Mercy has the lowest winrate in the game

It finally happened. I checked Overbuff’s weekly winrate and Mercy has the lowest winrate in the game. She has reached the epitome of troll pick. The dev update had better at least address her, because things are not looking good at all. I’m so glad I stopped playing this flaming trash pile of a hero or I’d be in Silver instead of Diamond


Checked Overbuff to verify these statistics.

Whaddya know they’re 100% incorrect. Stop spreading false information.

Across the board in comp right now Mercy has a winrate of 48.67. Is that low? Yes but It’s still higher than McCree Roadhog and Sombra.


They’ll more than likely say they’ll “Wait for the dust to settle” again before doing anything. :roll_eyes:


Go to PC, Competitive, Weekly, All. Her winrate is 48.24% right behind Winston and Roadhog

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Check this week’s stats. Sort by winrate. You’ll find her at the bottom.


Press this week, Crys in Roadhog

Bro, Torbjorn also has a 59% winrate this week at GM. By that logic he’s OP AF.



Um…no? Did you check this week or this month?

This week:
McCree- 48.49%
Roadhog- 48.28%
Sombra- 48.41%
Mercy - 48.24%

This months? Yes she’s above those three.

Wanna know what that should mean?

All 4 should be addressed in the update.


Torbjorn has an insanely small sample size, shown by his .48% pickrate. Mercy doesn’t. She has a 5.74% pickrate.


She has a 1.69% pickrate.

Your move, Mercy main.


I’m looking at the stats right now. It’s at 5.74%. :smile:


People still think they can use Mercy everywhere in whatever situation they are facing hence the “low” winrate. That’s the problem, she is not a must pick anymore but she keeps getting picked where other healers would be a better option.

She is not underpowered or unbalanced, she is finally completely fine and not dominating everything anymore.


Except that isn’t the case, as Mercy’s pickrate has been cut in less than half.

The statistics show otherwise.


You’re really gonna get me to screen cap this.

I got baited hard.

It defaults to monthly when you open the website up, where she is 25th. On weekly Mercy is last.

As of right now (2005est) Winston is under her at 48.26% winrate where Mercy is at 48.31%

Under competitive, this week, all, (on PC) mercy is at a pickrate of 5.70%, I have no idea what this screenshot is of

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How about you show what the top bar says? I’m pretty confident you are looking at GM only stats…

Which actually kind of proves my point as well.

Your move.


Good news, we now know when Overbuff checks its stats. When I checked 2 minutes ago she was last, checked monthly to see she’s 25th for the month, then back to weekly and now Winston is indeed below

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That’s exactly what I’m talking about because that was what we were discussing: the GM stats.