s job is already difficult because an off healer now possesses the ability to halve his already-low damage ON A 10s COOLDOWN (and an ult), and stun him during a pursuit. Don’t give me tripe quips; as I want a full revert to Mercy 1.0, not this disgusting, overpowered abomination that we Support Mains have dealt with since Season 8 (longer than that, but I stopped playing competitively because of the balancing changes Blizzard has been making as of late).

Moira’s primary has the same range as Mercy’s, and she can throw her orb from a distance which also goes through barriers. Mercy’s mobility is offput by her lack of self defense capability. She can get away from attackers the best of the main healers, but she does the least to help fend them off. Also, GA’s cooldown is effectively longer than 2 seconds, as it doesn’t start until it’s completely ended (which is also extended by using the hop). Mercy is only “without contest” against bad teams. And Brigitte countering Winston has nothing to do with mercy.

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Lucia AOE healing is better. A Good lucio or Moira can out heal a Mercy in an overall match easily as their area heals and mercy can only heal 1 at a time. Devs you just gave a generic bs answer that just went to the minority Mercy haters out there. And didn’t answer my question. Mercy can’t outheal most damage. I can 99% of the time get gold healing as mercy but depending on the match if I have to damage boost and there’s a Lucio or Moira I can easily slip to silver.

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Wouldn’t solve the problem.

Valkyrie is extremely powerful when used properly.

Mercy Main on one account, best friend is a Diamond ranked Mercy Main.
We both agree she needed this.

Pros of Mercy:
Most mobile healer (2nd to Lucio only)
Most consistent healer (2nd to none)
Best self-regeneration
Only (Main) healer who can heal through barriers
Only (Main) healer who can Damage Boost, (without an ultimate being wasted)
Extremely short mobility cooldown
No resource mechanic to balance out healing output
AoE Healing/Damage Boost
Extremely small hitbox (her wings do NOT count as her hitbox when extended in Valk/Guardian)
Resurrect (Not “TEMPO”, quit with that BS).
Entry-level skill floor (decent skill ceiling)
Extremely powerful weapon, with large hitbox (in top5 biggest hitboxes for projectile weapons in Overwatch. Hanzo isn’t anywhere close).

Mercy’s Weaknesses:
No AoE Healing or Damage Boosting.
Not able to put out resurrects on key-targets without wasting an ultimate.

Both of these weaknessed have been removed.
She has AoE Healing AND AoE damage boost due to Valkyrie.
She can resurrect freely

She still needs skill and needs to hide (THIS IS A GOOD THING), because it means you have to be smart instead of hiding to press Q.

Mass-Resurrect in it’s previous states was not fair at all.
It was basically guaranteed to turn entire fights, where the enemy had used ults at a key moment to win.

I’m not saying Mass Resurrect took more skill or less skill. You just didn’t have to be smart with it. You had to know basic priority, Tanks>Supports>DPS.

All the proposes “Reverts” to a Mass Resurrect aren’t reverts. They’re separate rework ideas. For her to be reworked AGAIN. Changing any mechanics of the supposed revert make it not a revert. It’s only a revert if nothing else is changed or buffed or nerfed to compensate.

Mercy is THE best Support hero in the game because she has no weaknesses if played PROPERLY.

“That’s not a problem”
All the Hanzo-Hate says hi.
All the Brigitte-Hate says hi (even though she has counters, people just don’t like using them)
Roadhog-Hate says hi (even though he had counters, and still does).
D.Va-Hate says hi.
Widowmaker-Hate says hi.
Doomfist-Hate says “^!@% off”

Please continue telling me how the community is “totally accepting” of someone being THOUGHT to having no weaknesses compared to ACTUALLY having no weaknesses.

Aka, Tracer prior to Brigitte.
Infinite skill ceilings aren’t okay in that regard.
If 1 member of the cast has a hard counter, everyone should have one.
That’s how good balancing is done.
That’s also what the original design for Overwatch was, and is exactly the reason why we can hero-swap in the middle of a match.

She needs a weakness again.
So they have to nerf the things they haven’t touched yet:

Her mobility (which has gotten a net buff with the hopping + valk)
Her damage boost (which has gotten a net buff with Valk, but a minor nerf with ult interaction THANK GOD)
Her healing (which has been unchanged since Beta).

If it were up to me I’d have flat-out removed Damage Boost from Mercy’s kit when she was reworked to have Valk, or have removed Damage Boost’s ability to stack universally for all members of the cast. No exclusions.

If they nerfed her mobility further, she’d probably easily die even if it was a reasonable nerf (like, y’know- making her wings be a part of her hitbox when extended in Guardian Angel or Valkyrie).

So the only choice is to nerf the Healing Output.

From a logical standpoint, the nerfs have all made sense thus far.
This one included.


They did. This patch.

To anyone with the counterargument of “too many nerfs is a failure”.
Tell me, would you have preferred all 11 nerfs to have gone through on the initial Rework day?

Do you not know the outcry that would’ve happened from such a sudden change? They’re giving Mercy players time to adapt between nerfs instead of being hit with ye’ old hammer.

The rework removed her weaknesses.
They said they won’t go back and revert, EVER (without any changes).
So, they need to give her her weaknesses back.

I agree with Blizzard’s decision.


Shortest range healer, and has the least ability to defend herself

But has the lowest healing throughput


Moira’s orb goes through barriers

Also the only main healer with almost no direct damage output

Already mentioned mobility

Again, lowest healing throughput

Only in valkyrie, which is part of the problem

Again, only in valkyrie

About the same as Ana or Moira

Was fine as an ultimate

About the same as Moira’s

Projectiles are also extremely slow, and you have few opportunities to use it as you’re better off focusing on your main duties

Completely dependent on her team for all of her abilities except her pistol
Lowest short-term healing throughput
Very little damage output, even including damage boost

Because of rez on E and valkyrie, which are what should be changed, not her healing

That’s true of most ults

That’s pretty much the point, most people who want a “revert” want her to be reverted and then rebalanced from there

Then change rez and valkyrie, which are the cause of her lack of weaknesses

No, they don’t have to nerf things that have never been an issue and have nothing to do with her problems, they should change the things that are the problem


At least Winston can now out heal Mercy beamed target with 10 dps :smiley:

Well for one, Mercy has NEVER been the go-to healer for Tanks; it was always Ana who did that…up until they released Moira, now they kind of both do the same.

Second, Mercy actually started out with 50 HPS when Overwatch first came out, up until they buffed it to 60 HPS.

Why was that so you ask?

Because at the time, Ana’s Biotic Grenade was overtuned and Ana was heavily overshadowing Mercy (on PC) with her better utility while having insane healing numbers.

So Blizzard decided to buff Mercy’s healing numbers to compete with her.

However, since then Ana’s healing numbers have significantly decreased to the point that many people debate her being an Off-Healer rather than a Main-Healer.

So…Blizzard decided to bring Mercy back down a little because since the age of Triple-Tank Mercy had just been getting buff, after buff.

It’s telling that in the Overwatch League, Triple-Tank was being run by Mercy…BY HERSELF.

So that was more or less a big warning sign for something to happen to Mercy.

Also, the whole reason why we’re in a sniper meta is that the time to kill has been made so low that the only DPS heroes capable of actually killing anything are snipers.

Yes, Hanzo is OP but both he and Widowmaker are necessary evils within the game.


3 tank/1 support was basically only run on Junkertown, and it was with Bastion and Roadhog who could both heal themselves.

Actually that’s Brigitte, disregarding abilities, which is what I was referring to.

Ana has to reload.
Mercy does not.
Moira can only heal for 10 seconds.
Mercy does not have this issue.

Mercy’s Single-Target healing, when sustained, is better.

Not really.
Ana has to use an extremely potent ability, on HERSELF and it has a long cooldown. Doesn’t fully heal.
Moira can’t full heal out of combat without wasting an Orb.
Mercy doesn’t have to use any abilities, she just needs to not be shot.
In Valkyrie, that weakness is removed too.

Not counting abilities, but, sure whatever.
You go ahead and keep an entire team alive with Moira’s Orb only.
Meanwhile a Valk’d Mercy will continue to heal her entire team, with chain-beams, through every shield in the game.

By design.
Both of the other 2 Main Healers are designed to be HYBRIDS.
Mercy is a purist.

Good glad we can agree on that.

N - O
It wasn’t.

Except, it’s not.
Moira is slightly harder because you have to decide when to use your Orb, what to use it for, and you have a limited resource of healing. You can only heal for 10 seconds straight, therefore, you have less overall uptime than Mercy.

Yes, but I was referring to the ability of self-defense from flankers, etc,.
Watch the OWL if you want to claim it’s useless (which you haven’t yet, so good on you).

Tank roster says hi (some exclusions).
Support roster says hi (few exclusions).

Resurrect in it’s current state is completely balanced.
Valkyrie in it’s current state is balanced.

The two together is a problem, IF you don’t change anything else.
That’s the point of the consecutive nerfs.

Then they should say “rebalance”, not revert.
A revert is different.
They don’t talk about “revert THEN do this”, they say “revert to mass rez” or “Hey you should revert to mass rez and add this immediately with it”.

Mercy’s Beam IS a problem.
It has been for a long time.

Due to the fact Damage Boost is a flat increase in ULTIMATES per minute.
Disregarding damage itself, the ultimate charge gain is what makes it important.
Hers also stacks.

Her healing is the only main healing source that can go through barriers and be readily accessible.
This is by design, it’s still a flawed design.