Mercy got nerfed so much, because Blizzard needed to have some form of measurement stick

Actually, I think it was the other way around.

You are the one who muted me because you couldn’t seem to get a grip, after all.

Psst. Play the fallacy game with them. Do it. :wink:


Oh my goodness, Titanium decided to leave feedback on my post ? I’m flattered. :slight_smile:

Thanks !

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I never said balancing ow was easy. Dev team right now and before has a hard work. Is understandable to see they are really bad at doing it. And they do not improve.
Balance was never the strong point in blizzards games, their last releases of heroes have to modes OP or nerfed to the ground. They come and are released been extremely oppresive till they are nerfed into the oblivion. And most of them are flawled designs.

My theory about the release of last heroes are mixing ideas already existing in a game to create a new hero. shield? check, cc? check…etc etc.
The game has not been fun in long long time for a lot of people, now some pros are even been vocal about things …some of them asked at first for.
Sooooo…I love the game, I really wish it was better, I really wish it was not so frustrating or unfun experience for me, I wish my point of view was not common so I had friends to play with. I wish the game was doing good…and I still stick here trying to adapt or trying to enjoy with little luck.

My faith in devs is long gone now.

Well, that reply wasn’t really directed at the OP, but since you mention it…

I get that she might feel better for some people, but for me, this makes no difference. Mercy stopped being fun to play for me back in October of 2017, and a slight buff that partially reverts a previous nerf in addition to another hero to pocket doesn’t do anything for me.

Mercy’s issues are far too fundamental to her current kit to be fixed with some number changes.

People say that another hero to pocket will help Mercy in regards to viability, but… since when was Mercy supposed to be an amplifier for a DPS hero and not a main healer for the entire team?

I’ll admit that I was wrong in my prediction of how the healing nerf would play out, but I’m going to have to strongly disagree with you when they say that they know what they are doing.

If they knew what they were doing, we wouldn’t have had 10 months of Mercy meta. We probably wouldn’t have had the Mercy rework in the first place.

As for what you say their plan is, that will only prolong the complaints. Our concerns are not that Mercy isn’t in a good balance state. Our concerns are that Mercy isn’t fun to play, and again, anything short of a rework would be insufficient for addressing those concerns.