Mercy has horrible Self-Defense 🤢

I totally agree. Just since Geoff stated what he did about E rez on a resource, I’m always thinking of the devs being reluctant to add much “layered” complexity to her base kit. I think they’re fine with GA techs like hop and superjump, but I don’t see them as really willing to layer on the base kit. I don’t agree with it myself, however I do see why it would make sense and be desirable to keep Mercy a reliable and accessible pick.

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I mean, she’s a pacifist. What did you expect. That said, her gun is pretty strong and can at least startle someone trying to pick her off by shooting them in the head, repeatedly.

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I don’t think Hold right click and occasionally Left click

Is more complicated than holding Left Click, and occasionally Right click

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I agree with you. I just can’t allow myself to underestimate the dev’s desire to keep Mercy very simple. That’s all.

if there was a way to quickly and intuitively shoot at people instead of having to weapon swap it’d already be great…

Well, the really fun one is this one.
Which I figure would only affect the main beam of Valk.


She doesn’t fight people. She survives with her agility and regen. Not every healer needs to have Zenyatta’s combat skills.


Obviously the heal bot is going to have more healing than Mercy, and Moira also has her tickle beam that is great for racking up elims which don’t mean much.

Doomfist has two cooldown on 7 seconds and gets temporary shield on hit - too much movement and sustain

Mercy has a 2 second cooldown and constant regen - nah she dead from one look

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I really wish we’d get rid of the elims stat and replace it with elims for characters you’ve done over 50% damage to, or final blows, or even just get rid of it, because it seems a lot of people still think that elims equate to kills


Not many mercy players get that their job as a mercy (Which is now an off-healer) is to sit back and heal/damage boost, THAT’S IT.

You don’t have to power to kill enemies as fantastically as Genji or have the ability to heal your teammates as much as Zenyatta, you are not meant to be in the frontlines interacting with the enemy, you are supposed to be in the back, enabling your teammates to interact with the enemy. You need to alert your team when you are being focused, you need to stick with the tank or any other teammate you know can and will protect you, you are fine as you are.

You are both the least and most important hero in the team, so don’t think of yourself as anything other as that.

Hm, seems reasonable. I’m not a big fan of appeasing individuals ability to “feel” like they’re making a play. What is required for that shifts so much through the tiers, from solo Q to coordinated, it’s tough…

Current Mercy I think could benefit from some Valk tuning, like lower duration in exchange for more “oomph” and that’s about it. Possibly going back to 60 hps but I doubt that happening.

Averaging something means a decimal usually. It’s adding all of the numbers and diving by the amount of numbers you added together. Which means Mercy does in fact die less.

Mathematics are a great thing, you know?

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Running away is her defense

Thats why tracer is so strong, because of her ability to escape

What the difference in killing the enemy as mercy or running away? You still lived

And we know what happens when a healer is remotely decent at defending themselves…


I mean, to be fair, running away from a fight typically gives you better odds of surviving than fighting.

Doesn’t really change the fact that she’s up a creek if she can’t book it effectively.

You’re up a creek if you peek a corner and get head clicked by a Widow as well. :man_shrugging:

Mercy’s survivability is not bad. And her ability to take a duel isn’t bad either.

If you’re in a position where you have no one to GA to as Mercy something has gone terribly wrong and you probably should just reset with team tbh.


Doomfist just passes through all 6 enemies instantly killing all of them while screaming “POWER”

I never said it wasn’t. I’m just saying that just because you survive by running away doesn’t change the fact that you can’t really fight in those situations where it’d be useful.

I mean, spawn camping is a thing, to be fair.

But you can fight in those situations. You can whip out your pistol and put in work. It’s just a matter of situation trade off and if it is cost effective to do that and sacrifice heal/dmg boost etc. That’s what I’m saying.

Yeah where the fight between the teams is 5v5 and it’ll sort out how it does. If someone spawn camps you to the point you can’t roll out, and you can’t switch to deal cuz of holding an ult, there’s not much you can do other than not feed them ult charge.

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But the reason this thread exists is because OP is pointing out that sure, Mercy has a pistol, whereas almost everyone else has their primary weapon plus an ability or two to constantly get the advantage on her in a 1v1 scenario.

Except you’re down a healer and they’re down a DPS.

Let’s not pretend that fight wouldn’t be a little lopsided. Either way, it’s not the point.

Now that… That’s sort of the point.

I dunno. I don’t even think she needs a buff, I just disagree with some of the logic being presented is all.

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