Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

Do you have any evidence of that? The 2 year old forum post doesn’t count, as it’s extremely outdated.
Any rank where the majority of players/heroes have a negative winrate is a low rank. Gold is a low rank.

Walling off teammates in spawn is unhealthy behavior, so remove Mei’s wall. Letting your team die to go battle Mercy is unhealthy behaviour, so remove valkyrie.

Except you have no numerical or statistical evidence to back this up. You just keep saying it’s “unhealthy” which is based entirely on feeling.

Then what non-feelings based evidence do you have against mass rez? Actual, objective evidence, not that you feel that it’s “unhealthy”.

How is letting your team die to focus on chasing someone with your pistol different from letting your team die to try to rez them?

By that logic, then neither does mass rez.

You mean valkyrie?


We have nothing else to talk about then.

If you believe that a combat oriented game should come down to a game of “hide n go seek” and PRETENDING to fight instead of actually fighting then I don’t see how we can ever see eye to eye.

Combat games should encourage combat. Not “find the mercy”.


Remove Sombra entirely, then.


Remove turrets too, game shouldn’t be tower defense.

Enemies have no obligation to make themselves visible to you, or in any other way make themselves easier to kill. It’s your own task to find and kill them, just like for some of them task is to find and kill you.

It’s almost like one of those moments in TF2, where someone turns corner and runs into sentry gun, then complains about whole thing, because “Engineer was hiding, it’s unfair”. Or when in CS:GO someone with shotgun hides near bomb site to blast anyone, who dares to come and believes it to be safe.

Reminds me of time as TF2 Spy. Oh, pure madness of players searching through empty map to find “that dirty backstabber”.


Also, funny how you moved the goalposts from “silver and gold” to “gold and plat”.

From the mouth of Jeff Kaplan himself.

No. Any rank of which the majority of players are in it is the average in a skill based ranking system. As it is not just wins that determine ranking but that of your performance in each game up until diamond.

The great thing about this one is the fact that despite this being a posibility it never encouraged this behavior. I rarely see Mei’s block teammates.

We saw an epidemic of “hide n rez” behavior.

Because statistics are not what determine unhealthy game play. What determines unhealthy gameplay is unintended or counter productive behaviors.

An unintended and counter productive behavior such as an ability that promoted avoiding combat in a combat game. An ability that promoted the idea of DYING rather then SURVIVING as a means of playing.

That is indisputably an unhealthy behavior. Anyone who claims otherwise is straight up lying at this point.m

Logic: A combat focused game should encourage combat. A game in general should encourage participation in that game.

MAss Rez encouraged hiding and pretending to fight.

These are facts.

One is participating in the fight and can make the difference between victory or defeat (dealing with an enemy pharah or killing that enemy support who was low can change the fight in your favor) and the other is hiding and waiting for everyone to die. Not fighting at all.

No one is currently telling mercy “Hey go valk and pistol”. They did however in mass encourage hide n rez.

Nope. Valk gets you involved in a fight.

Please, next time you are in valk go sit in a corner without pressing any buttons and tell me how effective you are?

Valk requires participation in a team fight to get value. Mass Rez encouraged not participating at all in teamfight and letting everyone die.

Solid difference.

In order for Sombra to get value she has to reveal herself and participate in combat. She does not wait until her team is dead and THEN EMP does she now?

I fail to see any logic in this statement. Turrets are combat oriented deployables and encourage combat.

Mass Res encouraged avoiding combat. They have nothing in common with eahc other.

No one is saying they are obligated to do so.

What I am saying is that a player should be obligated to actively participate in the fight with the intention of winning that fight. Having five people PRETEND to fight with the intention of LOSING that fight is counter to that goal. Having someone HIDE from the fight and contribute NOTHING to it is also counter to that goal.

Nothing like that at all.

Its more like the "final point only " engineer’s. You know the ones? The ones that instead of setting up a nest at first point they just assume its lost and instead build on last? As in not participating at all in any meaningful way till the fight is lost?

I did not move it. I pointed out that I played in silver to gold. Gold being part of average player base.

I played in gold. Therefore in the average player pool. We saw plenty of hide n rez.


I loved merchy when she was opressive and beyond overpowered, you could stop a whole enemy team from carrying the game by a button press and holding mouse button. But now that she is fine I don’t enjoy playing her anymore.

proceeds to compare healers without including the reload time and fuel and completly disregarding range and aim


Wrong. Turrets encourage placing them all over place and not doing anything else. Ideally you not being present, since turrets are expendable.

It’s called baiting - you bait out enemy’s firepower, so they got nothing for actual team fight, which begins with mass rez.

Example from TF2 would be spies sabotaging entrances. They are not involved in fight, but their actions will allow to win round 2, as enemy team will have to restore teleports first.


Sym’s turrets on there own do nothing. In order to get value out of them you and your team need to act on their CC and damage .

Torbjorn also needs to get value via his primary to target priority enemies. If you just place a turret of any kind it rarely if eve accomplish’s anything due to how they are designed.

If you “do nothing else” but deploy turrets you lose. Plain as that.

Can’t bait out an ability if the person with that ability is not participating in a fight.

Once again. Hiding rather then fighting is counter to the goal of the game design.


You can bait out rez, if Mercy player got impatient.

Goal of the game is taking objective, with no care on how you do that.

I completely agree, OP. When I first started playing Overwatch last year I expected Mercy to be akin to the Medic from TF2: Someone who, while doing little to no damage himself, could shape the flow of battle, empowering the right teammates at the right time to break down the enemy and secure victory. Without ever firing a shot still end up standing over a pile of enemy corpses, knowing their defeat wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Mercy, however, isn’t really like that in my experience. She is pretty good at evading enemy fire but her healing is not that strong and her ult is lackluster too. All in all not really a gamechanger. She’s not even the best healer in the game, people often seem to prefer Moira or Ana!
I’m not sure bringing mass rez back would be a smart idea, but a good start would be to at least bring her healing per second back up. If not to 60, then maybe 55?


If it relies entirely on the impatience of a player rather then the result of both participating in a fight then the problem becomes even worse.

If the answer to an issue is “let’s wait until mercy gets bored” then it is STARK indicator of an unhealthy design.

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Can copy-paste ubercharge instead: 8 s of invulnerability, but you have to keep your beam on teammate.

Just like success of rez relied on enemy being stupid with their ults, so it’s fair play.


From over a year ago.

Averages can be low. If the majority of people in a rank consistently perform poorly, it is a low skill rank.

Neither did mass rez.

No, “we” didn’t. I played in gold, plat, and diamond during mass rez and I never noticed this “epidemic”.

Based on…?
Here’s a hint: it’s feelings.

Which mass rez didn’t do.

Except it didn’t. It encouraged the opposite, because “hide n rez” almost always led to failure.

And then reviving them. If letting your team die to battle mercy is participating, then so is letting your team die to rez them.

No, it doesn’t. Valk actively encourages you to stay as far away from the fight as possible.

In order for mercy to mass rez, she has to reveal herself and participate in combat.

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Once again, fair play is not the issue.

The issue is a combat oriented game having an ability that encouraged you to not participate in a fight while your team PRETENDED to participate in a fight is unhealthy for the game.

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Then you clearly saw nothing yet. Ubercharge in TF2 directly discourages being in combat until it’s ready, as it’s being lost entirely, if you die. And even then, you would prefer to avoid combat, until moment is right.

Mass rez never did that, though. Some players using an ability poorly is not the fault of the ability.

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Let me explain it in more detail.

Mass rez could be used both as main support ult (bring back 1-2 players to keep fight going) or as defensive ult. Since below platinum single players aren’t very valuable, ideally you would use it as defensive ult. In tiers, where advantage of 2 players means nearly certain victory, it was used in different way.

It even had third way: using it for combat, being invulnerable for a short moment, or to get out of bad situation.


Can you update your post with other statistics like…

Main healers TOTAL healing through barriers and smaller walls/obstacles over 5 seconds
(base healing only):

Mercy: 250
Baptiste: 0
Ana: 0
Moira: 0


If you actually think that was the only reason for change then you’re delusional.

It was stupid game design, and anyone who doesn’t see that is blind. I mean, a rez from a safe place through walls that spans a huge amount of area with no direct counterplay? A main support who literally had to hide so they would be useful? That’s bad design, those aren’t feelings.