Mercy doublethink

To be fair: with the new buffs, Lucio’s rework might finally be a success now.

Symmetra 3.0 was almost successful, but her new primary fire beam is not working out at all. They shouldn’t have scrapped the laser lasso.

Hanzo’s rework gave him much-needed consistency on his primary fire, but they overdid it by giving him yet another tankbuster E.

Mercy has been an unmitigated disaster. The only positive change is the bunnyhop, but even that started out as an accident.

I have noticed a slight shift - I’ve played Mercy in all my QP games today - other healer was Lucio in every game but one (it was Ana there.)

I think I was evenly tied with Ana for heals (we kept going back and forth with medals.)

However, with Lucio? I was almost always outhealed, and I often wound up with the silver medal, whilst Lucio got gold healing. I’d brush it off with “Oh, I wasn’t playing well” but, like… it was basically every game.

Yes, because the bulk of her “power budget” was in her healing before. She picked up a new basic skill that’s extremely powerful without any compensatory nerf in the other areas of her kit. Honestly, I’m surprised she didn’t get some kind of nerf to her healing power earlier than this.

I’m trying to imagine a world where they remove resurrect entirely and the outrage isn’t an order of magnitude worse than the frustration they’re dealing with now. Aaaaaand I don’t think my imagination is powerful enough…

Since Mercy has zero mobility and no way to increase her team’s damage output, right? /s

If anything Moira is the healer who has zero utillity. She’s all healing and damage with an escape thrown in. Mercy’s damage boost is hugely powerful, resurrect is one of the most powerful utility tools in the game, and Mercy’s mobility is easily the best of any main support and the only off support who might challenge her here is Lucio. Oh, and Mercy’s consistency is a major advantage over anyone but maybe Zenyatta, who has much lower output.

Except we know the stats. Mercy is not far ahead of other healers, she’s second after Moira in healing actually. Her and Moira are BOTH far ahead of Ana.

No, she had the healing issue since her rework, only now are they addressing it.

Mercy’s kit was just overloaded with power when they reworked her and the OW team has actually taken a rather long time to address the issue but it’s existed since the rework.

When they nerf a character that’s overloaded with power there are several options, they decided to reduce healing to get her balanced without core gameplay changes.

It’s hard to realise sometimes but for example the ‘Angel bounce’ mechanic does not technically affect healing but it provides survivability which means Mercy is alive longer which indirectly turns into healing.
Resurrect brings an ally back into the fight about 20 seconds faster than usual, that’s 20 seconds of an additional body you can heal which indirectly turns into healing.
Valk allows Mercy to escape some potentially deadly dives so in addition to providing a link of extra healing for 15 seconds, it allows her to remain alive which indirectly turns into healing.

So no matter what they do to reduce her power the ultimate end result for Mercy would be less healing.

No matter what you do as long as you can revive a player every 30 seconds it will make her a must pick. You can even make it 50 seconds and it will still be op.

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Put it back on the ult, make valk the E ability.

So are you saying they would need to nerf something different?

Probably because the rework mercy is unbalanceable and the biggest mistake in the game. Her healing isn’t the problem. Rez and chain healing is this whole rework was such a bad idea i have no idea how it was approved by blizzard.

It’s almost like different people can have different ideas, or people can have multiple ideas. :thinking:

A rework landing a bit below the point of balance because one aspect of the kit is too weak is hardly a failure. I imagine the buffs to Sym’s primary fire (hopefully beyond the 2 meter buff) will be along soon enough.

If anything, the only thing that failed about the Sym 3.0 rework was how the community failed utterly to adjust its opinion on the hero, and continue to see her as a troll pick based on her old kit. And honestly, I can’t blame Blizzard for not wanting a repeat of Hanzo’s rework. I mean, I would have been thrilled to have Symmetra be dominant for a few months. But I imagine the community would not appreciate it.

No, they need to make rez not an E ability.

Yeah, but you’d be surprised how many Mercy mains have both of those shown opinions.

Somehow the cognitive dissonance doesn’t trigger.

It’s called “alternatives”.

She WAS healing too much. I almost always outhealed any second support that I was paired up with, no matter who. The only time I would get outhealed is by a Moira, and only if I died a lot that match.

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We have a very small picture of the stats. What’s available on overbuff is a very small snapshot of the total overwatch population and as a result wont show an accurate bell curve of the total healing distribution. However from the data we do have available it shows Mercy and Moira neck and neck at the very top, and Mercy consistently higher pretty much everywhere else. Moira is also only one healer. Compare those stats to Ana, Zen, Lucio, or Brig and both Moira and Mercy win by a landslide.

A main healer is supposed to outheal off-supports. And Ana’s kit isn’t as focused on healing as Mercy’s and Moira’s, and she has a lot of unrelated issues.

yes yes, very sUCCessFuL rework xDD i just did like 7k heals in 13 mins and i usually do 14k in 13 mins (ofc i died more than usual) but dayumm i feel like she isnt even healing lmao

The fact that blizzard has ignored even pros on how bad the mercy rework shows how blizzard just cant admit if something isn’t working they will continue to push something even if its apparent its a mistake.

Well, except for GM Moiras running tank heavy comps.