Mercy has officially dropped to 5th place healer

Though the days of insane Mercy hate over rez is gone…unnecessary levels of hate for her is still here. It’s almost a meme at this point for people to trash legitimate complaints about Mercy…you can tell since half the ppl trashing her and her mains don’t know what tf they’re talking about, they’re just running off “oh it’s a Mercy thread, better go trash it without reading anything - boy I’m so cool!”

Nevertheless, Mercy could use some love, idk where or how exactly, but I agree she could use some love.
Also, i feel for her mains on this forum.

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Hate will never go away, because we still have ability, that is considered “anti-skill” - resurrect. And seen as “punishing good play”, forgetting, that getting to dead teammate and staying there is making good play of our own in many cases.

Just like it happens with all supports, that can make bad DPS win fight against good DPS consistently, and get nerfed. Since, once again, that support makes less skilled player win.

It’s Overwatch equivalent of TF2’s “you won only because you had pocket Medic”.

Her positioning is more forgiving???
I get it, Mercy can just fly in front of 6 enemy, get a res and get out. EZ GG. Mercy OP, please nerf.

Mercy broken beam, no aim no brain. NERF

OMG! Mercy has the most powerful ult in the game. She can fly in her ult. So broken. She can get her ult so fast. NERF

Ana can only walk, she can’t fly. Buff Ana so she can run like a champ.
Nerf Mercy, why she can fly? What are those legs for, decorations? Maybe delete Mercy’s legs if she don’t need it, because she can fly so fast. OMG so broken NERF.

Playing Mercy is EZ WIN, WOOW EZ Unrank to GM Let’s go.

Mercy can heal 50hps?? NERF her healing. SO broken, why she can heal?? NERF

See, Moira needs so much in order to get values. BRAIN DEAD mercy. no aim no brain. Mercy broken, Nerf.

Mercy can DMG boost and heal?? OMG SO OP, no one can do that. BIG NERF PLZ.

Look at Zen, he is balanced.


NO AIM NO BRAIN, nerf Mercy.

EZ TOP 500, Mercy broken NERF


Who needs skill, when you’re playing Mercy? EZ hero to TOP 500. WOOOOOOW
better abuse this hero hard

Nerf Mercy’s beam, why she can have a long beam??? SO BROKEN, NO AIM NO BRAIN. NERF

Mercy can DMG boost, so broken. No one can do that NERF NERF NERF NERF


Thank you for pointing out the actual numbers for this, because it feels like its been absolutely true ever since the last big Support buff patch where Mercy got nerfed down to 50 HPS and everyone else got their healing buffed. Its honestly depressing to be outhealed when you spend 95% of the game JUST healing and doing nothing else and STILL getting Silver.


Healing and pistol are only things Mercy player has some power control over.
Everything else has it’s power tied to other teammate.

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I dont think her healing is a problem. I discuss at length my opinions about Mercy here:

Overall my proposed changes are a net nerf but it makes her better to play

I do not see said changes as making Mercy better.

I completely agree.

I talk about this at length here if you are interested in reading it:

I said better to play. Which is an opinion and I dont think I should have to put a disclaimer on that when it should be pretty clear.

And as I’ve said many times, I already know your stance so reiterating it to me without contributing anything else is just a waste of your time.

And seeing as how you refuse to elaborate when I spent a lot of time thinking it through, there is nothing more for us to discuss.

I made a detailed, extensive and thought-out post just for you to say “no, I dont agree”. Which is your prerogative to do but it removes any respect I can have for you.

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Someone has to be 5th place. Sounds like you’re just biased

Normally I would be fine with that. Only thing is the developers straight up said that they want her to be the go-to for raw healing and that she will still be the best in healing over the course of a match. Had they not said that it wouldve been fine but they dug themselves into a hole by saying that since it isnt true anymore and they arent going to do anything to change that.


Yeah. It is. With Superjump and a low cooldown on her mobility, being able to juke enemies, fly in the air with Superjump, Bunnyhop, etc.

Yeah… You are completely denying my point there.
Seriously… All you “answers” to my points just show how triggered and annoyed you are.
There is no reason why I should take your comments seriously.
Like- it is hilarious.
Just keep denying the elephant in the room.
Why would I like my main to get nerfed when she is okay, not overpowerd? Just give me one reason, hm?

No but seriously, you are a perfect example for why so many people dont take Mercy main seriously. You cant even accept that she is easier to play than other healers and that she has a strong mobility. I never called for a nerf.
shakes head


The inverse is also true, though: “Why should anyone bother to learn heroes like Mercy and Brig, if they’ll never get as much value as a higher skill floor hero like Ana?”

Mercy used to work around this by becoming more and more complex to play well, the higher you played her at. Even at the middling tiers, she had pretty much zero margin for errors in judgement.

I won’t put much effort into defending her now, but my point is that with the right kit design any hero can have a very high skill ceiling… No matter what level their skill floor starts at.


Fix this broken bug, omg

Mercy broken nerf

Yeah, if I want trolls then I just watch a movie.

Yes, she isn’t easier to keep teammates alive with. She is easier to stay alive as.
Except supports are played to keep teammates alive.

Normally… I’d say give her 60 HPS because she should have it, however, with Moira nerfs, tank reworks, and how dive tanks are about to make a comeback, I say wait until after next patch.

I do think it’s weird that her healing output in general is about the same as brig but with brig having a better ult, considering repair pack is almost as strong as Rez when used correctly. I feel like she should really have had 60 HPS these last 6 months, but I really think that with Winston about to be pretty meta, I’m not sure she needs it. She’s going to be his best healer.

He must return to 60 hps, Mercy is the only pure support of the game, it is right that he does not have a healing burst like Moira and Ana since he has continuity of care from his. But 50 hps makes no sense with all this current game damage.


mercy can heal 12-13k per 10 if you healbot and never die, so she kinda can outheal most of the cast on a game to game basis, but I think her current state of offering super powered utility is way more exciting than just being the eminent healbot, as moira and bap are.

Top mercy players on overbuff such as Neon and Dridro who historically are consistently between 4.4 and 4.6 as mercy mains with a splash of lucio have avg healing per 10 of about 8k and dmg amped of 3k+ with about a 1:1 or better k:d, which suggests that the strongest mercy playstyle is actually as an off healer that hard-micros all key abilities by amping them to become dangerous and to help teammates build their win conditions faster. It makes sense that you only need to heal to sustain against key breakpoints rather than overheal like moira does to compensate for your teammates bad positioning or to brawl. Also getting the gun out and assassinating someone in valk is extremely powerful because mercy has incredible dps and arguably the best flank potential in the game during her ult, its just really difficult to aim.

So it appears her eminent playstyle is unintuitive and not what the devs intended, but still viable (I would argue more fun too). It’s more exciting to have damage boost and her mobility be as powerful as they are than for her to just be another healbot

Still, it’s not as viable, as you would think, with unreliable teammates.