Mercy doublethink

Moira and Mercy have different uses. It’s not a black and white ‘one is better than the other’ comparison. Obviously Moira has better multi-target healing. Mercy also has much better single target healing and can do so from a distance and has overall much greater mobility when the team is more spread out.

And for the record I’ve complained about healing in this game many times. I think all healers including heal way too much. I think the Mercy change is much needed.

Well if you think all healers should have their healing nerfed then you werent talking about mercy specifically.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here, tbh.

Because over time the game has changed? More heroes added, others tweaked, new metas formed, etc.

I think that Mercy getting her healing nerfed was a good thing. Why can I not refer to Mercy specifically in the context of a post about Mercy?

Mercy was never a problem pre rework when she got an ultimate on a cooldown. Her healing never mattered.

Mercy’s single target healing is lower than Moira’s until Moira runs out (which takes a while, if you’re managing your resources well). Except Moira also AoE healing and decent damage output. Moira’s spray also has the same range as Mercy’s beam.

But you want all healers nerfed so it not really about mercy specifically.

I would consider the consistency, reliability (not needing to aim while being able to reposition), and capability of healing far away targets a huge advantage for single target healing. Mercy is far better than Moira in that respect.

I’m not really sure what you’re trying to get at.

In that respect, sure. But her raw output is far lower to compensate. Also, again, Moira and Mercy both have the same range on their primaries.

Since she received the 60hps buff she has also gotten valk which turns it into an air for 15 seconds. That’s a significant bump in her overall healing numbers. That’s why she can now output so much more.

But yeah the nerf doesn’t matter much because res is still the problem. Not her healing. She might have more consistent healing, but Ana and Moira’s burst healing is still far superior to consistent healing.

Moira has arguably a better mobility ability than mercy since she is invincible and doesn’t have to rely on a teammate.

But when I say “Mercy is a better single target healer” would you not agree that these are all very important aspects? Like Moira for example basically cannot heal Pharah. That seems like a pretty important component of being a single target healer - that you can actually do so.

Then the problem is valkyrie, not 60 HPS. She shouldn’t have multi-target healing.

Blizzard won’t address rez since that would imply they made a mistake.

More or less, this change obviously effects valk too, but res is still the core issue with her kit. This nerf is really just a nerf for the sake of a nerf.

I don’t have the numbers myself, but the healing pre-rework and post-rework are actually very similar, it was in a Titanium thread.

Again, I do agree she’s better in that sense. Her healing is consistent and unlimited. It’s also the slowest. What I’m saying is being strong in one aspect does not mean it’s strong in all aspects. It’s better in some situations and worse in others.

Mercy was to strong and she needed some sort of nerf …. i think they are going the right way.

Fade is far less flexible for overall mobility around the map. While yes it allows her to move around without the help of teammates, it cannot easily cross gaps and has zero vertical mobility, which is widely consider far more valuable.