Mercy has the lowest winrate in the game

Already made that bet in the Bastion thread! :stuck_out_tongue:

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With all those private profiles, how accurate can this be?
Which players actually have public profiles? Masters and GMs mainly…where Mercy drops off hard.
So I would not buy those statistics without a grain of salt.

Even if it’s an accurate representation of win rates across tiers, stats like these become problematic when a character is popular but (somewhat) situational. People who ‘main’ a hero will still play them where that hero is (no longer) optimal and never swap even if the enemy team is running a comp that doesn’t allow you to get value (like using Mercy on defense against an enemy GOATS comp).

I think that’s definitely the case with Mercy.

I’ve hardly played supports for like 3 seasons and just this week I started to pick up the role again because playing tank in an Ana meta kind of sucks. For being rusty at it, Mercy still feels very effective if you’ve got good DPS players to work with. The only thing I don’t like about it is that people keep giving me good sportsmanship endorsements because Mercy can never be a ‘good teammate’ :stuck_out_tongue: