Mercy discussions remind me of Ralph Wiggum

You know, like when he’s standing there going I’m Helping!


here you go


100% agree (20 characters)

TLDR of 99% of Mercy discussions:
Mercy players: Give mass rez
Mercy players: Give different multi-rez
Mercy players: Give different multi-rez
Mercy players: Give different multi-rez
Repeat for over a year, while talking about almost nothing else

Occasionally you’ll get the:
Mercy players: Remove rez entirely

You’d think people would have gotten the hint by now that the devs really aren’t interested in multi-rez or removing rez.


Oh wow, with all your time spent in Mercy threads, I’d have thought you’d be a little less ignorant lol


Yikes, last second post-withdraw, almost triggred half the forum there.

Saved by the swift edit though.

Well, what’s your favorite Mercy change suggestion that doesn’t involve Multi-Rez or removing Rez?

I’ll bring it back, because it’s a bit simplistic, but I think it’s a legitimate point.

You are asking for too much sorry.

I’m pretty sure Mercy was nerfed not because of her mains(myself included), but those who said she was underwhelming.
I was a Mercy main and was okay with her when she had her REZ on ult.
After she got the “i’m a rock” nerf i stop playing her.
Standing still action? in a game where movement is basically the key to win?

  • Pro-active resurrect

  • Titanium’s pacify suggestion

  • An anchor target

  • A healing field

  • dmg reduction ability

Or that one rework targeted at raising Mercy’s skill level. Oh wait, that was mine, which got no feedback.


Maybe try posting your rework idea as a topic, instead of having it buried in some megathread somewhere?

That said the pacify thing is a damage reduction ability. Dunno if devs would go for a preemptive rez.

As for a GA anchor and a healing field. I posted something like that yesterday:

🍢 [Mercy] Spear of the Valkyrie

Oh it was it’s own thread, but it doesn’t exist anymore.

I wonder why, there are not a lot of Mercy threads here.

Maybe dust it off, edit it a bit, then repost it? Don’t think the megathread is coming back again.